[MOB/MOUNT] Swordbeaks

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Dragonith, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]
    Gladiostrum orionis ("Sword Beaked Hunter of the Stars")
    A member of the Aceraperid family ("Sharp Raiders"), Swordbeaks are large terrestrial predatory birds. Reminiscent of Earth's prehistoric Terror Birds, these birds are larger, stronger, and more dangerous.

    A Swordbeak's most notable feature is an elongated beak, stronger than steel and sharp-edged like a sword. Swordbeaks, like actual swordsmen, swing their "sword" to attack. During this, they close their beaks to prevent any internal injuries. In addition to this formidable weapon, their bodies are coated in hardened feathers, providing a well-rounded defense against most attacks, including attacks from their own kind. When a Swordbeak has seized its prey, it proceeds to butcher it into smaller pieces before eating it. Swordbeaks will settle on most meat for sustenance. Although most commonly seen as carnivorous hunters, Swordbeaks and the rest of their species have been observed to eat certain fruits grown in the prairies of the planets they inhabit. They knock the fruit off their branches with a swing of their beaks. One could say they would prefer to eat these first before choosing to hunt.

    Besides hunting, a Swordbeak's beak is used for other tasks. Notably, the beak plays a big role during competition for dominance. Two Swordbeaks would batter their beaks against each other, swinging until one would yield. When that occurs, the winner would receive what they were contesting for, be it territory, a mate, or control of an entire flock. In the latter case, the loser would be exiled from the group (esp. if they were the former leader of it). In normal circumstances, a leader of a Swordbeak flock is determined by the amount of scars a male has on their beak. This displays experience to other Swordbeaks, a veteran of natural warfare, and conveys respect.

    Being a highly social species, Swordbeaks are also highly protective of their young. If harm is present to their young (Called "Knifelets"), the parents will do anything in their power to subdue the threat. So much to even the point of actually killing the target. A Swordbeak's nesting habits include making a ground nest like most land birds like the ostrich. What differs from their Earth counterparts is the fact that a Swordbeak surrounds the exterior of the nest with sharp stones, upping the security measures in protecting their young. A Swordbeak egg is incubated for a time span for up to four weeks.

    Some primitive races that live alongside the Swordbeaks have learned how to tame them into mounts. This was first done by offering a Swordbeak's favorite fruit to it. Later cases would show that some races do ceremonial rituals to tame the behemoth birds.

    It is widely considered an offense to a race if one eats the meat of a fallen companion Swordbeak. The proper thing to do for the former owner is to honor the bird's death with a burial. As this indicates, Swordbeaks are a significant symbol to most cultures where they thrive.

    Labryostrum orionis ("Axe Beaked Hunter of the Stars")
    Another member of the Aceraperid family ("Sharp Raiders"), Axebeaks are identified by their yellow green coloration and axe-shaped beak. Although their weapon is shorter than other members of their family, they are among the deadliest, having the tendency to leave fatal gashes across their prey with their preferred attack method of hacking at the flesh vertically.

    Hastostrum orionis ("Spear Beaked Hunter of the Stars")
    This member of the Aceraperid family ("Sharp Raiders") is identified by its blue tinted feathers. They have the longest of their species' beaks, excelling at stab attacks. Spearbeaks are native to coastal regions, preferring fish and tropical fruit over red meat any day. However, that doesn't mean they won't give it a taste every now and then.


    Falxostrum orionis ("Scythe Beaked Hunter of the Stars")
    The dark plumage is what denotes this member of the Aceraperid family ("Sharp Raiders"). It is believed that Scythebeaks gained this coloring due to the fact that they hunt primarily at night. Their beaks are curved, more accustomed for single strikes than panned out fights. They need to sharpen it frequently on rocks, as the blood that stains their beaks dulls the edges.
    What offspring of the members of the Aceraperid family are known as, Knifelets are small, fluffy incomplete mirror images of their parents. Their bodies, still covered in a feathery down has not yet grown the defensive feathered covering their adults sport. This means Knifelets are very vulnerable to danger, giving their parents more than a reason to watch over them.

