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Server Discussion [DEPRECATED] StarDanksCMS

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by danks_, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    I've searched my computer far and wide, I see no service and no .exe with that name. Also found no sketchy looking .exe files inside the appserv folder, it contains the following: Uninstall.exe, openssl.exe, php.exe php-cgi.exe, php-win.exe, mysqld-nt.exe, mysqldump.exe, mysql.exe, mysqladmin.exe, abs.exe, wintty.exe, rotatelogs.exe, logresolve.exe, httxt2dbm.exe, htpasswd.exe, htdigest.exe, htdbm.exe, htcacheclean.exe, ab.exe httpd.exe and openssl.exe a second time.

    I ran Malwarebytes, CCleaner and went a little overkill with AdwCleaner and ComboFix. I've got the Network Resource Monitor running most of the time, haven't caught anything weird either.

    The only thing I didn't get with appserv is phpMyAdmin, because they haven't updated since the first time I used it like 5 years ago, they are still using 2.10.3 and 4.0something is already out.
    Is it possible that the file you are talking about was located inside the phpMyAdmin folder? At least in my case, I've found nothing, and that's probably the only feature I didn't get when installing AppServ.

    I don't know if there's another pre-built package of Apache, PHP and MySQL other than WAMP, which I've made clear several times in the thread I dislike, so, at least for now, I'll keep using AppServ and will remove the link from the OP for prevention, just to be cautious.

    Thanks for letting know. +1
  2. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I could try and fix the cms for xampp / wampp, but i think now that you're using mysqli the problems should go away...

    [edit] Besides the fact that appserv hosts on a host located in thailand (seemingly) and is not updated very often, i haven't found any suspicious files or activity either...

    Maybe your PC was infected before and just spread to the latest installed software? Could also be related to the dated installer somehow.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2014
  3. teihoo

    teihoo Ketchup Robot

    Haven't found anything with AppServ either o_O the file in on sourcefourge for some good 8 months... not sure, but looks ok to me atm
  4. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Updates on v2!

    *New page.php
    -In the admin panel you will be able to create a new page, all you have to do is add a short name to the page, a title and some HTML content.
    -After that, add a new menu link, also in the admin panel, pointed to index.php?id=page&pid=[the short name you gave the page]
    This is how both About Us and Server Rules look, the 2 default pages that come in the database. Here's a picture of both:
    v2-3.PNG v2-4.PNG

    The url to the about us and to the server rules are index.php?id=page&pid=about and index.php?id=page&pid=rules, it's up to you if you want to have more pages, you'll just have to create them and add the link to the menu.

    *New Server Status
    -Currently working on getting the Linux version to work
    The website will check if the process is running on the machine instead of pinging the server, which means, no memory is wasted trying to get the server status.

    *News System
    -Based on RavenDust's system
    -I reworked how it looks a bit, also added a pagination system. Each page will show 2 news, ordered by desc creation date.
    -Only accounts market with admin are able to write news and delete them. They can be deleted directly where they are shown.
    -News are shown only on the index.php website.
    -There's also a second news system, this one only appears on both Mod and Admin Panel. Totally exclusive to accounts with higher permissions. (mod.php and admin.php)
    v2-2.PNG v2-5.PNG v2-7.PNG

    *New Account System and Login & New Menu System
    -Both staff accounts and user accounts are added into the same database and both accounts are registered into the accesscontrol.config file.
    -You can set new staff accounts from the Admin Panel (or by editing the account values on mysql)
    -Same login for everyone.
    This is how it looks when you configure your menu categories and items correctly and login with an Administrator account. (All these will be included as default data)
    As you can see, the login and register option has automatically disappeared from the website menu and there a new categories showing.
    Login can be accessed either by going to login.php (Like on the old login system) or using index.php?id=login
    There will be no need to change between Staff Panels, menus are the same in every website
    evilsky, Surrealer and RavenDust like this.
  5. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I love it :D
  6. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Mod Panel & Admin Panel are almost done, just need to rework the add/edit news and make it work both for staff news and homepage news. (News Manager)
    v2-11.PNG v2-9.PNG v2-10.PNG

    Updated Account List, click on the name to check for the email. Red names are administrators, green names are moderators and black names are users.

