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#Armor #Armor Contest - Story

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Gadgetguy, Jun 14, 2012.

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  1. Gadgetguy

    Gadgetguy Bag of Holding

    Welcome Starbounder's to the Unofficial #Armor #Armor Contest!
    Create an Armor related story to enter the contest.

    The Contest

    • Original piece of writing
    • Plenty of Imagination
    • Max 2000 words
    • Keep it clean
    How to enter:

    Write a story/poem/novel about an armor you would want to wear in the game.
    Just reply to the thread with your entry.
    Please have only one post per person.
    • Opens June 14th 2012
    • Closes June 30th 2012
    • You can edit the story until the closing date.
    • Definition of Armor

    Judging will start on the 31st and we will try to announce winners as soon as possible. Please be patient.
    The prizes will be from a prize pool we have collected.
    • First Place Prize Story: Diablo 3
    • Second Place Prize Story: Dungeons of Dredmor and Altitude
    • Third Place Prize Story: Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
    Good Luck!
    Steam Pirate, Noc, Catoosie and 2 others like this.
  2. 777eza

    777eza Existential Complex

    Denz woke vision blurred, hands trembling, ears still ringing from the grenade. He looked to see enemy’s fleeing and bodies everywhere the battle over, they won, barely. Denz looked up into the sky and his worst fear suddenly became a reality, the sandstorm he was trying to escape had caught up to him. As his hearing came back, he notice his helmet alarm was going off, he open a compartment on his wrist armor that contained a diagnostic computer, and realized his cooling unit was not working. On Praila temperatures where 70○C because of this most of the planet was a desert. As sand flew everywhere Denz couldn’t see more then a meter away, he lost where the troops that survived the battle were and with out a cooling unit Denz wouldn’t last long out here. His only hope was to find a cooling unit from a dead solder and repair or replace his with it. He couldn’t take off the armor not in this sandstorm, sand would rip through his skin like a knife through butter. Denz got up almost losing his footing to the wind and tried his helmet com... nothing the storm was providing to much interference, Denz started to sweat under all his armor and realized his hands where still shaking he took a deep breath to steady them. He then decided crawling would be the best way to trivial, he crawled for 15 minute he could feel is heart pounding through his eyes and ears, he started to feel his tong swelling as he force himself to drink water that was warmer the air outside. He started to hallucinate everywhere he looked it was raining “Snap out of it.” Denz said tiredly as he hit his fist against his helmet trying to shake the image. Then when the image shook he saw up a head a silhouette of a dead solider he crawled to him, when he got there he was so physically exhausted he could barely raise his head but when he did he was relieved a dead solider lay in front of him with a working cooling unit, he checked to see if the solder was indeed dead, he was then he grabbed the cooling unit and swapped it with his. It took him 5 min to get it hooked up and running during that time the hallucination of rain came back he had no time or energy to try to shake it when the cooling unit started Denz just sat on his knees struggling to stay up while the unit slowly cooled him. Just then Denz fell to the ground in his back, he forgot to close the wrist compartment and the sand tore through the instruments, short-circuiting his suit with no power Denz had to move the 200+ lbs suit on his own without power guided assistance but Denz was to exhausted to even move an arm the cooling unit shut off as well as the air filtration system Denz just laid there watching the hallucinogenic rain hit his visor as he took his last breath as he herd over his com. Commander Dens this is Davin the storm is passing where are you repeat Commander Dens what is your position do you require medical assistance... THE END

    This is a prequel to a short story I'm writing for fan fiction section let me know what you think
    I really like endings that aren't always what you expect thanks a lot Red Dead Redemption.
  3. Gadgetguy

    Gadgetguy Bag of Holding

  4. qsdcv

    qsdcv Void-Bound Voyager

    Sounds good. Will we just PM you our stories or post them here? Also, since I can't run the games, could I contest them off on another website I know?
  5. Dispersion

    Dispersion Pangalactic Porcupine

    Filipfonky likes this.
  6. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Oops, I can't delete this space for some reason. Sorry about this. I will post my story here later.
  7. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    just wondering, what do you mean by story? as in like the story of how this rare armor came into being?

    i'm just quite confused by what you mean.:confused:
  8. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Did you find it a cave? Was it crafted by a man? Or could this armor be a symbolic representation of all the sorrow that you've been through? Feel free to express yourself openly on this matter (Note: I am in no way affiliated to this contest; please don't take my advice as the rules of the contest.)
  9. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Well, here's my Story Submission. I've restricted it to only the fighting scene, but if I could get the permission, I would add on the parts before it that makes the armor truly meaningful.

