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Closed ACCESS VIOLATION after update

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Sivarius, Jan 29, 2015.

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  1. Divair

    Divair Space Hobo

    I've ended up with the same error. Worked fine earlier, saved & quit, now I'm running into this. I've tried:
    - Running as admin
    - Running in various compatibility modes
    - OpenGL 32 and 64
    - Non-OPenGL 32 and 64

    Nothing works.
  2. SouThhy

    SouThhy Void-Bound Voyager

  3. Inventor9

    Inventor9 Void-Bound Voyager

    I got it to work by deleting the packed.Pac file and verifying the file thingy or what ever. Thanks anyway!
  4. SouThhy

    SouThhy Void-Bound Voyager

    For real?
  5. Divair

    Divair Space Hobo

    Going to try this right now.
  6. Inventor9

    Inventor9 Void-Bound Voyager

    I think. It may not work and crash while I'm playing or something, but as of now, it doesn't come up with the error messages.
  7. Divair

    Divair Space Hobo

    Re-downloading the packed file worked. Thanks!
  8. Inventor9

    Inventor9 Void-Bound Voyager

    Restarted computer... it works no more.:(
    Airling likes this.
  9. Airling

    Airling Void-Bound Voyager

  10. Inventor9

    Inventor9 Void-Bound Voyager

    We need a staff member to help us, pronto.
  11. Latogato

    Latogato Void-Bound Voyager

    I have Win XP SP3, starbound worked fine yesterday, today access violation detected at 0 error.
    My only "solution": don't give up. The game will crash several times, but soon or later it will start properly and you can play.
  12. Inventor9

    Inventor9 Void-Bound Voyager

    I just emailed a staff member, and will tell you guys what he said as soon as I hear back from him.
  13. supernet2

    supernet2 Existential Complex

    that makes sense i never thought of unpacking the pack, i remember in beta all the assets though were considered unpacked and not in a .pak file. Maybe this is the source, and away i go... to make it work on win8 (T100)

    Yeah it doesn't work for me on windows xp sp2, or windows xp sp3. Although this is a test machine im running the sp builds on as it is a old tank top back when oc'ing was "cool". Might be something on my end for that machine tho, still gotta update the cpu with a better core as its a crappy amd Athlon single core junk (i think the mobo supports like 3.2ghz) tops dual core, not sure yet (msi mobo)
  14. renbear

    renbear Cosmic Narwhal

    Katuo, I really think you're on to something here. I hope the devs pay attention. It should be reproducible using the tools they've got available to them.
  15. BlightFight

    BlightFight Big Damn Hero

    Just chiming in to say that it still crashes on load for me. Anyone have any kinda inkling as to how far they are in solving this issue?
  16. Hausmeierkarl

    Hausmeierkarl Void-Bound Voyager

    I have been playing on and off for a few hours now, restarted my pc as well and it still works for me with the unpacked assets/packed.pak.
    I can only recommend it. It seems that way you don't have the problem , or as much problems as with the single packed.pak not being properly written in the windows file cache. The loading times increase, but all the files and folders are getting properly registered, which may eliminate the errors. If it doesn't work for you, try to put the unpacked assets in a folder outside of Steam/Starbound and change the config accordingly.
    I think what Katuo wrote might really be the real issue.
    renbear likes this.
  17. Blake81

    Blake81 Cosmic Narwhal

    Same here. Just unpacked the packed.pak and redirected the sbboot.config towards it and everything been running as smooth as in the Unstables. Pity that the Nav Console still lags a lot....
  18. Napai690

    Napai690 Space Spelunker

    can you explain to me how to redirect it correctly? I don't do things like this all that often.
  19. Hausmeierkarl

    Hausmeierkarl Void-Bound Voyager

    I followed the instructions from Goldark. You have to change the directory in the sboot.config file and link to the folder with the unpacked assets, instead of the single packed.pak

  20. Nightrunner91

    Nightrunner91 Master Chief

    *sigh* It nothing changed to me, now I can't see even loading screen, cause game permanently crashes with this error:
    2015-02-01 11-19-27.jpg
    After unpacking a new folder appeared in \Starbound\assets named "unpacked".
    I tried to launched the game both with starbound.exe and starbound_opengl.exe in Win32 folder. I use Windows XP SP3.
    Airling likes this.
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