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Closed ACCESS VIOLATION after update

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Sivarius, Jan 29, 2015.

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  1. Katuo

    Katuo Void-Bound Voyager

    The in-memory cache (stuff you can view/empty with Sysinternals RAMMap or the like; 'standby list'). That's the bit that's really awkward; that has never been a thing other games have even cared about in the slightest beyond being a free, passive performance boost. That would make me think that it's an OS bug if it wasn't showing up on W7/W8 for some people as well (maybe a driver bug?)
    renbear likes this.
  2. I'll give it a shot when I get home from work - too busy to do it on the clock today. I still was unable to re-produce the issue by restarting or running the game multiple times last night. Finally got to work on my mod for a bit. Woo!
  3. Bierbart

    Bierbart Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, it's me again. Removing the pak file seemed to have only stopped it for a while. It started happening at random intervals mid-game. Re-downloading the pak fixed it until one of those random intervals kicked in. I'm glad theres an autosave, otherwise this would bother me...

    Looks like chucklefish done goofed.

    Edit: Actually, after the fourth time redownloading the pak, it doesn't seem to fix it anymore.
    I will just wait for them to fix it now... I'm done.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
  4. Flaffi

    Flaffi Void-Bound Voyager

    Merp, I'm sorta having the same issue I guess, with a Win XP 32-bit SP3 Prof, 4 gigs ram (3.2 gig with 1 gig graphic basically due to how 32 bit works, limiting my max ram) and an Intel Core2Duo with 3.0 Ghz. Haven't had the chance on trying it on my other PC but it doesn't seem a problem with the OS if I look around this thread, so... yeah.

    Basically, before the big winter update, the game worked fine. I've patched it yesterday and started getting these errors, no change with todays small patch, reinstalling did nothing. I assume it's an issue on their end or something like that...? I've read around that deleting the old koala-characters could solve this, but I think I've deleted that folder after I've deinstalled starbound... unless it's saved somewhere else and not inside the starbound folder.

    Oh right, I usually get one of three scenarios: The game freezes after the logo, the game auto-closes after the logo or what happens the most: These errors~ [​IMG]

    I've read something about deleting the packed.pak in this thread but I've no clue how that's gonna work, I've got Starbound via steam. Hope that's gonna help to solve this, unless I simply suck and missed something important~
  5. wty4321

    wty4321 Big Damn Hero

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!! You save my day!!!!
  6. Tindome

    Tindome Big Damn Hero

    Similar problem here on XP SP3. I had the same issue I'm having now a few days ago when giraffe was still only unstable (but stable worked fine then). I switched to the stable when giraffe came live at stable and had no issues at all. Then after the different patches sometimes it worked sometimes it doesn't. Every single time it patched the playability changed, rofl. I tried anything, even using only one core. I reinstall the whole game every single time it didn't work but it never helps. Right now I have three different logs, every time I start the game one of them repeats. One is an acces violation 0, the other is 0x7c911c63 (Read of address 0x4c44). The last one is new though, I didn't get this until the last patch:

    Attached Files:

    • SB.txt
      File size:
      3.4 KB
  7. Napai690

    Napai690 Space Spelunker

    I am having this same problem.. like.. exactly the same. I've tried everything I can imagine and still, the same damn errors every time. I'm on windows 8, however. I also have never played the game before, so my installation is fresh. I've re-installed countless times, and it's just starting to get ridiculous. I hope this get's fixed soon.
  8. TobiasAmaranth

    TobiasAmaranth Void-Bound Voyager

    I feel better now seeing other people reporting this. I will go back to being patient...
  9. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    Works fine for me, it just doesn't make sense as it doesn't work on my windows 8 laptop but it will work on another windows 8 laptop. It wont work on a windows 7 build i have but it will work on a exact replicant of the same build. As for linux builds i have no issues. I just dont understand why i get the same errors but it works fine other wise on other machines.
    Airling likes this.
  10. TobiasAmaranth

    TobiasAmaranth Void-Bound Voyager

    I use Windows XP and have yet to be able to play since the main stable update. Though oddly enough I was able to make it as far as Universe Generation one time. Made a character and everything. I also was able to get further (to "Loading..." after the splash screen) after leaving the program alone for a day (I didn't reboot) with no changes whatsoever. :wut: Of course, it disappeared without even reporting to the error log, but it still made it further. And then proceeded to give AV errors for following launches.

    Makes me glad I'm not in game design, I swear. :<
    renbear and Airling like this.
  11. Exroath

    Exroath Void-Bound Voyager

    Everything was working fine last night , I tried playing today and im back with this error, I have to reinstall to stop it appearing :S but in time it comes back :S
  12. Goldark

    Goldark Master Chief

    I too solved the problem unpacking the packed.pak file.
    You do it like this:
    Open the command window
    Assuming you have steam under c:
    cd "steam\steamapps\common\starbound\win32"
    asset_unpacker "c:\steam\steamapps\common\starbound\assets\packed.pak" "c:\steam\steamapps\common\starbound\assets\"
    then open, in the win32 folder, the file sbboot.config
    you have to change this:

    "handleFatalSignals" : true,
    "handleInterruptSignal" : true,
    "assetSources" : [

    into this

    "handleFatalSignals" : true,
    "handleInterruptSignal" : true,
    "assetSources" : [

    you just have to take out the packed.pak part

    That solved it for me. I believe it will solve the problem for the others
    andao and Hausmeierkarl like this.
  13. Napai690

    Napai690 Space Spelunker

    I did this last night and still did not work. This is really starting to upset me because I have not even played the game yet xD I will attempt to be patient, but hopefully this is fixed very soon
  14. Inventor9

    Inventor9 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm having the exact same problem, even after I reinstalled it.
  15. Inventor9

    Inventor9 Void-Bound Voyager

    So here's the problem. I downloaded the starbound update when it came out and got these error messages when I hot to the penguin loading screen:

    Access violation detected at 0 (Read of address 0)

    Runtime error! Program E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\starbound\win32\starbound.exe This application has caused runtime to terminate it in an unusual way blah blah blah...

    Stack Trace... SignalHadlermpl::sehTrampoline()

    I'm pretty sure a few people have the same problem, and maybe some of them found out the answer, but looking at everyone's posts is very confusing. Could someone give me a straightforward answer?

    Thanks in advance...
  16. Bierbart

    Bierbart Void-Bound Voyager


  17. Airling

    Airling Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh dear, all it did for me was change the error message.

    The only error message that seems to never change or go away is the C++ Runtime one.
  18. Bierbart

    Bierbart Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, it only seems to fix it for SOME machines...
    It was worth a try. Gotta wait patiently for tiy to recognize this.
    Airling likes this.
  19. Hausmeierkarl

    Hausmeierkarl Void-Bound Voyager

    This worked for me for now. I start it through the OpenGL .exe. Win XP SP3. Make sure you refer to the right directory.
    I used the unpacker that was linked in this thread http://community.playstarbound.com/...to-unpack-your-starbound-assets-folder.66583/
    I will play it further and see if the errors appear again.
  20. Flaffi

    Flaffi Void-Bound Voyager

    Hm... opening the assets and letting it run that way... I'll have to try that later and report back if I have any success. You know, this reminds me a bit when the beta started back then... I can't recall if it's the exact same error though, just a thought xD
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