[MOB/MOUNT] Swordbeaks

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Dragonith, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Vinnamon_Buns

    Vinnamon_Buns Void-Bound Voyager

    Was that based off of my suggestion or just coincidence?
  2. A bit of a coincidence actually. ^^;

    I briefly mentioned Axebeaks in the description for Knifelets. They, along with Swordbeaks were in my head during the time of their creation. So, you can say you gave an early prediction here. xD
    Vinnamon_Buns likes this.
  3. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Well scince a douchebag bounty hunter cut my wings off, this would be secound best.
  4. Oh910

    Oh910 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I just say this and all i have to say is: wow, fucking wow. I tried to come up with another way to describe it but I drew a blank. I hope to see little sharp-beaked knifelets running around everywhere!
  5. Nyss

    Nyss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wish you'd been around for the monster contest! These guys would have given poptops a real run for their money. Don't get me wrong, Poptops are great too :D
  6. GrayGriffon

    GrayGriffon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i'm guessing theres one with a long thin rapier like beak?
  7. Magikarp

    Magikarp Void-Bound Voyager

    That'd be weird though lol
  8. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank


    Their beak is shaped in an arrow! <---(O.)
  9. Harpoonbeak
    Piscivorous of course:D
    Airclaw and Mianso like this.
  10. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Sicklebeak,nocturnal and deadly.
    Xanivic and Airclaw like this.
  11. Magikarp

    Magikarp Void-Bound Voyager

    Cleaver beak?
    likes to chop fine cuts of meat?
  12. Psychoangel223

    Psychoangel223 Phantasmal Quasar

    Amazing work, man! Swordbeaks seem like they could really be added, other than the lack of sprites. Like what others have said, they're like the Chocobos of Starbound. Also I think that there should be variations of the sword/axebeaks depending on their environment. Say, thicker beaks for tougher and larger prey, thinner beaks for catching smaller prey. Also more species altogether, but ones that would look good in beak form (halberd, maybe. long ax-like beak with a defensive spike on top curving downward instead of both ways...).
  13. Vinnamon_Buns

    Vinnamon_Buns Void-Bound Voyager

    Dragonith! I believe these people want more variations of Swordbeaks. As does the rest of the Starbound community. ;)

    EDIT: Also, there should be penguin-like species of the Swordbeaks. Maybe Harpoonbeaks like blind sniper suggested?
    Airclaw likes this.
  14. Your wishes, are my commands. ;)
    Although, I should get those sprites done lol...
    Vinnamon_Buns likes this.
  15. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    DO WANT!

    EDIT: I got bored so I drew up some fan art.
  16. Oooh, nice! I love it! <3
    Nirn likes this.
  17. SepticSauce

    SepticSauce Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm sold! Good work! :up:
  18. Xanivic

    Xanivic Void-Bound Voyager

    This is pure genious. I envy your talent. :up:
  19. Ghoschief

    Ghoschief Phantasmal Quasar

    Sweet. Would love to see this kind of mount ingame.
  20. KidDiz

    KidDiz Void-Bound Voyager

    This design is well thought-out, has a great design, and best of all, is unique. I love this idea, and it is definitely worthy of being put into the game.

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