    In the distant planet of Klinon-8, a metallic orbital fortress circled around the globe like that of an iron fist, its shadows looming over the planet, veiling its denizens from the light of the sun. In the center of the fortress, a gigantic land tortoise commanded his elite troopers to control the political actions in the entire quadrant. This tortoise is one of the top members of the Syndicate; ever since the Syndicate enacted the “anti-mercenary act”, this sly politician helped the organization gain control of most of the galaxy with his political prowess as well as his vast connections to the over as well as the underworld. As the tortoise sat at inside his control station amidst his fortified space fortress, one of his masked acid troopers barged through the mahogany doors in a hasty panic.
    “Sire! The radar had detected a missile heading right for this office! We must evacuate this place at once!”
    The tortoise took his time to finish signing the document that he so meticulously worked on for the past hour. “And what of it?” He questioned his subordinate with trifling agitation. “The fortress’ automated defense system can take care of this pesky little missile, can it not?”
    “But sire, it seems that the missile had dodged all of our attempts to intercept it!”
    The tortoise seemed mildly annoyed by his subordinate’s incompetence. He pushed his glasses slightly upward as he picked up a new piece of document to be signed. “Take care of it manually then; I have no use for troops that can’t handle a single flying projectile.”
    “We’ve been trying sire! It’s just that… the missile seems to be dodging our shots!”
    The tortoise looked out his window. The rays of light radiating from the star revealed the true identity of the flying projectile. It was a rather conspicuous projecting, fully decked out with dual wings, twin exhaust, red and yellow streaks painted at the side, and came fully stocked with a comfy-looking cockpit.
    “That’s no missile….” The tortoise’s eyes opened just a bit wider as he acknowledged the identity of the projecting blazing towards his private office. “That’s a suicide bomber!”
    Before the trooper could even react, the space craft exploded right into the tortoise’s office, its blast spread throughout the entire office, and much of the hallway. The tortoise found himself being propelled by the fiery explosion, sending him tumbling into the main lobby. The shock surprised most of the staff in the lobby, as panicking employees began scuttling toward the nearest escape hatch. The tortoise looked to his subordinate trooper, who seemed to be getting to his feet.
    “Give me the damage report.”
    Despite the sharping ringing in his ears, the elite trooper was still capable of delivering coherent sentences.
    “This isn’t good. The explosion most likely blew a hole in the fortress, and we’re losing air by the minute! Also, your office was situated right under the nuclear reactor; I haven’t checked on it yet, but I’d say it’s about to blow sire! We need to evacuate the station immediately!”
    The tortoise stared intently at the pillar of smoke rising from the hallway connecting the lobby to his office. “This is no accident. They’ve purposely and irreversibly damaged my fortress with one blow. Tell everyone to evacuate the station, but leave a space escape pod for me; I still have some unfinished business to take care of.”
    The elite trooper seemed rather confused by his superior’s reluctance to leave. “But sire, we can always get the papers works later, your safety-“
    “The paperwork can burn for all I care. But that pilot, he still lives.”
    The tortoise and the trooper stared at the pilot emerging from the scorching smoke relatively unharmed. The armor- oops, where are my manners? Gotta follow those formats!
    Spike’s Armor Entry: 1040 Miner’s Upgraded Apparel: The mountain mover. This suit of armor was originally intended for protecting a miner during their intense underground dig; it’s thick plastic layers are designed to protect the wearer from bursts of scorching steam that sometimes erupt from below the ground in the volcanic planet of Zeon-9. However, this particular suit had been heavily modified into a make-shift battle suit. The gray scales on this suit had been meticulously replaced by thick pieces of Nordic steel harvested solely from the hostile ice planet of Hysteria. This special plating gave the entire suit a soothing bluish glow, and at the same time, protects the wearer from blast damages made by a dragon or even the dreaded green ones. The inside of the sleek armor is lined with the wool harvested from the legendary blue ox, providing the wearer with heat, cold and shock protection, and at the same time provide comfort like no other armor. Each of the slightest cracks in between the metallic plates, as well as the armor’s surface had been carefully and precisely coated in with the gels of the fabled anti-gravity snail, which ensures that the cracks between the strong metallic plates to remain closed even at a tugging force of 40 Kilo Nortons; such a force would rip the attacker to shreds before they could even begin to pry open such an armor. Tiny yet powerful shock cannons had been planted in various inconspicuous places inside the suit. This would allow the player the launch a flurry of surprise attacks upon unsuspecting foes; it would also make this cluster of hidden blades and daggers one of the most useless accessory that had been attached to this suit. The piece glass affixed on the helmet had been replaced with melted dark matter harvested close to a black hole, thereby protecting the user from intense bursts of light emitted from flash bombs, and at the same time, hiding the wearer’s identity from the outside