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Server Discussion [DEPRECATED] StarDanksCMS

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by danks_, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. omgmynameisjacobe

    omgmynameisjacobe Space Hobo

    I guess I figured it out, I originally couldnt get the install.php script to work, so I created a new folder and stuck just the stuff necessary for install to run in it, and then ran the script and it gave me the following for admin:admin1234
    From my SQL tables under 'admin'
    Username: admin
    Password: 24c4fdb419d32f1881841469f7c385c96af2b8b19153fd670eebd0a7b1ca2db7
    Salt: 204970096452db6962ac7169.58434037
  2. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Logo was added! The PSD of the logo will be included when the next version is uploaded.
    Logo will also work as a link to the Website URL (which can be edited during install or website tools -> website options on the admin panel)

    RavenDust and Surrealer like this.
  3. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Spawn Planet Manager is working, it will create a .backup of your spawn.world file.
    You will be able to set the Spawn World file name both in the installation and the Website Options in the admin panel.

    If you go into starbound.config file, you will find that the spawn name looks something like: alpha:-88345864:-20166820:6640933:9
    If you go into your universe folder, you will find that the spawn file's name looks like this: alpha_-88345864_-20166820_6640933_9.world
    All you have to do is set Spawn World to "alpha_-88345864_-20166820_6640933_9" without the quotes, ignoring the .world extension.

    The first time you go into the spawn manager, insert a reason and click Backup, the website will then create a file named: alpha_-88345864_-20166820_6640933_9.world.backup

    It also creates a log in the MySQL, it will only show the last 4 backups or restores made, when they were made, what was made and who did it. (Admin login name, you can add multiple admin accounts in the admin panel since v1)
    Surrealer and bkg like this.
  4. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Sup guys, I just released v1.4 and added the sql dump on the first post in case you can't into install.php for some weird reason.
    Changelog 1.4
    +Spawn World Manager added (Backup/Restore)
    +Added website logo (images/logo.png)
    +Included logo.psd in the images folder
    +Fixed log.class.php error on line 129

    There are some features I've been thinking about like a plugin system, that would make it easier for those interested to create their own scripts, drop the .php file on a folder and have it go right on the website, no need to do weird things.
    I've seen a couple of people that haven't changed the Quick Link on their websites, you can easily edit that menu, it's located in the folder called 'html', the file is menu.html, just change the existing <li>'s and add new ones if you wish, same goes for about.html!

    If you have any features you'd like added to the website (not Wrapper related) or have any ideas, feedback, send me a PM or post it here, if its doable I'll make it happen.
    Surrealer likes this.
  5. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    Great update, thanks man looking good :)
    danks_ likes this.
  6. Surrealer

    Surrealer Aquatic Astronaut

    danks_ likes this.
  7. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    I'll look into it straightaway surrealer, but it should be working, try giving adminc/remac.php CHMOD 775, same goes for the accesscontrol.config, maybe give accesscontrol 777 and try again, I've been having some trouble with linux servers because sometimes apache doesn't have enough rights to overwrite files. Also make sure that the universe path is correct (it should look exactly like the log path, but with /universe/ at the end).

    I'm pretty confident it was working last time I used it, but I'll look at it again just to be sure. Hang in there for a bit.

    As for the link you posted, yes, when I started working on the manager I was using Tinderlight's website to guide myself in the right direction, I'll continue soon enough with that. (I actually already added him to the credits).

    Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciated!
  8. Surrealer

    Surrealer Aquatic Astronaut

    It's weird, they are added - but not removed...
    danks_ likes this.
  9. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    You don't have to re-download, just go into adminc folder, open remacc.php erase everything, paste the contents of the spoiler inside and save.

    $do = new Register();
    if(isset($_POST['delete'])) {
    $idd = $_POST['delete'];
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * from accounts where id = '".$idd."'");
    $userData = mysql_fetch_array($query);
    $string = $userData['account'];
    $mkw = $do->removeAccount($string);
    $mkw2 = $do->writeData();
    $mkw3 = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `accounts` WHERE id = '$idd'");
    if ($mkw == 'true' && $mkw2 == "true" && $mkw3) {
    echo "The account number [".$idd."][".$string."] was removed from the list.";
    else {
    echo "There was an error removing the account.";
    echo "<br><br>";
    { }

    $retrieve = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id != 0");
    $acc1 = array();
    while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($retrieve) ) { $acc1[] = $row['id']; }

    <table id="rounded-corner" summary="2007 Major IT Companies' Profit">
    <th scope="col" class="rounded">ID</th>
    <th scope="col" class="rounded">Account</th>
    <th scope="col" class="rounded">E-Mail</th>
    <th scope="col" class="rounded">Steam</th>
    <th scope="col" class="rounded">Date</th>
    <th scope="col" class="rounded">Key Used</th>
    <th scope="col" class="rounded">IP</th>
    <th scope="col" class="rounded-q4">Delete</th>