    Still don't know whether to add the Server Mod List (list all mods installed on server)
    Still need to rework install.php (fresh install mandatory, too many database changes)

    After that, small fixes like making sure all pages have the right titles, etc.
    Again, if you want to see a new feature, this is the perfect time to let me know.
    evilsky and Surrealer like this.
  7. Surrealer

    Surrealer Aquatic Astronaut

    An option for download links to the installed mods would be great and a list for "important / home sector".
  8. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You could add a feature to the mod page to download them as a zipped package for easier installation. I think it's pretty important to have a mods page, sou you can see what to install as a new player and/or decide if you even want to play there (if it's an open/public server anyways).

    Dunno about other features, it's pretty perfect already^^ Maybe something to set the motd of the server?
  9. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Yeah, the mod reader already does that.

    It reads the .modinfo file and searchs for "Metadata" : { "link" : "HTTTP" } }, you can link people to the respective mod page and let them download the file.
    I also editted the .modinfo generator to match what the mod list needs, since no mod creator ever adds the link, you'd have to do it manually.

    About MOTD, this is fairly easy, but it's not a vanilla option.
  10. teihoo

    teihoo Ketchup Robot

    Might also add "support_url" and "link" - seen a lot of mods have support_url rather then link.
    danks_ likes this.
  11. sarahwalker

    sarahwalker Space Hobo

    Hey! just have a quick question. Since this isnt a wrapper or anything, does that mean this would work for any version of Starbound? If not, does this version work with Furious Koala?

    I've been waiting for an awesome admin tool, a website is even better!

    Thank you for your time!
  12. teihoo

    teihoo Ketchup Robot

    I am also a bit confused how the user registration and banning works? Are these just webpage users, and what can they do? What's the point in selecting a server admin/moderator etc from the logged on characters? Is this just the visual representation, so ppl looking at the website can differentiate different users logged in?

    Just for the website, it looks cool and provides some basic information about the server. I'm not sure right now, what else it can do with the server - apart from reading the log file. Did try it, but im not sure what did I benefit from selecting myself as the administrator - i can't do anything more ingame - which I would assume is correct, since its not a wrapper. But how do I ban/white list ppl, or if I can make server accounts ppl would need to use to login the server?

    Well I'll be poking around with this one a bit more, cause it looks cool.
  13. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    @sarahwalker & @teihoo
    When a user registers, it's not just a website account that is added, an account is added to the accesscontrol.config file. Let's say you change your server password once a week, those who registered an account can login using the account they created while those who didn't need to ask for the server password again.
    The ban functions work just as well. They add an account, a character name or an IP to the ban list of the accesscontrol.config file. Right now, it's kinda lame, I know, because you have to restart the server in order for it to load the new accesscontrol.config, but hey, this won't be like this for ever, one day the devs will fix this!

    The game has already some tools without the need of a wrapper, they just aren't done yet. Why am I making this website then? Because eventually the server won't need a wrapper in order to ban people.
    About adding mods and administrators, I think it's pretty obvious that right now they just make characters green and red on the website.

    I won't be adding wrapper specific features until the vanilla server is fully developed. After that, I'll start looking into it.
    teihoo likes this.
  14. teihoo

    teihoo Ketchup Robot

    Its a wonderful project you started. All looks good and it is quite helpful indeed. Now that youve explained basic functionality of user management i think i like it even more since its np to restart server on my end while it's not rly public yet. Thanks a lot!
    danks_ likes this.
  15. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    So, update is not done today and I'm going to have a busy day today, so I won't get much done today.
    I'll try and get back to it tomorrow, maybe tonight if I'm done early.
    teihoo likes this.
  16. mettalmag

    mettalmag Void-Bound Voyager

    I've got a stupid issue :(

    when I run installation of AppServ 2.5.10 it stucks on installing MySQL :/

    can I run it on another version of AppServ ?

    I tried to search the issue itself but found nothing

    I also tried to delete everything restart the system and reinstall appserv but same happened

    If anyone got any idea that would help me to solve this I'd be glad to hear it ♥
  17. rednight69

    rednight69 Big Damn Hero

    ok, so I fixed the issue I had before and ran into a different one, followed everything and have it all right but when I get to the whole start server, I click on it and nothing happens, I can see it start up the program and give it 15 min to see what before I open another browser tab to see if it's online, still says it's offline, can I get any help with this perhaps?
  18. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd wait for the new version. I'll look into that and see if it's compatible with XAMPP, if not, i'll try to make it so :)
  19. mettalmag

    mettalmag Void-Bound Voyager

    XAMPP would be great I'm more familiar with that
  20. mettalmag

    mettalmag Void-Bound Voyager

    run website and server on separate machines ?

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