world. The durability of the dark matter face shield ensures that the foe would have an easier time breaking through the thick, padded metallic armor before even scratching the surface of this helm shield. The entire suit is finished off with yellow colored runes running from the shoulder to the ends of the armor’s fingers, as well as streaks of orange runes running from the belt to the ends of the toes, and a piece of brilliant emerald with a golden trim is inserted neatly in the center of the belt buckle, giving the entire armor an air of elite. Though these runes and gems only serves as decorations, they are nevertheless still more useful than the multitude of miniature shock cannons conceals throughout the armor. This piece of advanced mining armor may be lacking in firepower, it makes up for its lack in offense with more-than-descent durability as well as damage protection, as a good piece of armor should. In the end, despite the fact that the mountain mover isn’t designed for mobile combat, the extra alterations that were put into this gear nevertheless makes the user as formidable as a mountain in the fields of war.
    (And now, back to the story.)
    “Evacuate everyone from the facility!” The tortoise shouted at his subordinate. “I will deal with out pesky intruder right here and now.”
    The elite trooper gave his leader a nob of acknowledgement as he vanished from the lobby. And now, the lobby seemed quiet as the tortoise and the armored rebel stood in a dead lock.
    “There is no need to disguise yourself Mr. Jeremy.” The tortoise ranted calmly as precious oxygen began leaking out through the corridor. “You are the only rebel foolish enough to lead an entire platoon it their death; and now that your ranks are ridden with causalities, you made the foolish decision to face me alone” The tortoise began retracting himself into his fortified shell, his body began spinning as he charged at the brave rebel.
    “And now that you have destroyed the space craft that you came in with, I shall gladly bury you with my dying fortress!”
    As the spinning shell propelled itself toward Jeremy, the space adventurer stretched his arms out to both sides, and caught the spinning shell with his superior armor. The soft padding inside of his armor absorbed the crushing blow dealt by the impact, and left Jeremy relatively unharmed.
    “Ah… so this is how you survived the explosion.” The tortoise popped out of his hard shell, and reached for the acid gears stowed on the walls. “But let’s see how you fare against your old friend, acid!”
    The tortoise squeezed the trigger as gallons of corrosive acid rained upon the unwitting adventurer. Jeremy raised his arm up to his eye level in a natural defense against the incoming acid, and walked briskly toward the vile beast.
    “You may have beaten me with this trick the first time you dirty turtle; but you won’t get the best of me this time!”
    Before the Tortoise could correct Jeremy about his mistaken phylogeny, the young adventurer’s fist connected with the tortoise’s face; the acid on his fist burned the tortoise’s skin, knocking him on his hard shell, and causing him to release the acid sprayer he was holding.
    “You fool!” The tortoise swore to the space rebel as he rocked helplessly back and forth on the floor. “We’re about to bath in an atomic fire that you caused upon entry; and yet you persist to drag this fight on just as the station is about to blow up! Have you no sense of imminent death!?”
    “Oh, I don’t plan to stall this any longer than I have to.” The young space cadet pulled out a pair of one-size-fits-all space cuff from his inventory. “You’re coming with me, and you are going ot answer to the political scandals you’ve committed-“
    “Gotcha!” The tortoise made one final rock, and lept upward to grad the unsuspecting space rebel by the throat. “You fell for the oldest trick in the book!” With his massive hands, the tortoise ripped and emerald gem right out of the space cadet’s belt buckle, and crushed it beneath its enormously big feet.
    “So what are you going to do without your power source on you, rebel scum? Now submit to the might of… what the?”
    The tortoise stared in confusion as Jeremy lifted up his left arm, revealing a tiny shock cannon nestled neatly in between his armpits.
    “Yeah, the emerald really doesn’t do anything; disappointing, I know.”
    The tiny cannoned flashed a tick, and the resulting forced knocked the tortoise back. The sheer force of the blast caused the reptile to smash through the metallic walls of the lobby, and out into the vacuum of space. As the tortoise struggled to regain balance in the void of space, a nearby ship, hidden inside the shadow of a nearby planet, produced a strong beam of light that suspended the tortoise dead in its track. It seems Jeremy’s men arrived just in time; the beam of light pulled the tortoise into the rebel ship, then proceeded to move itself onto the space rebel captain himself.
    “Alright boys!” Jeremy opened up his communicator as he praised his teammates for their timeliness. “The cargo is in! Let’s get out of here before this thing blows!”
    SkeithRei and Doomhawk5 like this.
  10. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    Another thing do i have to describe it?
  11. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Most likely. But try asking questions at the discussion thread; this isn't the place to have prolonged discussions, but rather a place for story submissions.
  12. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    i think i got now.:up:
  13. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    This is just for submissions dude but feel free to ask any questions in the discussion thread.
  14. Catoosie

