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#Armor #Armor Contest - Story

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Gadgetguy, Jun 14, 2012.

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  1. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    Hi folkes! would just like to remind you all that there is only 2 days left until closure of this story contest thread so if any editing etc .... you need to be quick and get your entry's polished off.
    also would like to say so far that the story's are second to none when it comes to idea and imagination so myself and Gadgetguy have got a tough job ahead! but there is not really as much entry's as we would of liked so please put the word around so other people have a chance off winning something. thanks, Camz & Gadgetguy
  2. xristosx

    xristosx Void-Bound Voyager

    But the second prize is better than the first.
  3. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    diablo 3 is the 1st prize cant get any better than that mate
    777eza likes this.
  4. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    The #Armor#Armor contest story has now closed and myself and gadgetguy will commence judging the entry's straight away so please be patient on this one guy's.
    also would just like to give a MASSIVE! thanks to all the starbounder's who entered with your amazing entry's honestly i'm very grateful,besides it was unofficial and you guys made this happen. thankyou

    Camz & Gadgetguy.
  5. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    You're quite welcome. I can't wait to see who wins!
  6. Coolitic

    Coolitic Big Damn Hero

    u ppl forgot the space station
  7. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    Firstly i'm sorry for the long wait for the announcement of winners,but iv'e been on holiday and was unable to announce.So now i'm back,me and gadgetguy will announce all winners tomorrow!---> 16/07/2012 :up:
    Doomhawk5 likes this.
  8. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    Im back!! really sorry guys just got out of hospital from a bad car accident what left me with a broken vertebra was in hospital what seemed like a life time! in that traction bollocks, but anyway im gunna give you the good news you have been waiting for the winners:

    1. spike - good job! well written
    2. pancakes - Good job! purely on your art and the story was just the cherry on the top!
    3. pwner53 - Good job! brilliant really was hoping for a entry with a laugh n giggle.
    prizes will be distributed soon as i can get in contact with gadgetguy, and a big THANKS to all who entered and made the contest happen if i could make you all winners i surely as hell would!but that's how it goes folks.
    Some other good news is that i will be carrying on the user run contests one per month so keep your ears n eyes out the next one will be the best vanity item for starbound so get your thinking caps on guys for when it gets announced! AGAIN THANKS!!!!!
    Doomhawk5 and Axe Garian like this.
  9. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Yes! Thank you so much for at least taking your time to read my stuff! It's not the prize that's so rewarding; the whole experience is what counts!
    Doomhawk5 likes this.
  10. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    This is probably more than 2000 words. i'm not going to count it so yeah. If it is, feel free not to count me in.
    I figured i'd just make this story for fun.

    "Psh, i don't need no armor, my skin is tough enough!" said the Kid when watching his big brother while he was putting his new Steel crest on. "Oh, really? Hah! You have obviously never seen our enemy's weapons! They are awesome, lil' brother! But they are scary and powerful" replied the Kid's big brother. "Now put your armor on, allright?"

    They both went outside the tent. The two Suns were high in the sky, like two eyes watching over the Tribe.
    The Kid was surprised to see many of his friends wearing those curious armors. Even more curious was the fact that he was wearing one too. It was heavy, clunky and scary for a child of his age.

    A heavily armored man came out of one of the tents. Apparently he was the so called Shaman. He started yelling. "The time has come, my friends! Our feared enemy is constantly threating us with the powerful weapons of Light! But we finally decided to REUNITE AND FIGHT! Nothing will stand against us, and our Tribe will be able to finally rule this planet in peace!"
    Screams of joy and patriotism filled the air. The Kid didn't understand what that man said, but was yelling anyways. He thought it was fun.
    Everybody then got in line and started walking in one direction like the training said. The Kid couldn't see through the Armor's helmet very well though, so he was always walking in the wrong way and his big brother was constantly laughing and telling him to walk the other way.
    They were both having fun, until they reached a forest.

    -Shh, don't make any sound.
    -What's wrong big bro?

    Everyone got on the ground, silently taking out their swords and bows.

    -They don't know we're here.