    <? if (count($acc1) > 0) { foreach($acc1 as $v) {
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * from accounts where id = '".$v."'");
    $userData = mysql_fetch_array($query); ?>
    <tr><td width=""><?= $v ?></td>
    <td width=""><?= $userData['account']; ?></td>
    <td width=""><?= $userData['email']; ?></td>
    <td width=""><?= $userData['steam']; ?></td>
    <td width=""><?= $userData['date']; ?></td>
    <td width=""><?= $userData['keyreg']; ?></td>
    <td width=""><?= $userData['IP']; ?></td>
    <td><form action="" method="post"><button name="submit" type="submit" value="x"><img src="images/trash.png" alt="" title="" border="0" /></a><input type="hidden" name="delete" value="<?= $v ?>" /></form></td></tr>
    <? } }
    else { ?>
    <td colspan="6" class="rounded-foot-left"><em>There are no Registered accounts at this time.</em></td>
    <td class="rounded-foot-right">&nbsp;</td>

    <? } ?>

  10. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey, thanks for making your cms public :) Looks awesome, but there are still a few coding issues here and there, mainly missing "isset" thingies - everything works as intended so far though. Keep up the good work!
    danks_ likes this.
  11. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Trying my best, if you can point me to the isset thingies that are missing I'll get them fixed next update.
    If you are talking about the isset pointers on the install.php, it's meant not to work to avoid people jumping over the config.php creator. If you leave install.php and don't change it and you are able to jump to the page where you can create an admin account, people could hijack the website easy.
  12. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Got no errors with install.php whatsoever, but
    Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /home/starbound/web/inc/log.class.php on line 129
    appears from time to time, , even though i installed 1.4. I had no previous version installed, so... No idea^^ Also
    Notice: Undefined index: id
    in some of the pages, mainly in the menus and stuff - fixewd them in my installation already. Just add a few
    if (isset($_REQUEST['id']))
    in the right places, et voila^^
  13. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    well, the only person that had the error about implode 129 got fixed by the change I made on it and the BKG website also no longer shows that error, might have to re-upload see if that fixes it. It might also have to do with the number of exceptions made, it may have to do with no exceptions being made and the website trying to implode something that doesn't exist, will look into it later.

    if(isset($_REQUEST['id'])) are located on the header, to change the website title (for now) and on the index.php and admin.php, can you tell me exactly which were missing? I'd like to fix them...
  14. Fenrirthviti

    Fenrirthviti Tentacle Wrangler

    Going to do a clean install of the newest version, we'll see if the database access/write issues I was having are still present. Will report back asap. Good to see progress!

    EDIT: Install went smoothly, no issues. Database updates appear to be working properly. I know you mentioned earlier you'd be dropping cutenews, but in the meantime cutenews still does not work. I cannot edit/add any new posts.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
    danks_ likes this.
  15. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Oh, well seems like I'll have to replace Cutenews faster than I thought I would have to...

    Expected for 1.5
    • Mod Panel (Smaller Admin Panel with less features, will sure prove useful in the future) [Will need fresh db install]
    • Mod List (List of all the mods installed in the server +location,author,name,dependencies,SBVerison and Link to Mod in forums [Option to make it public or private only])
    • Fixed CuteNews or a replacement to it.
    • Deletion of unused files sitting there for some reason.
    +mod panel is ready
    +mod list is almost ready
  16. Fenrirthviti

    Fenrirthviti Tentacle Wrangler

    Nice, sounds pretty good. I would suggest holding off on releasing though, as there is supposed to be a major patch out today (01/20). Twitter updates from some of the game devs have hinted at such. There might be some major server changes with this patch that will break log.class.php parsing of the server logs.
  17. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Oh righ! Gotta wait a bit then :)
  18. RavenDust

    RavenDust Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm... I know for a fact that the log isn't empty, there are always at least 2 exceptions (something about a missing skyrail-chip...), might be an access error though.
    Strange... I looked in all the files, haven't found a single one... Nevertheless, i corrrected that and put it into patch files (attached).

    Attached Files:

    danks_ likes this.
  19. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex

    Well, my local server drops no exceptions (and no errors) and all I've seen in other servers is this list:

    ItemException: No such item 'BobaHead'1
    ItemException: No such item 'BobaPants'1
    ItemException: No such item 'butterfly'30
    ItemException: No such item 'cheatfuel'3
    ItemException: No such item 'cheatmatter'220
    ItemException: No such item 'invischest'2
    ItemException: No such item 'invislegs'2
    ItemException: No such item 'tfuel'5
    ItemException: No such item 'vadercape'5
    ItemException: No such item 'vaderchest'5
    ItemException: No such item 'vaderhead'5
    ItemException: No such item 'vaderlegs'5
    ObjectException: No such object named 'cheatingtable'4
    ObjectException: No such object named 'spawningtable'2

    which is clearly users with modded cheats.

    And thanks for the patch, I'll look straight into it.
  20. danks_

    danks_ Existential Complex


    No patch today!

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