Disarranging & Reconstructing Weapons.

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Sarzael, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    With the Weapon Disarranger Kit all your weaponry dreams shall become true!

    When a Weapon is Disarranged with the Kit, you will get a few mods that define it:

    Bullet: (Swords dont have/need one)
    Special 1:
    Special 2:

    Plus an structure and the skin of that weapon.

    For example, if we disarrange an Rocket Launcher, we would get:

    Bullet: Rocket (Ballistic)
    Special 1: Explosive
    Special 2: N/A
    Extra: N/A

    Structure: Rocket Launcher
    Skin: The skin weapon had.

    If we do with Sniper Rifle:

    Bullet: Sniper Bullet? (Ballistic)
    Special 1: Piercing
    Special 2: N/A
    Extra: Scope (Allows to see more far away)

    Structure: Sniper Rifle
    Skin: The skin weapon had.

    All the pieces obtained, except skin, will have an value, which will be the same as the weapon.

    We can then rearrange pieces of various weapons together, to create a new weapon.
    The value of the weapon will be the total value of all pieces together, divided beetween the number of pieces used

    We can for example do this:

    Bullet: Sniper Bullet? (Ballistic)
    Special 1: Explosive
    Special 2: Piercing.
    Extra: Scope.
    Structure: Sniper Rifle
    Skin: Sniper Rifle.

    The bullet defines the kind of bullet it uses, and the way it fires them.
    Specials define addons/mods, such as if bullet explodes, bounce, pierce trough enemies/blocks, etc.
    Extra adds something to the weapon that doesnt affect how you fire the weapon itself, such as flashlights or scopes.
    Structure basically tells what the weapon is, A rocket launcher? A gun? A sword? ETC.
    Skin is basically the skin of the weapon, there are tons of them. You can only use skins of same kind as model.
    You cant have an rocket launcher that looks like an sword o_O

    So we created an Sniper Rifle that pieces trough enemies, causes explosions, and can see far away.

    Now, something more complex could be:

    Bullet: Rail (Energy)
    Special 1: Piercing
    Special 2: Shrapnel
    Extra: Flashlight.
    Structure: Sniper Rifle
    Skin: Sniper Rifle X

    We now have an Rail Sniper that doesnt use ammo (It consumes some of your energy instead), pierces trough enemies, and thin walls of blocks, causes shrapnels where it impacts finally (Like, it cant go trough whole planet, it gotta end somewhere, not?), gives light, and looks like an Sniper Rifle type (X)

    The mods would adapt to the type or model of weapon. An mod wouldnt work exactly same for an Rocket Launcher than it will for an Sniper Rifle. Also, not all kind of weapons can use all kind of bullets. An rocket launcher cant use Sniper Rifle bullets, and viceversa.

    The kits are free and stackable up to (Insert default stack max size here). But using it is VERY expensive, costing a lot more the higher value is the weapon.

    Type of mods and examples:
    Those mods have an effect by theirselves and dont need another mod to work. Other mod may modify way they work trough.
    Bouncing: Bullets bounce off blocks X number of times.
    Explosive: Bullets explode, breaking a few blocks and dealing damage in area.
    Shrapnel: Bullets fire shrapnels around on hit, dealing damage to who they touch.
    Piercing: Bullets go trough enemies, and trough thin walls of less than X blocks.
    Those mods need an mod of type Primary to work correctly.
    Proximity: Bullets freeze in mid-air after X lenght, or when they hit a block. When someone gets close, they explode causing an effect based on the primary mod of the weapon. Example, Proximity+Explosive causes the Proximity Mine to explode.

    Those are just examples of mods that could be added.
    So basically those are possible combos of mods: Primary, Primary+Primary or Primary+Secondary.

    Also Interchangeable parts!
    Player 1: Thats a nice weapon you have there... I change you my Freezing Mod for your Flame Mod!
    Player 2: Add 500 pixels and okay.
    Player 1: 250!
    Player 2: Done!

    Your brain=Blown when you end reading this :p

    If you liked this you may also wanna see...

    http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/various-weapon-qualities.10920/#post-340489 (Not by me)
  2. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    My brain did certainly blow up.
    Good idea!!!
  3. Luna

    Luna Pangalactic Porcupine

    Six-shot rocket launcher that also has a red dot sight if you fail to aim, and also if the rockets don't hit anything they turn into proximity mines.
    Unlikely-to-be-spotted references aside, great idea and my mind has been sufficiently blown.:up:
  4. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    I can see your signature person's mind has been blown.
  5. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Thanks you.

