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Customizable character? And if so, to what extent?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by DemonlordHatty, Mar 27, 2012.

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  1. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    As good as this game is going to be, I think what will set it apart from others will be its customization. If we are allowed as much freedom as the devs have said, then hundreds of people will play it simply for the fact that you can truly make anything.
  2. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

  3. LadyAijou

    LadyAijou Phantasmal Quasar

    They have said that we will have plenty of customization options. Additionally, with so many vanity items and endless armors and such, everyone will be able to find a look they like. We know that there are humans, and ape-men, but beyond that anything else is speculation as far as races go. I wouldn't say it's "unlimited" customization or that we can do "anything", as every element they allow customization in would create more work, but I think it will be plenty to satisfy most players.
  4. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    I hope we can have knights armor or sum POWER ARMORS for nice outfit.
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