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Ship Wipe?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Brobrosmith, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. Brobrosmith

    Brobrosmith Poptop Tamer

    So today I got on Starbound and went to my ship, only to see that all of my things where gone!
    My metal bars, robotic crafting table, metalwork station, EVERYTHING.
    The ship looks like it has been completely reset but i still have full Usurpers armor and all my tech.

    I mean if it was because of an update, okay, but if it is a bug...there ya go.
    zortbg likes this.
  2. zortbg

    zortbg Cosmic Narwhal

    there are at least 1 more threads like your problem.
    Change log note: http://pastebin.com/qJXf3LSE

    yes, the update does reset ships.
    Serenity and Brobrosmith like this.
  3. Brobrosmith

    Brobrosmith Poptop Tamer

    oh ok thanks
    zortbg likes this.
  4. Flux Wildly

    Flux Wildly Big Damn Hero

    Kinda glad they did wipe ships, gave me an excuse for installing new ship models for characters, tho it would be painful to collect all the blocks(since you can't 3d printer them). But all the stuff you did use in 3d Printer is saved!
    zortbg and Serenity like this.
  5. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Duplicate use search next time please op.
    zortbg likes this.
  6. BRAWW

    BRAWW Vice-President of the Red Gang

    zortbg and Serenity like this.
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