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Server - How To (Windows 7) Stage 1 Progenitor

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Taeleon, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Taeleon

    Taeleon Master Chief

    Edit: @OJ7 made a video summary of this guide.
    Hopefully this helps you folks; i got it working for me. This is everything I've Done. (as we speak, i'm currently hiding in a hole from monsters). Please excuse spelling mistakes and what-not, i'm trying to do this quick to help those that are having trouble - definitely for those who have been itching to play this as much as i have.

    I've spent the last hour rummaging through Google and these forums trying to gather information.

    At the bottom of this post is some extra information that is in this thread, added to this post to save you some time filtering through. Feel free to post if it does, or does not work. Ill try to help to the best of my ability.

    (This information MAY be different for you! Please keep that in mind)

    I'm running Windows 7 64 Bit

    Don't run the Launcher/Game through steam. Not yet.

    Firstly, lets make sure everything is running in admin mode. If it - or isn't - shouldn't change that we should do it anyway. You can find these files in;

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32


    In your Steam library, go to properties>LOCAL FILES> BROWSE LOCAL FILES
    Your folder explorer will open up, now go;


    and find the Starbound files, it'l be the ones with Penguin icons. Theyre also called starbound(application), starbound(icon), starbound_opengl(application) and starbound_server(application).

    The starbound(application),starbound_server(application) we need to run in admin. SO right click>properties>compatibility> run as administrator for those 2 files.

    Done? Good. Hold! We arent finished yet.

    In your folder explorer, head to

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\assets

    (again, may be different, dont be scared to look around, youll be doing plenty of exploring once your in game, so get used to it!)

    find the file 'server' and open that up. Its going to have a lot of stuff you dont understand. Dont worry, im gonna hold your hand. Edit the following line of gobbledygoop. Credit to Shendarai;

    Okay, we're done for editing stuff.

    WARNING: Dont fiddle too much with your routers settings, i suggest you find its make and model, and google specifically what you need.

    Next step, YOUR ROUTER, find it, either or what not, you can google how to do this if you dont know, im not gonna waste your time explaining. But what you DO want to do, is find your Port Forwarding, and allow 21025 to be triggered. Or run a Virtual Server, still use this port, 21025.

    You need make your Router act as though it doesnt "exist" In the sense that any Connections to You, bypass the Router and go to your PC. For me, its called Virtual Server, i use a TP-Link router. In the settings itl require your PCs IP address, given to you by your DHCP (inside the router). So find the DHCP client list, find your computer, write down that address, then find how to set up a Virtual Server. You MAY be able to find how to do this in your port fowarding, if there is a box to add in Where the Port should go (for Incomming traffic, i believe. Outgoing would be the 21025).

    WE should be Done. Run Starbound from Steam, launcher will pop up, hit the server button, LET IT RUN. Itl stop after a while, when you see 'Info; Shutting down world alpha-' Thats the Sign that the Gods have smiled upon you. Dont fret, what this means is that theres No Worlds in your Universe/No Players, etc.

    I hope this helps you guys. Reply if it does, or if it doesnt please. I dont know much about this stuff, but maybe if you encounter a problem i can try to help.

    Best of luck out there!


    (Edit: If a mod can set the prefic (if think) to Server Help, thatd be great!)
    (Edit 2: Added in information to save you scrolling!)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013
    Eragonlink1, Neszy and LucullusEleven like this.
  2. Alnaut

    Alnaut Orbital Explorer

    Thanks for the help, I wanted to start the game with my friends.
  3. R234

    R234 Contact!

    How do you join your own server? "localhost" doesn't work...


    Wait, never mind. Forgot you can type your own IP. Derp :p
  4. Taeleon

    Taeleon Master Chief

  5. Iamquest

    Iamquest Space Spelunker

    Still won't work for me.
  6. LucullusEleven

    LucullusEleven Space Spelunker

    Worked perfectly! Thank you very much.
  7. R234

    R234 Contact!

    Still doesn't work... Portforwarded, did evrything you said, but I can't even connect to my own server, neither can anyone else......
  8. Taeleon

    Taeleon Master Chief

    What errors/etc are appearing?
  9. R234

    R234 Contact!

    "Client connect failed! Error connecting to" etc.
  10. Taeleon

    Taeleon Master Chief

    The server application is running fine tho? No errors pop up from that? Only from the Starbound game client?
  11. Iamquest

    Iamquest Space Spelunker

  12. R234

    R234 Contact!

    I'll be damned if I can make sense of the ton of stuff it displays, honestly.

    I can connect if I type or my local IP, though strangely enough I'm in my cahracter's world, not the server's (or is that how it's supposed to work??) My friend still can't connect whatever they do though.
  13. wolfgirl1842

    wolfgirl1842 Aquatic Astronaut

    client connection failed error connecting to : '(insert ip) ' port '21025'

    alot of us are haveing this problem cant seem to fix it
    have tryed checked the port , fire walls ect... no luck
  14. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    Also won't work for me. On top of that, if I try to run Starbound.exe in admin mode, it won't let me because it says that the program is already running. It launches the launcher, but clicking the "Launch Starbound" button does nothing.
  15. Taeleon

    Taeleon Master Chief

    On my server i appeared in my SinglePlayer world also.

    Okay so the problem lies in your router. Its hard to explain, as each router is different, but the general jist is; You need make your Router act as though it doesnt "exist" In the sense that any Connections to You, bypass the Router and go to your PC. For me, its called Virtual Server, i use a TP-Link router. In the settings itl require your PCs IP address, given to you by your DHCP (inside the router). So find the DHCP client list, find your computer, write down that address, then find how to set up a Virtual Server. You MAY be able to find how to do this in your port fowarding, if there is a box to add in Where the Port should go (for Incomming traffic, i believe. Outgoing would be the 21025).

    Dont fiddle too much with your routers settings tho, i suggest you find its make and model, and google specificly what you need.

    Long story short, the Client can only connect to a localhost ip (such as or Your external IP (what your internet provider gives you - this will never change. Again, use whatismyip to find this).
  16. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    OK, so I fiddled around with it, and at the very least, now I'm able to join my own server. We'll see about my fiance who is in the same room but a different computer. Still, it's a big step towards success.

    edit: OK yay it works for both of us. I initially incorrectly portfowarded or something.
  17. Taeleon

    Taeleon Master Chief

    For your partner to connect, they too can use the ISP's (your internet) IP address, or Your computer's IP address, so long as both are connected to the same network (which im sure is obvious, but id rather explain so we all understand)
  18. Dragonblud

    Dragonblud Aquatic Astronaut

    How do i create a world for the server to use then? because i still can't connect to my own server, still saying 'Info; Shutting down world alpha-'
  19. Taeleon

    Taeleon Master Chief

    That is fine! The world is made! Just connect!
  20. krat90

    krat90 Void-Bound Voyager

    This may be a stupid question, but how do I know when the server is loaded? Right now I have a line that says:
    Warn: Perf: Universe Server::run.innerloop millis: 168

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