OOC The Joining

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by PixelNinja, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. PixelNinja

    PixelNinja Void-Bound Voyager

    [EDIT 1: Added the plot to this thread
    EDIT 2: I reorganized the entire intro and removed the whole being able to come back to life bit and the Admins. Kinda realized it was a lil silly. Hopefully now its easier to read and understand. Just lemme know if you have any problems with it. Thanks.
    EDIT 3: Added the link to the RP thread]
    The world
    MesoCorp, the world largest Corporation. Its reach is far. It had its hands in everything. From cars to military weaponry. Seems like its influence covered everything. While everyone slept in their beds, MesoCorp scientists worked to further the world’s technology, as well as its own bank account. A while ago, before the ‘Incident’, they were tampering with something. Something that people shouldn’t have been messing with. In a press release, they declared they had succeeded in contacting another dimension. In reality, they opened up a portal or gate. No one knows what it is exactly except those scientists. Afterwards there were reports on the news of mysterious sightings. Elves, monsters, all that fairy tale shit. But then there were weirder ones. Stories of talking animals, suspicious people just appearing out of nowhere. Then it happened….MesoCorp took over. No one knows when or why it happened. One moment, everything was normal. The next, MesoCorp soldiers were walking down the streets going door to door and asking questions. Then all was quiet before a MesoCorp lab erupted in a huge explosion that lleveled a nearby town. After that, things seemed to be back to normal…aside from all the creatures living in our world that is. But there still lingers many questions like what exactly happened that caused that explosion? And where did all these people and creatures come from? Why is the government just allowing MesoCorp free reign? And what exactly is MesoCorp’s plans?

    Set in modern/futuristic times, the Earth is pretty much the same as it is now with some technological advances. For example everyone still drives normal cars but the military has power armor and laser weapons, hospitals are now able to cure what once were incurable diseases such as AIDS and cancer. Subtle changes. As mentioned above, MesoCorp was fiddling with a dimensional gate at one point and suffice to say, it worked yet failed at the same time. While it allowed for interaction with beings from different dimensions, an unforseen side effect was multiple beings being 'pulled' into our world. You will be playing as one of those numerous beings, or as a human if you so wish. Your goal? Its to discover what exactly happened with MesoCorp and what they plan on doing in the future. Will you stop them? Join them? Or take it for yourselves?
    • 1. Post something about the color Orange in your application so I know you read the rules.
    • 2. Please be decent to others. Even if your character is a jack ass, doesn't mean you have to be one. You will get only one warning. After that, I will end up killing off your character in a gruesome, yet comedic, fashion. And believe me, I can get creative.
    • 3. The simplest of them all: Dont GM or PP. If there is a fight between two characters don't worry. Unfortunately there isn't a way to completely stop godmodding, but there will be in the future. For now use your common sense. If you got three posts in a row with dodging everything, you will be given a warning for godmodding. It happens again, we will discuss the issue in private to see if you will be kicked out or not. See rule 1 for the punishment for gettin kicked out....
    • 4. Ok, i lied, this is the simplest. Just have fun!! :D I wanna see people get creative when coming up with a character. Just remember, don't go overboard with these freedoms. You may make them, but I will tell you to change it if its to over powered.
    • 5. I dont mind if there is any romance in here, but please...keep the bedroom aspects of it to yourselves. Not everyone wants the details.
    • 6. In order for me to know you actually read ALL these rules(yes i know rules are boring), forget rule 1 and just place taking a seat at the end of the application. Otherwise, you will not be granted access.
    This is the OOC thread. If you are participating in the RP, the RP can be found here http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/the-joining.26825/


    Appearance: (Can be a picture or a description. Your choice)
    Background: Give a basic history on your characters background
    Powers/abilities: (You start with 3 powers and/or abilities. Doesn't mean 3 of each. Just means 3. Except the admins, but they will know what to do when I reach them. As the RP goes on, the Admins and I will grant powers and abilities as they are needed and will edit the profiles accordingly)
    Equipment: Just label any weapons or gear they have on them.
    What brought you here?:
    What you plan on doing?: This isn't needed, but if you want you can put your plans for the rp.

    People So Far
    Demon of Borders
  2. PixelNinja

    PixelNinja Void-Bound Voyager

    Name: Kaleb "Kay" Kerin
    Species/Race: Kangaroo
    Appearance: Your average kangaroo, just only 4 feet tall and can talk. Has brown fur and a white underbelly with a scar over his left eye
    Background: A 22 year old anthromorphic kangaroo like creature with a slight....problem (He claims its not a problem as he enjoys every moment of it). It is unknown where his kind came from nor what their speices is. People claim his mental state is highly questionable, he claims hes possibly the sanest being on the planet. His father had beaten him sensless from the momemnt he got home from the hospital to about the age of 10 when in a drunken stupor, his father managed to lock himself in a freezer. Kay happily watched as his father slowly froze to death. He was put into an orphanage for troubled youths shortly after. Not even three months had gone by when the orphanage was burnt down, leaving Kay virtually unscathed. Later he said after an inceident involving a dodge ball, bow tie, and some oatmeal, he decided to let the orphanage be 'reborn from the flames of creation' along with everything and everyone inside. (he later admitted that he mainly did it for shits and giggles.) He is highly skilled at torture and murder.
    Powers/abilities: Is extremely proficeint with guns. is able to pull things out of his pouch that would,normally, be impossible to fit in there (much like an enchanted bag). He has a slight atunement to the powers of darkness.
    Equipment: He has a 50. caliber hand cannon in his pouch.
    What brought you here?: I created this thing :D
    What you plan on doing?: N/A
  3. sweet mother of mary that is some annoying text