    Six shot... You would need to use shotgun bullets, to convert them into mini rockets, you need an Explosive Mod, However, they either explode or convert into proximity mines, I guess proximity mines, since they explode already if they hit your opponent (They re near your opponent if they re in his body, true?), and a Scope to aiming better. Interesting weapon indeed.

    So, as you see, even those crazy weapons of yours can be made trough this mechanic!

    Edit: Just trough about it, and if there is a mod that converts bullets into proximity mines, it would need an secondary mod to have a function. Because what defines if the proximity mines are supposed to explode, fire shrapnels, electrocute your opponent, or even throwing acid at his ugly (Now) face? So yeah, Explosive+Proximity mines would be the best for the weapon you described :)
  6. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Tiy has said several things about procedural generated guns, many of which were in his post on the subject for the blog. I will go over a few of them briefly, with my take on what these imply and what I hope will come of it.

    1.) The guns will be found as complete weapons rather than in pieces. I think this means several things. First, I suspect that you will not be able to take guns apart and customize them easily. I think it very likely will be possible, but I expect that it will be an expensive process similar to reforging weapons in Terraria. This is for two reasons-- 1.) It makes you experiment with new weapons instead of just assimilating the attributes you like most, which is better gameplay and 2.) It would be much easier to customize super weapons by combining certain combinations of attributes that have good synergy, like spread shots and homing shots.

    2.) It has been said that certain mods will only be available to certain "classes such as Rocket Launchers, Pistols, Assault Rifles, etc." We aren't sure what all of these classes are, but certain mods would probably be strongly linked to certain classes. A Shotgun without spread shots would hardly be a shotgun, and who has heard of a rocket launcher that didn't explode? That said, I think these traits should be able to extend to other classes, like explosive rounds that are not rockets. If you could recompile weapons, how would the weapon class be determined? It seems like you have it based on ammo, but what if you combined a pistol with a rocket launcher? How would it change appearance and function?

    3.) The more complicated different types of ammo become, the more of a pain it is to manage. I hope that there will only be as many types of ammo as fingers on my left hand-- rockets, grenades, rounds*, cartridges**, and one or two exotic types like crystals or something. Energy weapons would not use ammo. If you need to carry bucket of different type of ammo and then you have to sort those out/change things on the fly, then the system will not be fun. For this reason, I expect the gun mods will just alter the way the basic ammo is fired, like Tiy said. *rounds would work for all bullets, from snipers to shotguns. **cartridges would be for liquids, like burning fuel or acid.

    Just another thought: Using only two gun mods, I could never make a weapon that fires a three-shot burst
    in a spread of armor piercing rockets that split apart and have homing properties that explode and freeze enemies. That would be 6 mods, and believe me, I'd love to add more. At high threat level worlds, I'd want to have options like that. Since the guns are procedural generated, I think that the more mods a weapon has, the lower its stats would be, and it would be very rare to find the combination above. It should also be painfully expensive to combine yourself, not unlike reforging your Excalibur until it is Legendary.

    I love this idea. I never even considered having a reforging mechanic for weapons in Starbound. Let's hope it finds its way in!
    Antumbra likes this.
  7. Auraknight

    Auraknight Weight of the Sky

    since i am a humnitarian,
    (and ruthless killer)
    i'd want a sniper that paralises my foes, keeping them from moveing, so i could capture them alive!
    or one that froze them solid.
    or made them grow roots.
    and for killing?
    there is allways raidoactivity!
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  8. Auraknight

    Auraknight Weight of the Sky

    rocket laucher with no boom?
    a gun that was made to break bones.
    shotgun with no spread? (they do exist IRL)
    not saying this to be argumentitive, but, customniseation is allways good.
    but i DO see your point.

    Tiy did say about only a few ammo types, I agree fully with you here, i think what he ment tho, was what the bullet did, re-read it, NM
    I agree with this post as well,
    mayhaps tho, that haveing more then 2 mod slots would be a mod in of it'self?
    eg: adds 4 more mod slots at cost on haveing only 75% of normal dmg or something like that.
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  9. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Shotguns might have randomized levels of inaccuracy. An unusually accurate shotgun might fire into a very narrow spread compared to the wide spread of an inaccurate shotgun. That said, I always imagine the spread being rather wide, to force you into closer range and for crowd control. Idk about Rocket Launchers with no blast. Anyway, what about pistols? Should you be able to have a two handed pistol for the sake of customization? Or how about a short-range sniper rifle with no scope?
    Customization is definitely very important, but it does need to be limited to prevent super weapon issues.

