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Your Starbound Crew 4.98

Go on missions to collect a crew for your ship!

  1. Bounties and more!

    Hey everyone, just finished up adding a bunch of stuff!

    Introducing bounties! Only three right now, but I'm working on many more. Love-Jones sells the USCM Bounty Console where you can craft spawners of some of the most wanted characters in the Starbound universe (although only three of them right now, and it's pretty basic).
    The first mate now sells a dog bowl that summons a pet dog for your ship or base, hurray!
    Added five new monster beacons.
    All crew members (except the mechanic) sell race specific furniture.
    The scientist can now craft a few more techs, including mechs.
    The scientist doesn't need a tech chest to create any more, and I added a recipe where you can change a blue tech chest into a green one for techs.
    Updated the doctor and scientist crafting stations.
    Added more stuff to the merchant network.
    Fixed the medical bed issues.
    Hopefully fixed the KEI issues.

    Hope everyone enjoys! Although the bounties are bare bones at the moment, I plan to really flesh it out in the future, and even add some lore to them and the crew members. Please let me know if anything is wrong or if any generic items show up, and thank you so much for 4000 downloads!
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