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Outdated The Multiversal Mothership - CHRISTMAS UPDATE!! -Angry Koala - Hidalgo MODs 1.2

Huge all-in-one ship. Everything you need to make your ship your home.

  1. Punisherbr
    (I have stopped updating this mod for a bit. After I'm done with some other projects, I'll get back to this and keep the updates coming, thanks for all the feedback so far, guys!)

    For now, just remove the christmas decorations in game and have a normal ship version :p



    http://imgur.com/a/uXh6o (12 pic album)
    Hi and thanks for downloading "The Multiversal Mothership" Starbound Mod made by Hidalgo(Punisherbr)
    I hope you enjoy this mod as much I enjoyed making it.

    This mod is based around the old human space station.

    Thanks for all the feedback so far guys, you are awesome!
    Please rate/review/endorse/comment to help me improve it or to help me smile :p


    You must be thinking " WHY ANOTHER GODDAMN ~AESTHETICS~ SHIP MOD?"
    Well, actually I made this mod with much more than that in mind.

    Since I started playing Starbound, I felt a strong relation with my initial vanilla ship and just some
    minutes after it was already feeling cramped. So it was obvious that I needed it to be bigger.
    I know many people modded around this idea, but I wanted more, something not just bigger or
    insanely bigger, I wanted it a place to call home.
    Now you ask my why? Well that's why:
    In sandbox games you normally have a world to take care of, right? Let's use Terraria for example.
    (please, it's just an example. I know they are two different games and that's my point here)
    In Terraria you generate a random world that you can explore with your old or new character, and
    inside this world you need a proper shelter, so you actually feel like it's your place, it's your home
    and you have to take care of it. You would feel extremely bad if there was a boss that could explode
    your buildings, because you know, that's all you have.
    Now let's take a look at Starbound, you have quadrillions of planets to explore, sure you can build
    anything anywhere, but it just feels generic and easily replaceable, but if you think about it,
    what's the only thing that will follow you wherever you go?

    No, it's not guys from The Calling, it's your SHIP!
    So why not make it big, and have everything you ever need?
    Screw the home planet.
    You can have your home planet right above your head everytime!
    Also, I find that the artificial biome idea is what makes this ship unique in a way. I'll develop that
    idea and I'm sure I'll like the result when I have more tools to work with.


    -Huge ship
    -Many themed rooms
    -Many places to have awesome views
    -Large storage room, almost impossible to run out of space.
    -Hangar with all the original vanilla race ships
    -Artificial Biome Room - It almost feels like you are not inside a ship at all! Build freely on your
    favorite biome INSIDE YOUR FAVORITE SHIP and carry your buildings wherever you go.
    -Feels very cool with spawned NPCs
    -Works on multiplayer if everyone has this mod installed
    -Perfectly good for clans reunions, band shows, or just to build and have fun with friends inside

    It's simple if you follow these steps.

    1- Open "Paste whats inside on mods folder" folder and CHOOSE ONE folder.
    2- Paste the folder you choose inside
    %YOUR STEAM LOCATION%/SteamApps/common/Starbound/mods
    3- Enjoy!
    (VERSION 1.2 UPDATE brings decoration dropship.structure file and the MMdropship.png!
    Have fun with that!)

    For now, if you really want to play with your old characther in this ship,
    make a new character with this mod installed, close it, then open the folder Starbound/player and
    copy the .shipworld file of your new character, change the name of the file
    for the old random letters and numbers from your old character, essentialy
    overwriting the old .shipworld file. Be warned though, it will remove everything
    related to your old ship. So back up every file before.

    PROTIP: If you want decorations and stuff from your old ship:
    1 - Back up both .shipworld files you are going to mess with.
    2 - Log in to your old character, remove the ship decorations in game and let them all in your inventory.
    3 - Overwrite the old .shipworld file.
    4 - Log in again, so you will have all the old decorations on your new ship AND if you ever want to
    go back, just restore the old .shipworld file and you will still have your old ship with your old
    decorations as long as you have the proper files for your old ship too.