    Hmm... I think that maybe you could only combine mods from weapons in the same class, so no mixing pistols with grenade launchers, for simplicity's sake. And for each mod added to the gun, it would probably increase rarity value by a certain amount, becoming much more expensive to combine each time. It might also be good to have a maximum rarity value, so that the only way to have more mods on higher level guns would be if the stats were lower. That might sorta act like reducing damage in exchange for more mods, but I think would be more versatile. You'd just have to start with a lower level gun if you wanted more mods.
    Bughunter and Luna like this.
  10. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    I approve of these tropes mods.
  11. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    This just in: Tiy revealed in an interview that the current plan is that a weapon of a higher rarity value "either get a much much more powerful mod, or it will have several previous mods." So I doubt the cap would be any less than three. He continued by saying, "a rare item could have one rare mod, or it may have two uncommon mods which can interact. So maybe you get bullets that could split in half and then stick to the wall, and then they blow up."
  12. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    OOOOOh this is a good idea :iswydt:
    I give you not 1 not 2 but
    :up::up::up: thumbs up.
  13. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    1.) I described the kit needed to do this as ´´Expensive and you can just use it a few times before it breaks``

    2.) The weapon class is determined by the Structure. Structures of X class can only use certain types of bullets, so a Shotgun Structure would just be able to use Shotgun, and maybe some other kinds of similar bullets like Gun.
  14. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    --If it uses a specific item with a set price, then it would probably be either way too expensive in the early game, or way too inexpensive in the late game. The price should be based on the weapon being altered.
    --I assume only Rocket Launchers can shoot rockets, but having separate ammo types for ballistic guns like shotguns and sniper rifles seems unnecessary. What would be the gameplay purpose? It might be more realistic for shotguns to have different ammo, but if it does not make the game more fun then it does not matter. Rockets and grenades being separate makes sense-- Rockets and grenades would be powerful, and probably more rare than other weapon ammunition. Others might only be found in specific locations, like exotic ammo or cartridges of liquid phlebotinum.
    I mean, to be realistic, every gun would need to have a caliber and only fire rounds that matched that caliber size. This alone would be annoying enough to make me use melee or energy weapons instead. However, if the Devs included shot* for some reason, I wouldn't really mind, since I prefer explosives anyway.
    *Shot is the type of round that shotguns use. Other guns fire bullets.
  15. VIking977

    VIking977 Tentacle Wrangler

    hmm, i dunno man. Isn't the point of randomly generated weapons that you get to be surprised by what you get? with this you get a few reasonably good weapons and combine them, boom you have a god weapon. maybe if this was endgame only or insane expensive, but otherwise i think it would take a lot of the fun out of looting.
    DeadlyLuvdisc likes this.
  16. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Yeah, also, go and kill 4168416186816486 monsters yet no getting the damned weapon you want, right?
  17. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Maybe instead of deciding which weapon you want ahead of time, just play the game and use whatever weapons you like most out of the ones you have. Then, whenever you have accumulated a lot of resources for that point in the game, recombine the weapons you like most to make one or two new weapons. In every game that I've played that includes various weapons, most of the fun is finding new weapons that work differently, trying them out, switching between them, etc... If you just made exactly the weapon you wanted right away, then it would totally remove that entire aspect of the gameplay. If you had to farm a million mobs or raid a million dungeons to find the weapon you wanted, that would be bad as well.

    The right balance would be a system that makes weapon refinement costs scale with the rarity value of the weapon.
    Getting god tier weapons should be very difficult, but customizing in general should be rather easy.
    I think Terraria had a pretty good method of dealing with reforging. While you could afford to reforge at any point in the game, there was less incentive to reforge weapons early on because you have other important things to buy and you might be acquiring better weapons soon anyway. In other words, you always had plenty of options, none of which were overpowered.
  18. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Quote from OP:
    ´´I dont know what the Kit used to convert weapons into pieces should be made with, but should be expensive and have a few uses. (Like, after X number of uses you need to make other)``
  19. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    I give moar!
    And this
  20. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Yeah, but expensive for which point in the game? Early on, 5'000 pixels may seem like a heavy cost, but late in the game it may need to be 5'000'000'000 to seem expensive. It depends on how cash flow changes throughout the game, as well.
    Also consider that if it can be used 3 times and costs 6 bajillion pixels, you may as well have it work 1 time and cost only 2 bajillion pixels.

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