    Catoosie Heliosphere

    The Tentacle Armor! (picture for art section- http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/armor-armor-contest-art.6816/#post-145351) 6/16- remade armor, go check it out! thanks!
    My favorite piece of armor is a slimy purple thing.
    It was crafted from the arms of the tentacle king.
    It is really quite soft, but still helps my defense,
    for the many appendages make it quite dense.
    I feel that the armor has worn down my speed,
    but I'm weak and defense is my fundamental need.
    It smells like rotting corpses that are starting to decay,
    but I love my slimy armor and I wear it to this day.
    ~ Catoosie (tried to not make it overpowered, as i thought other people would make theirs... maybe it's too underpowered though...:X)
    of course this was based off of that tentacle planet. assuming there's a tentacle king there. o_O
    -edit- im making the armor and it's actually... turning out better than I thought it would! and thank you so much for the likes!
    -edit edit- I FINISHED THE PICTURE YAAAY (added link)
    -edit edit edit- changed 'very' to 'quite'
    -edit edit edit edit- changed everything to present tense so the last line could make sense. (<that rhymes!)
    -5th edit- changed first two lines...
    ----final armor edit (edited the v2 of the armor like 3 times... should be done editing poem and picture for evah! hope i can win. thanks guys!----
    Pancakes, saison, SkeithRei and 4 others like this.
  15. SkeithRei

    SkeithRei Subatomic Cosmonaut

    In times long passed, there lived an ancient race on a long forgotten planet. They were huge, armored creatures whose shells could not be pierced by even the most powerful weapons. They guarded their planet with sheer power and size, but never had the intellect to expand. But the creatures they protected soon grew annoyed of their dominance. They created seven living weapons of pure evil and fire to destroy them. This thoughtless act enraged the ancient race, and in their blind hatred, stormed across the land. The creatures living on the plante soon lost control of the seven beings, who proceeded to burn everything to the ground. Everything from cities, to forests was destroyed in the process. Some of the ancient beings survived the initial onslaught, but still driven by rage they stampeded until they died of exhaustion. The planet was destroyed, and nothing shall ever be able to survive it's toxicity for any extended time. Hundreds of thousands of years passed and some of the first races to travel the universe discovered the planet. Finding the giant shells of the long-dead race, they crafted armor. But something inside the beings shells confused them. Some kind of crystals lay scattered everywhere inside. Through much testing, they discovered that the crystals changed colors when someone near them either had an evil intent, or was lying. They were quickly placed on the armor in various places, for they felt it wouldnt be complete without it. Yet they couldn't help but feeling the crystals were somehow alive... The armor was that of which they could have ruled the universe with. And for quite some time, they did. The armor was that of which no one had ever seen, and their enemies all but submitted to their might. Nothing could even touch the bodied that lay beneath it. Visors made from the thin layer over the eyes of the ancient race, and their shells made extremely light plate armor. But there was one enemy that can beat anything. From their visits to the toxic plant, grew a plague that all but destroyed their race. And as their leader sat in his deathbed, he sent the order to completely destroy the planet. The race was determined to not let the universe fall to the plague. Even so, the leader's second-in-command ignored his orders, and instead hid the planet from the universe. Not knowing the planet still existed, the race scattered the armor across the universe, unwilling to let themselves be forgotten. But after thousands of years and through the downfall of hundreds of races, no knowledge of them ever existing remains. The sets of armor that were scattered throughout the universe are only mere shadows of what the race had originally created. That being said, what they had created had the power of a god.

    Present Day (Game)- The armor is fantastic! It's strong enough to barely even be scratched by our strongest swords, and our bullets just bounce off! It's somehow also shock resistant. We have no idea what it's made of but the armor itself seems to be organic. The suit underneath is exceedingly advanced, yet at the same time older than time itself. But the crystals ON the armor are really special. They seem to be alive and have their own heartbeat! Imagine that! A living armor. They also appear to be spreading red... appendages across the armor... Are they repairing it?

