OOC Planet H3R01CS, sign-up

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. god dammit, we have a new catch phrase

    It's really, say it with me everybody: HAIL MERCER (because wussy folks can't handle the holocaust heat: said thus by a jewish man)
  2. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    well actually I speak English just don't understand when to do punctuation
  3. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    With the help of Google Translate:


  4. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The lack of punctuation makes want to read it as one continuos sentence. Try it. Read the whole thing, out loud, without taking a breathe.

    Now try it with an Arabian accent.

    Now you are qualified to operate a gas station.
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  5. thats a bit racist
  6. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    He's YOUR brother.
    And since Im Indian and closely related, IM OFFENDED
  7. 2ktaco

    2ktaco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Really? Wouldnt've thunk it seeing as Saudi Arabia is pretty far away on the other side of the Arabian Ocean. Learned something new today. *High fives self*

    Edit: I love how your pic is pointing at "that's a bit racist" as if to say "Damn right, gurl."
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2013
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  8. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Oh, my character is done and got approved, I just need to post it on here, I was doing it in chat so as not to clutter this up with failed attempts and out of fear of metagaming, I'll post it pretty soon. :3
    Alaizia Darkstar likes this.
  9. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Maybe closely related as in both are stereotyped to work in convenience stores...? Food for thought... :unsure:
  10. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Name: Saryn (Pronounced Ser-in)

    Surname: Korris

    Alias/Superhero name: Blackwatch


    Physical Appearance: Male, lighter skin, black hair, green eyes. Dresses in a long black coat, black boots, black shirt, black pants, and a mask that wraps around the lower half of his face, obscuring everything below his eyes.

    Mental State: 3-4, He varies between thinking about his actions and approaching things logically, and being rash and impulsive. “Losing it” can send him into a cold and deadly rage. Using his powers can make this worsen due to their dark nature

    Moral Inclination: Anti-Hero, mostly does what he wants, but doesn’t cause undue chaos when it can be avoided. While he tries to stop those who use their powers for evil, he also on occasion, ends up fighting heroes who he feels overstep their bounds. Due to the unsettling and dark nature of his powers, he’ll often be the victim of prejudice by judgmental heroes who assume he’s bad, regardless of the good he does. When someone gets in his way, “Good” or “Evil” ceases to matter, they will be removed from his way, by force if necessary. He has no qualms about killing those he deems too dangerous to live.

    Power: Dark energy manipulation

    Shadow armory: The dark energy can be concentrated into a metal-like substance that is completely black. It doesn’t conduct electricity, it instead devours it. He can shape the concentrated energy to cover parts of his body, or even into an object like a sword, spear, or a shield. This happens with a moment’s thought of the weapon or object, and can be practically anything he imagines. The object cannot be dropped, and if he chooses to withdraw it, it retreats back into him quickly. The Concentrated energy can give off a blast if he focuses it through the weapon, like a slash from a sword, a thrust from a spear, or really any kinetic movement of the pre-concentrated energy. These blasts are only accurate at closer ranges about (30 ft.). They are concussive in nature and can blast targets back or through them, or knock them over, etc. Doing this continuously can strain his stamina.

    Weakness: (Not telling any of you, but I did discuss it with Phan so there you go... :p)

    Background: For as long as he can remember, Saryn felt a pressure coming from somewhere in his mind, like something pushing to get through. He did his best to suppress it as he grew, for it gave him an uneasy feeling. In his teens, his family was attacked while they were out. The fear and stress allowed the mental block he put in place to slip. He let out an uncontrolled blast that killed their assailants but also his parents. In anguish he fled, leaving behind his normal life. He focused only on controlling his power so he wouldn’t hurt anyone anymore. He developed control, though it was still imperfect. He began to a life as a vigilante, fighting against those who use their powers to destroy and harm. He tries to keep some distance between himself and others, rarely liking to work closely with other people for fear of harming them. Having been training and fighting for many years, he is competent in combat. He prefers subterfuge and sneaking but can certainly hold his own in a fight. He’s strategic, intelligent, and can be sarcastic.
  11. >Saryn
    >Immediately thought of this

    >is a male RP character
  12. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Actually, no, not really.
    We've been trading with them for MILLENIA!
    Also, yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My thoughts EXACTLY!
  13. Saryn does toxic....

    Nova( the one I use ) does dark matter manip
  14. StarWalker

    StarWalker Void-Bound Voyager

    Name: Honey

    Surname: N/A

    Age: 4

    Physical Appearance: A white female german sheperd with a scar across the bridge of her muzzle.

    Mental State ( 1 is sane, 10 is absolute bonkers ): 2 (abandonment issues.)

    Moral Inclination ( Full Hero, Anti Hero, Anti Villain, Full Villain ): Anti-Villain

    Power : Organic Manipulation.

    Weakness ( make it difficult to guess, you don't want to be stabbed in the back easily do you? ): Deadly Viruses, She has to stop Transforming for anywhere from 4 hours to 2 days.

    Background ( state how you got your power, magical awakening, or genetic mutation at a certain age ): Honey was born to a set of dog breeders known as the Jones. When Honey was born she was going to be disposed of as the runt of the litter. The Jones were about to take her out back with a hammer when a capsule crashed into their barn, knocking the couple out. Honey walked into the barn, as a unknown force was drawing her in. As she arrived a thick yellowish blob sucked her and the Jones into it. She felt afraid but she felt like she needed to see this even as a puppy she wanted to see more. Be better and change her fate. She awoke and walked out of the cocoon in a human body with her canine head, she knew everything the Jones knew. She learned that her humans were going to kill her, she decided that she had enough and would use her new found power to make a paradise of her prey and her siblings. She would not let another human kill her kind. As she made this decision the only child of the jones walked out and screaming seeing her presents. With a simple touch she transformed him into Large werewolf-like creature before sending him out on his own. She entered the house and did the same to each and every one of her siblings, with her parents she turned them into two large egg like cocoons.

    She now calls herself honey after the yellow substance that has given her this new lease on life.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  15. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    I would propose this be called a major power, the sanity be at seven, and say that she is a full villain, because really, what kind of a creature transforms a child into a werewolf? lol, anyways, pretty good, a non human character, you'll still have to wait till new White.
  16. StarWalker

    StarWalker Void-Bound Voyager

    I counter that because, She isn't insane but she doesn't fully understand humans, She thinks she is helping to give her kind a chance against humans who would kill her. A major power I agree with. Look again I'm going to change up her power to match it being a major power.
  17. you should check out power wiki to help with that...your weakness and power dont match up.
  18. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Again, more fodder to the shredder known as the NUKE!

    No, seriously, don't even THINK, about making Alex into one of DEM!
    Because, he's already half crazy, and is REALLY powerful. Like, regenerating constantly, powerful.
    Add something like becoming on of them to it.
  19. StarWalker

    StarWalker Void-Bound Voyager

    THERE IS A WIKI?! Corrections to ensue!
  20. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Its mostly useless, actually.
    Not very well done in several places.
    But, it DOES help

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