Mythological Worlds

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Vaux, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. Vaux

    Vaux Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi all, this idea is pretty simple, it's consist at make worlds based on different mythologies, ex:

    Legend Home:
    Based on occidental mythologies (like matter of britain/france, celtic mythologie, ect...), we can found in this world legendary object (like excalibur, gae bolga, joyeuse, ect...) and fight legendary creature (like dragons) and differents human hostile or not)

    Based on the religions of the book (location in near east), we can found holy spear, holy graal, seal solomon, holy grenade of antioch (I know you love it) ect...
    We could imagine interaction betwen objet of "Legend home"

    Greek mythology, we could imagine a map with lot of isle (and boss in their isle like medusa, cyclops, ect...)

    And the same things for norse, eastern europe, egyptian, mesopotamian, african, asian and americans mythologies

    Sorry for my english and I hope you like my ideas !

    You can also read my other suggestions:
    -Genetics, (monsters) reproduction and pets: about create your own monster and make monster farming
    -[event quest] Pandora's Box: A quest based on Pandora's box and 7 sins
  2. NeKoNeKo

    NeKoNeKo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wonder how labyrinth would look in 2D with minotaur in it.
  3. Doctor Whooves

    Doctor Whooves Starship Captain

    Not a bad idea, you could even have entire planets dedicated to different cultures in mythology, instead of just the one. Now I totally want a sphinx boss!
  4. KiWiKaKi

    KiWiKaKi Orbital Explorer

    I love that , i think ancient civilizations worlds should exist with all their fantastic elements
  5. Vaidred

    Vaidred Phantasmal Quasar

    sweet man! :D sounds cool!
  6. Camelslayer

    Camelslayer Cosmic Narwhal

    I won't deny that it sounds like an interesting idea, but ehh... I don't think it'd fit. If it was a Sci-Fi / Fantasy game rather than just Sci-Fi then maybe it'd work, but unless there's unknown fantasy elements that we're unaware of, I personally don't think it'd work. Sci-Fi and Fantasy can go well together, Star Wars is indeed proof of that, but I've always liked to keep the two separate. Just my two cents though. Everyone's different.
  7. Vaux

    Vaux Void-Bound Voyager

    Terraria have magical swords and space guns too !
    Starbound consist at discover planets and explore them, why not magical planets with legends and ponies?
  8. Camelslayer

    Camelslayer Cosmic Narwhal

    Well this also isn't Terraria either. Whole different game, whole different theme. But as I said, it's just my opinion.

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