    Armor name- Damaged (Once restored that goes away) Plate Mail of the Ancients
    The crystals are slowly repairing the armor after being awakened by you, but that will take years! Find a way to speed up the process. Maybe more of those living crystals would do the job?

    ~ Originally I wanted the armor to stay the same. That being said, I don't think something that overpowered should really exist > _> That just wouldn't be right.

    Armor is done! Only took my five hours, three drafts, and a horrible hand cramp!

    Edit #1. Added the stuff about the crystals
    Edit #2. Added some extra background/story.
    Edit #3. Spelling fixes. Because I somehow didn't notice the errors. And added name.
    Edit #4. Armor is done and will be posted soon (And by soon I mean today), Added more info on crystals because I liked them.
    Edit #5. Added some story for it in the time of finding it.
    Edit #6. Armor is uploaded to the ART forum post! :3 And can be found here http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/armor-armor-contest-art.6816/
    Spike and Catoosie like this.
  16. There's no such thing. :lod:
    gemino, Solum, 777eza and 6 others like this.
  17. Alvin Flummox

    Alvin Flummox Existential Complex

    The contest never ends! :unsure:
  18. pwnload

    pwnload Big Damn Hero

    I walk in to a cave and see something shining, I walk deeper in to the mysterious with nothing bur iron armor and a gold pixaxe. Lots of monster try to attack but im to ninja and dodge everything. I reach the bright light and see an armor, I take it. I put it on and all the monsters run away. They were scared of me and i kept on walking with 2 giant lazer cannons my shoulder but i felt something behind me and it had immense heat. Once i look back i see this huge dragon. I start to run away, but suddenly i remember i have my brand new armor on and i'm ready to test it with my golden picaxe. The dragon breathes fire on me and when it hit me, i felt nothing. I felt invincible. I ran towards the dragon and used my lazer cannon to shoot it down but it was to fast. I looked at the buttons on my armor and saw a button that had a jet pack on it. I pressed it and i started to fly. There was blue flames behind my back and when i fly, there is a trail behind me that glows. I found a lock on missile button and used it. It was a hit but it looks like the dragon felt like it was a feather. Now i feel hopeless, I decide to retreat I flew away but the dragon still followed me. I tried to ram it to it but his body was as strong as diamond. I quickly searched for a button and pressed it. I became a big mega robot with 4 500mm cannons on it missile launchers on my back. I Shot it multiple times and it fell to the ground. Then i realized I had a with my robot. I used it and it blew up the dragon in to pieces. I left with a relief and joy. 20 years later, I became ruler of the universe and controlled all of the monster as my slaves. THE END
    Armor name : THOR
  19. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    any post after the 31st june will not be judged for a prize but the thread will still be open for cool design's and story's.
  20. saison

    saison Phantasmal Quasar

    Many wars have defaced the Earth and the integrity that the Gods held for it once. It's clear as day to know they have now averted their eyes from the tragedies that humanity has caused. Greed, temptation, lust; only a few of poisons that have demonized what was once a race of people shaped in God's image. Yet many milleniums ago there were battles fought over petty things, to which once God had aided, in hopes that this would somehow redeem this indeed dark race. A man by the name of Richter sought out to unite the world under one rule, to end conflict and truly bring a remarkable name back to humanity.
    During this time there were those seeking power in dark, grotesque manners, namely dabbling in the dark arts. This involved sacrifice, mutilation, dismemberment, and other horrible things done by humans toward their own kind, all for the sake of this lust for power. The Devil granted these dark sorcerers this power, giving them the technology to be far more advanced than that of their foes. Richter's army was one most unlucky, for they beared the brunt of this demonic force.
    Although in the name of justice, Richter and his men fell valiantly, never once cursing their God. A plague soon came upon the people, deteriorating this newfound technology gifted to the corrupted people, no longer human. Technology was once again drawn back another generation, yet one piece was still on par to that of common technology found today. A set of crimson armour, trimmed with a golden alloy, said to be blessed by God to defend those truly pure of heart.

    It was left on it's unknown home planet, unable to be lifted by anyone pure of heart, and so it stayed for generations, where the test of time never once wore down it's impenetrable defense. This armor was forever known as Aegis of Seraphim.

    No longer story: I may sprite this if it gains recognition, haha :) Or maybe if I really come across that kind of time.
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