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Customizable character? And if so, to what extent?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by DemonlordHatty, Mar 27, 2012.

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  1. DemonlordHatty

    DemonlordHatty Void-Bound Voyager

    I've been wondering a whole lot about what character customization will be like in this game, especially if there will be races. Humans are okay, but they're so boring compared to some awesome stuff like Lizard people, Robots, Ghouls, you know?

    Basically, I was wondering if this will all be just humans like it was in Terraria, or if we will get the option to change what our character looks like in more ways than just hair, clothes, and skin.

    Also, this is a popular choice question: If they do implement such a character customization, what would you want to be?
  2. KuraiRyuu

    KuraiRyuu Space Kumquat

    They have said that there will be races. They havn't really announced anything other than that about character customization. I'm guessing you will be able to pick basic clothes, hair, color, gender, and race.
    There is also going to be TONS of different clothes and armor due to the procedural generation.
    ChaoticGamer and AliceTheGorgon like this.
  3. Krabby

    Krabby Title Not Found

    I wouldn't want it to be all humans, like in Terraria, but I do want the character options to stay humanoid, that way weapons don't have to look awkward with other species.

    I would like to be able to have extremely customization of the hair, clothes, and maybe other things, like hats, I do like me some hats. I would like to have dual color hair too, because I think that looks cool.
    ChaoticGamer and AliceTheGorgon like this.
  4. rosett

    rosett Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    different body shapes and sizes. though, the art department is gonna have multiple times the workload with that... (still it would make everyone really really unique)

    wonder if we can have tattoos/markings, because pixel graphics... hmm, horns/tails?

    @Krabby: yeah, being able to costumize hair down to the finest details would be really nice. and, hats, YES.
  5. CamoColorNinja

    CamoColorNinja Void-Bound Voyager

    It would be pretty cool, if they let us sprite our own character, over a template. Kinda like the NDS game "Drawn To Life", but that would be pretty complicated to implement I think!
    Coffee likes this.
  6. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    I want to be a short furry thing :D
    I hope the faces aren't all human though, human faces are stoopid.
  7. DawnOfNights

    DawnOfNights Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I dont know, even if we could choose, i would still be human, i just like it more, especially when the person is eye-candy! yum-yum!!!!!
    though i would like races and abnormal amounts of customization, it would make this game so much more epic!
  8. ViewedCloth

    ViewedCloth Zeromus

    Yeah, Humans suck! We should be able to be more exciting things like Worms.
  9. Rollder

    Rollder Void-Bound Voyager

    yeah i think that there will be the usual hair, shirt, trousers, shoes and skin colour. There may be races in the game that the devs have mentioned before.

    PS.am i the only one who actually likes humans ,not because i am one myself, but because it dose not feel right for me not to be anything but a human i mean i love being a cyborg lizard man as much as the next guy but i suppose being human to me is less foreign to me.
  10. MythicalBrit

    MythicalBrit Void-Bound Voyager

    I dont mind customization as long as they have either a top-hat or a tuxedo possible to gain ingame my happiness factor on customization has been fulfilled
  11. Spectralysis

    Spectralysis Void-Bound Voyager

    I hope we can establish our character's race, gender, skin color, etc. anything else i'm fine with adding but those should be primary
  12. Dal

    Dal Phantasmal Quasar

    would be awesome if you could play as some other race besides human.
  13. Glob4lHaz4rd

    Glob4lHaz4rd Starship Captain

    I figure that it you kill an enemy a certain amount of times or discover a new one or get an item or something like that, you unlock a new race. So you would start with maybe a human or a human and 2 other races. Or it will just be Humans only with no other races
  14. Breather

    Breather Oxygen Tank

    I WANT TO BE DR. SEUSS. Wait... what? I'd want to be some kinda cyborg. Or a monster like the one in my avatar.
  15. Hakjabtholah

    Hakjabtholah Void-Bound Voyager

    Alternative races have been confirmed, and from there you can assume gender, clothing, hairstyle and maybe more.
    But after character creation, customization becomes extremely extensive with procedural generated items with varied colors and vanity slots, so if you don't like the looks of your good armor, throw some cool looking gear in your vanity slots and you're good to go.
    The first poster covered it well.
    AliceTheGorgon likes this.
  16. Kefka

    Kefka Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    As long as I can make myself...all will be well.
  17. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    My character's favourite colour will be blue! :D
  18. SoldierMorty

    SoldierMorty Big Damn Hero

    I'd like to be an orc. But a human is fine, too. Honestly, when it comes to races there are only a few I'd consider rolling as. But talking about customizing them is a whole other beast. The customization Terraria offered was nice, and I hope Starbound provides way more than that (BIG HULKING ORC MUSCLEEEEEEEEEEEES)
  19. fishboyliam

    fishboyliam Cosmic Narwhal

    I would be a unicorn :D :rofl:. though i like humans, but im open to other races! im a cat in minecraft, just to prove it :p
  20. Omegabear

    Omegabear Aquatic Astronaut

    I hadn't even considered the fact that I COULD be anything but human. I think I'd have to be one of the lizard-men. And then enslave a human pet, hence confusing the heck out of people in PVP.
    Pinkie Pie likes this.
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