    the color and size are both unflattering
  4. PixelNinja

    PixelNinja Void-Bound Voyager

    Sorry bout that haha. Not used to starting up a thread, but I shall make a note of it anc change it.
  5. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    I'm interested. I'll find the time to dream something up.
  6. eeeeeehh....I cant tell what the plots gonna be...I thought about joining, but its jsut a bit confusing for me.
  7. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Name: Bullet Shell:
    Species/Race: Biogard(anthro-cyborg bioweapn)
    Appearance: A scrawny female anthromorphic rabbit about 5 heads tall, with creamsicle orange fur and white long(waist long) hair and long droopy ears that seem bolted to her head by giant screws wearing a blue great coat(a type of trenchcoat)a few sizes too big, blue robot boots, a green cap, fingerless gloves, and mint-green underwear. Also tends to hide her blue eyes behind large, red tinted shades.
    Background: A victim of the top secret CYBOR-G program funded by a currently unknown corporation to create bio-mechanical weapons, Bullet Shell was originally a human whose age and id were rendered classifed during the research and remain uknown, even to her. Given a new body and no memories, she wanders the world as a mercenary for hire-looking to fill the empty space with new memories. The experiments conducted on Bullet Shell have gifted her with the power to eat metal objects and reform them from anypart of her body-which she puts to good use. Despite her origins, Bullet keeps a positive outlook on life. Contracters should be warned however, as she only follows a contract to its EXACT words.Estimated age: 16.
    Powers/Abilities: Has the abilty to consume metal alloy of anykind and reform it from any part of her body, however there's catch-Bullet can not consume resume regular food(Water doesn't count), doing so will make her sick. Also she can only reform up to three objects before having to rest for atleast two hours. Also, acid can make her extremely weakened if contact is made.
    Equipment: Two pockets full of nuts, bolts, screws, bullets, and scrapmetal-nothin' else.
    What bought you here: The chance to take part in somebody's created world/strenching my writer skills
    What you plan doing: Wandering the world, helping people and puting the greedy and corrupt in their place, being cool.

    *taking a seat*
  8. Ikbenbeter

    Ikbenbeter Pangalactic Porcupine

    I might just join this one.
  9. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    I feel out of place because all the characters so far are anthros.
  10. I still dont get what this rp is about ...its got ...a reason for races to exist...even though its a loosely put reason...but there no real plot or goal...
  11. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Maybe the goal should be to uncover the secrets behind MesoCorp, whether intentionally or by accident(depending on the character and their profession)...
  12. PixelNinja

    PixelNinja Void-Bound Voyager


    Yea, thats actually what I was gonna have it as. I was gonna put the plot in the actual RP board, but looking back on it, probably should place it in here.
  13. PixelNinja

    PixelNinja Void-Bound Voyager

    I understand. But you dont have to be an Anthro. Can be what ever you want.
  14. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    I suppose I should find the time to craft something up, maybe to get the hang of RPing or something.
    I'll likely make a nonhuman, since fantasy stuff is my schtick.
    If I do make a nonhuman, I'll likely make one that's ridiculously humanoid, just because I like it.
    I'm more likely to make a girl, since for some reason I find dreaming up characters of the opposite gender easier. For some reason.
    Also, I easily find myself completely lost in "freeform" situations - I need someone to at least tell me the gist of what to do, or at least the situation. Probably because of my mindset, that is somehow better molded to follow than lead.
    In any case, I'll be watching.
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  15. PixelNinja

    PixelNinja Void-Bound Voyager

    I put the plot up above. just read it and that's what the goal is.
  16. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Just a question, but when do you plan on starting the RP thread?...I'm looking forward to it :D

    Edit: I should've remembered we're still short on peopleX3 *facepalm*....next time I'll wait before asking a question.
  17. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Name: Omen

    Species/Race: Ghost-Lung (Oriental dragon (Deceased))

    Appearance: A three-toed Rainbow Dragon, but only appears as translucid. Only about 9 meters long; somewhat short for a Lung. Shines like rainbow film when moving, his body fidgiting sometimes from charms placed on his faraway body.

    Background: Being born a Rainbow Dragon and being the lowest rank of Lung did Omen no favors. He was hunted by an emperor because his wife was to give birth after a storm. The appearance of a rainbow (which Hongs create) signifies that a child that shouldn't be born will soon, well, be born. The emperor, unwilling to let his descendant be a curse, slaughtered Omen before the end of the storm. Since then, Omen's wandered around the Netherworld as the only ghost-Lung he could find. The traumatization of being slain by something so much smaller than him and being the only one of his kind to die like this has somewhat skewed him, rendering him auspicious and benevolent but horribly vile to just about anything that tries to start a fight. The various charms still affecting his deceased body also seem to randomly take a toll on his "body" and mind.

    Powers/abilities: Manipulating fortune, causing unusual phenomena, haunting

    Equipment: (A fuckton of) various magic charms, used for creating magic effects.

    What brought you here?: A portal. I was just browsing, and the idea of an "anything sort-of goes" RP was too good to pass up.

    What you plan on doing?: Since I don't have many conventional ways of fighting, I'll influence the battle indirectly and take a seat.
    BoltCrank likes this.
  18. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Nice character:up:
    A ghost-lung?....that's pretty awesome(and unique). You got style, man. and I like it:cool:
    The Demon of Borders likes this.
  19. PixelNinja

    PixelNinja Void-Bound Voyager

    Hahaha its alright. But I'm waiting for at least one more person before I make the thread. However, if no one else joins soon, Ill make it tonight
  20. PixelNinja

    PixelNinja Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the Ironman-ish theme...accepted :)

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