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Customizable character? And if so, to what extent?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by DemonlordHatty, Mar 27, 2012.

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  1. fishboyliam

    fishboyliam Cosmic Narwhal

    grats for beraking 50 peoples brains!
  2. jon218

    jon218 Phantasmal Quasar

    Some kind of weird future elf, flying in a ship that looks like Nyan Cat.
  3. fishboyliam

    fishboyliam Cosmic Narwhal

    jon218 likes this.
  4. zephyrdragoon

    zephyrdragoon Void-Bound Voyager

    Maybe we could change some base stats. We would be given a pool of stat points and a set of stats like jump, or attack speed, or run speed, etc. Then we can make a ninja, or a fighter, or a tank or something to that extent.
  5. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    but but , kefka is way OP D:
  6. HarlequinReaper

    HarlequinReaper Starship Captain

    i want to be a SpaceBounder =p
  7. Aviakio

    Aviakio Weight of the Sky

    I do recall seeing somewhere that we'll have vanity slots* so we'll be able to wear whatever we want above our functional attire.
    *(like in Terraria)
    But as said above, we're hoping the procedural generation will provide thousands of customization options.
  8. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    There, it's a worm. IT'S AWESOME. AND IT'S DANCING. Oh no it's dead. I think. Dammit i'm a unfunny comedian (Completely horrid, i mean as in i've heard people SCREAM all the way from Watta jick tota waswup aboat how bad it is.

    ) /roleplayer thing not a doctor!
    And yes i just did.
  9. HarlequinReaper

    HarlequinReaper Starship Captain

    i still wanna be a SpaceBounder
  10. H-Alo

    H-Alo Phantasmal Quasar

    A Shadow! Then I won't really have worry about looking strange. Stealthy!:ninja:
    Buuuut.... Then I'd probably stick out in broad daylight, eh? Hrrmmmm...:notworthy:
  11. pramones9

    pramones9 Space Spelunker

    It would be nice if the added hats to the game. Some with abilities like say an eyepiece that lets you aim better or telescopic headgear that extends your field of view. This isn't really a character change but it would be a nice customizable aspect. :)
  12. Corey Blue

    Corey Blue Void-Bound Voyager

    It's all about the facial hair.
  13. MagikPigon

    MagikPigon Subatomic Cosmonaut

  14. auk

    auk Tentacle Wrangler

    I would be a purple wolf. To me it sounds awesome. X3
  15. friendswhogetexcited

    friendswhogetexcited Industrial Terraformer

    Tons of cool options hopefully.
  16. Rhino

    Rhino Aquatic Astronaut

    They have announced apes! :) Hopefully there is still more to come.
  17. JohnnyRage

    JohnnyRage Void-Bound Voyager

    So long as i'm green and have a mohawk, i'll be happy!
  18. pwnload

    pwnload Big Damn Hero

    races like skin color? LOL
  19. kyrinthic

    kyrinthic Phantasmal Quasar

    I would suspect a humanoid baseline for the sake of limiting art department work on armors and the like.

    Past that I think they might be best off leaving a more open ended system.
    Imagine being able to craft a character, select skin color, body type, head type. Hair/horns/other funny things on the head.

    Either way, it might be possible to add 'genetic alteration' in the later game to change race. If not that, at least a method to change hairstyles and the like could be fun.
  20. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    I better be able to be greeen, have a tail, wings, a cowboy hat, a pistol and a frekin tux or im gonna be pissed!
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