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Post your Character!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Underoath586, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Hugt

    Hugt Phantasmal Quasar

    Gentlemen, prepare yourselves.
  2. Warlay

    Warlay Space, The Final Frontier

    Tried my go at a robot. Awesomeness ensues.


    So many head/hat/hair options for Robots... It's AMAZING
  3. Stedms

    Stedms Void-Bound Voyager

    Made a bird, yup. And no, its not a penguin its a...a...not a penguin :wtf:

  4. Coulin

    Coulin Void-Bound Voyager

    Whoop, heres mine.
    I think he's looking at something...
  5. BamBamZX

    BamBamZX Master Chief

    ElvisPenguin.png Elvis the penguin.
    Keeper likes this.
  6. Kaimos

    Kaimos Void-Bound Voyager

    Ninja Fishman! I shall be lurking in all your ponds, lakes, rivers, oceans, pools and toilets! Yes, even in the bathroom, you are not safe... *-*

    download (3).png
    LastDay likes this.
  7. MoonBanana

    MoonBanana Space Spelunker

    My attempt at my two favorite space cowboys, Malcolm Reynolds and spike.
    MalReynoldsFirefly.JPG download (3).png images.jpg download (2).png
  8. Vespers

    Vespers Pangalactic Porcupine

    Roulette spammed for something interesting.
    LulItsIan likes this.
  9. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    M-... mor-... more. Must... post.... m- more.
  10. Arashi1018

    Arashi1018 Aquatic Astronaut

  11. Alceris

    Alceris Pangalactic Porcupine

    I made this. Gloriousautumncolors.png Glorious autumn colors!​

    Edit: Minor change, because of new features.
    Keeper likes this.
  12. Captain Glacius

    Captain Glacius Sandwich Man


    It didn't give me a nice pretty .png so I had to open what it did give me in another program, thus, white background. :lod:
  13. Warlay

    Warlay Space, The Final Frontier

    New character. Ninja Hylotl... because nobody realizes they seem to have somewhat of Japanese/Chinese styled clothing. [​IMG]
  14. Shot846

    Shot846 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ya my avatar ;)
  15. YuriSensen

    YuriSensen Aquatic Astronaut

    Here's my quick attempt at a character. Very basic imo, but I didn't really put a whole lot of time into this one. I'll prob edit this with another image if I get into it.

    Edit - Changed the belly. Didn't realize how it was until just now.

    Attached Files:

  16. Kaimos

    Kaimos Void-Bound Voyager

    Just 'cause I got a few more ideas in my head for each race xD

    starbound1.png starbound2.png starbound3.png starbound4.png starbound5.png

    Yaxlat, Huntrex and Warlay like this.
  17. Slime

    Slime Aquatic Astronaut

    I've been having a lot of fun with the character creation lately...
  18. TehWavy

    TehWavy Aquatic Astronaut

    Kinda looks like some sort of pirate monkey. I like!
  19. Kaimos

    Kaimos Void-Bound Voyager

    "Monkey" D. Luffy? -.o Har har har!
    Duroth likes this.
  20. NearlyNothing

    NearlyNothing Void-Bound Voyager

    I hope mine hasn't been done before ;-;
    Banzhe likes this.

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