    Knifelets are given their name for their knife-like beak, significantly smaller than that of an adult Aceraperid. These beaks grow over the course of the youngster's life, by mimicking the hunting methods used by their parents. Different Aceraperid young can, in fact, change to that of another's if they were adopted by the other species. A Swordbeak's young for example, can change to that of an Axebeak's if the young mimics their adopted parent's hunting methods. Some special cases have mutations that occur to Knifelets who are half way in development of their beaks, causing longer, shorter, or misshapen beak variants.

    In preparation for adulthood, Knifelets also sharpen their beaks against rocks and play fight among each other. Most of the time when they practice hunting, they are unsuccessful and usually just rely on their parents for food during the first few weeks of hatching. Their young metabolisms demand a large amount of food, ranging from small insects to chunks of fruit to even little chunklets of meat. A very irritating cry is emitted from a hungry Knifelet if demands aren't met.

    Although very soft, Knifelets are not recommended to be picked up. Their beaks, though small, can still cause some severe damage to exposed flesh if the Knifelet jabs at it. If one does want to carry a Knifelet in their hands, one must be sure to wear a pair of reinforced gloves to prevent any harm to one's skin. You can find these gloves at your local general department store.


  2. GrayGriffon

    GrayGriffon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i love the idea! :DD its very creative and would fit well in the game! i have to wonder though. on different planets there are different needs that have to be met. so do Swordbeaks all have the same beak despite there habitat? or would it change from planet to planet? also i would love to see what a "Knifelet" looks like :)
  3. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    ...How are you NOT working for a game company?
    Ado, Miuub, Cloudhopper and 13 others like this.
  4. Ahaha, I was expecting this question. The answer is: Yes, there are different variations in beaks per species. Swordbeaks are only one of the members of the family, Aceraperid. I'll be posting an image update showing the heads of the different species soon.

    Along with the Knifelet.~ ;D

    I...dunno, lol. xD
    GrayGriffon likes this.
  5. GrayGriffon

    GrayGriffon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Epic :rofl: :fusrodah:
  6. Shahab

    Shahab Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    your ideas and art are epic.
    they should hire you.
  7. Run Juan Run

    Run Juan Run Big Damn Hero

    just gotta say GREAT artwork!!!
  8. Uncleleroy

    Uncleleroy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Noice gotta love thes little fellas
  9. gNetkamiko

    gNetkamiko Void-Bound Voyager


    Wow... just... fucking wow!

    Why the hell are you NOT on the dev team already!? I mean, ffs, plz apply for a spot on there, as your work is fan-fucking-tastic!:up:

    *Edit* Oh... wait... sry. My mistake. You already are. :oops:
  10. Ah, I'm not on the dev team. ^^;

    But thanks!

    Updated OP with the Knifelet section!
  11. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    The Chocobo of Starbound.
    LunarAeon and Psychoangel223 like this.
  12. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    The best of your suggestions.This must be in the game.Great job.
  13. Shahab

    Shahab Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    community of this game is epic.they should be proud and they should make a good game for us that meets the expectations.
  14. Joxalot

    Joxalot Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Daaaaaawww look at the lil birdy numnum.

    Incredible artwork, dude! The devs will surely consider your creations.
  15. :cookie:.
    and so along.
    Why we have no cake emoticon here?
    I should fix it.

    To the laboratory!!! :geek::idea::sparta:
    It's time for SCIENCE... :fireball:
    OT: great, GREAT ideas & art!:love:
  16. Done!
    So, have this [​IMG]
    SkeithRei and Mianso like this.
  17. Vinnamon_Buns

    Vinnamon_Buns Void-Bound Voyager

    Their beaks could differ from planet to planet, depending on their habitat.

    ie. A serrated knife for a jungle planet, a scimitar for a desert planet, an axe for a forest planet, etc.
  18. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Ok guys, Swordbeak video out now! I hope you guys enjoy it. (I had to summarize most of it because there was so much text to tell).
  19. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    GrayGriffon likes this.
  20. Updated OP with Axebeak species.
    Nirn, GrayGriffon, Oh910 and 4 others like this.

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