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Your Starbound Crew 4.98

Go on missions to collect a crew for your ship!

  1. The first big update!

    Added the Chef's Oven, the Mechanic's Anvil, the Scientist's Computer, the Doctor's Sign, and the Hunter's Pet items. These act as crafting tables so it seems like the crew learns new recipes as you level up through the sectors.
    A couple crew members offer codex items that offer tips for people who are new to playing Starbound.
    Added more monster spawners.
    Combined the clothier and the merchant together, although not all the clothes have moved over yet.
    Added more items to the crew mate, mechanic, merchant, hunter, scientist, doctor, and redid most of the chef's items.
    Please let me know if there are any bugs, generic items, if things seem to hard/expensive, or too easy/cheap! Hope everyone enjoys!
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