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Outdated WH40K: Pax Imperialis 1.3

Warhammer 40k mod

  1. Version 1.2 Update

    Merry Christmas everyone! :D

    New additions: Astartes chainsword of whirring death!

    *As with the other items in this mod, the chainsword is meant to be a high level item, so it'll likely be OP till you hit the higher tier planets.


    To install, please delete the original mod folder in the "assets" directory (otherwise you'll get duplicate asset name errors), and paste this mod into the "mods" folder. Also, replace the "humantutorial.questtemplate" file in the game's directory with the new one provided inside the mod folder (remove the .mod extension at the end after you copy it), and start a new character to get the new items.

    v1.2 Changelog
    - fixed SM Chest armor not spawning in latest patch (v. Angry Koala 23/12/2013) due to changes in augments
    - added chainsword (currently not animated, looking for a workaround/solution for this)
    - changed the armor augments to better reflect their function as power armor.
    - updated recipes to use impervium bars as suggested by "blackram20xx", however still using the starting quest reward method for easiest access for the time being.
    - moved to "mods" folder for easier mod management
    - added modinfo file
    - fixed some spelling inconsistencies in the descriptions
    zortbg likes this.
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