    Suddenly, huge explosions and weird "Pow" sounds everywhere. Their ambush didn't work. The White Man somehow knew that they were hiding in the grass. Must be the White Man's weird technology.

    The people of the Tribe attacked but kept dropping like flies. Their swords and bows were no match for the White Man's weapons of Light.
    The Kid didn't even understand what was going on, he was just seeing red, yellow, blue and green lines all over the place, hitting his friends and making them fall. The armors were full of holes.

    Somebody grabbed the Kid and pulled him away, he kept screaming but couldn't do anything about it. He stopped screaming when he realized it was his big brother. He wasn't running so well and his armor was full of Dakini (i made up this word, it basically means "red juicy liquid" in this Tribe's language). He stopped and fell. "What's going on, big brother? What is this?" said the Kid in tears. His big brother started slowly laughing. "W- what's so funny?" asked the Kid, confused. His brother slowly replied: "...your armor..." The Kid still didn't understand, but decided to do as his brother said. He looked at his armor.

    There were small burns all over it. But there wasn't a single hole or scratch.
    "Yesterday...before the Suns went down... i changed your armor with the Shaman's... I knew his armor had a secondary plate under it..."
    This was all too much for the Kid, he kept crying and crying. "What are you talking about, brother? What is going on? I want to go home!"
    His brother stopped moving.

    When they all came back to the Tribe's tents, only about 7 of them were still alive. One of them was the Kid.
    He was still crying after hours of loud noises, but no tears were coming out of his eyes anymore. He went to his tent and thought about what happened in the forest.

    ---SCENE CHANGE---

    -Captain, we still haven't found anything that refers to the ancient legends on this planet. I believe the Tribal Crestplate is just a legend, sir. Should we take off?
    -Negative, liutenant. We must keep searching.
    -But, captain, the recent attack from one of the tribes to our mineshafts has caused the death of two of our men. We cannot continue this operation, it's too dangerous.
    -I understand liutenant, but this artifact we are looking for is made of a far stronger material than our common resources we use to make weapons and armor. It will revolutionize our society as we know it! Our army will be even more powerful! We can NOT abandon this opportunity! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
    -Perfectly, sir.

    The Plasma doors closed behind the captain as he walked away, grinning.

    -And if we don't find it...

    He laughed.
    Cold chills went down the liutenant's spine.
  11. pwner53

    pwner53 Over 9000!!!

    thecontest is LONG done
  12. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    Yep, i found out after i made my story.

    Who cares, i just have tons of free time and decided to randomly contribute something, i dunno.
    It was just what would happen when i get my first Orbital Nuke in my spaceship.

    You could have snipped the quote, though...
  13. Eight

    Eight Pangalactic Porcupine

    Was it the #vanity #vanity contest next?
  14. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    Yep the #Vanity #Vanity contest will be the next one but it will just be on art.
  15. pwner53

    pwner53 Over 9000!!!

    when are the prizes gonna be given out?
  16. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    the prizes will be given out soon as i speak with gadgetguy because he was supplying 2nd and 3rd prizes to winners so shouldn't be two long matey!
  17. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    hi spike im gunna give you your prize in the form of a key code for diablo 3, the reason i do this is that i dont think its good i idea that you post your address and personal information to me not saying i would use it and do nasty things with it its just to protect you matey because there are some bad people out there and the golden rule is not give out personal information to people you dont know but anyway when will you get your prize? you will get your prize at that the end of this month dude is that ok? congrats! Camz.
  18. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Thanks! I appreciate it and would probably do this contest again if you wish to start this thing again!
  19. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    iquote="Spike, post: 289791, member: 1810"]Thanks! I appreciate it and would probably do this contest again if you wish to start this thing again![/quote]
    well im happy to tell you that i am spike i released a post somewhere on the forum but cant remember where lol. but i'm planning on doing one per month and have allready decided on the next contest and its going to be on the best vanity item hence #vanity #vanity contest will be announced soon!
  20. pwner53

    pwner53 Over 9000!!!

    i never got my prize :mad:
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