    -It is possible to place blocks where they are not supposed to (this is actually a workaround I found
    to increase ship's overall lighting and don't be forced to use loads of invisible lights that
    consume way too much memory and eventually cause lag.) So don't place blocks where they are not supposed
    to. It won't help you in any way, and it will look ugly :p

    -Every race starts inside the human ship


    -Add rooms for the ship, examples (battle arena, bathroom, kitchen, social interaction rooms...)
    -Improve ships exhaust and allign its animation
    -Improve ship lighting(without having to make a workaround with collision blocks)
    -Improve ship design
    -Make a proper shell for the entire ship (I suck at pixel art)
    -Create a way to leave the ship and make it possible to use the space around it to build whatever
    you want
    -Make all biomes for the artificial biome room
    -Pre made version with NPCs (probably when their AI gets better)
    -Pre made version fully decorated (Basic decoration version is up, fully decorated will be an optional download
    in near future.)
    -Create an object to interact with the background overlay and change the biome of the
    artificial biome room (Tried many things to make this work, but it seems to be impossible
    right now. Maybe will be possible in a few updates with ship upgrades and all the wiring
    mechanics implemented)


    Heavy update on the dropship.structure file and the MMdropship.png file.
    Now it's possible to place background objects anywhere on the ship(torches, TVs, Signs, Paintings, etc.)
    The only room you can't place background objects without placing a background wall first
    is in the artificial biome room. Build your house first, then place some objects (this was
    made to make it feel more realistic).
    .shipworld file not required anymore to see ship decorations! However, if you still want to play
    inside this ship with an old character and mess with the .shipworld file follow instructions on the
    installation part!

    1.1 - Updated to work with ANGRY KOALA
    - Removed .shipworld file. It's was an old mechanic and bad way to share decorations,
    from now on I'll start decorating from the .dropship file.
    1.0.1 - Minor update on Starter Treasure
    1.0 - InitialRelease

    Please, if you like my mods, help me to continue modding by donating any amount. Thank you very much!


    ChuckleFish for making this game, and specially for making it moddable.
    Alsehr for the initial tip and inspiration from his mods.
    All modders out there, open minded enough to share their experiences. Learned a lot by reading from you.
    Random people at IRC ## starbound modding
    Sorry if I forgot anyone.


    1. artificial1.png
    2. artificial2.png
    3. bridge.png
    4. dorm.png
    5. escape.png
    6. farm.png
    7. hangar.png
    8. lounge.png
    9. med.png
    10. out.png
    11. out2.png
    12. storage.png
    13. claus.png
    dai1030, Slimy, jessslopes and 2 others like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Cyro3107
    Version: 1.2
    NICE! but i made a user at the site but it says you need to be a member do i need to buy some premium to get this mod??? say meh D:
  2. Emil576
    Version: 1.2
    Good work very good work love this mod thanks for making this mod!
    Keep up the good work!
  3. Hacky
    Version: 1.2
    Looks very interesting, but no download without registering on another site. The side which provides the download also seems to be very commercial and I don't wanna register on potential spam sites.
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      So you dropped two stars because it's hosted on Nexus?
      The site is not hosted by me and I'm not getting anything for their ads, so if you don't want to download it from there, simply don't download it. I already said I have problems when updating the resource link to this site, it is very buggy and unstable. So I choose Nexus because I think it's a much better modding platform. Also, you clearly say you rated my mod without even playing it, which is not cool. If you really want it and can't download it from nexus, just ask to me inbox and I can host to another site for you.
  4. Albin Xavier
    Albin Xavier
    Version: 1.2
    This is a wonderful ship that gives me plenty of space to build everything. In fact, I have too much space!
    1. Punisherbr
  5. Renadeus
    Version: 1.2
    You've done a great job making this ship! Could you maybe add a mirror download link if the nexusmod site is down? Or if people don't want to make an account on that site?
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the feedback! Once the mod section of this site is completely working again, I'll provide an alternate download link. For now, I can't update the resouce link at all. Nexus seems to do the job pretty fine, and it's pretty rare to be down.
  6. jos98000
    Version: 1.2
    cool ;-) super merci bonne fete a tous
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Thanks! (I guess!) haha
  7. JellyBlade
    Version: 1.2
    It's huge, and it looks wonderful, lots of pretty things and pretty sights to see. It's a big too big to be honest, but I fixed that.
    Would totally recommend Brybry's Waypoint Mod to use within the ship.
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Thank you very much for your feedback! In a near future I plan on splitting some rooms to fix the emptiness feeling.
  8. soraia
    Version: 1.2
    The author must have put a lot of work in this mod, it's just amazing. Loved the last christmas update.
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Indeed. I'm working at this mod for about 10 days now... I restarted building from scratch so many times I can't even remember. If only I had more artistic skills, this wouldn't have taken so long. Thank you very much for your feedback.
  9. xxSilver_Wolfxx
    Version: 1.0.1
    UMMMM where is the starmap..... I'm trapped
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Please keep this place for reviews only, you could comment that on the forum post.
      All the initial ship objects are there, and I also made them all removable so you can place wherever you please. If you want to see and travel on the starmap you can do it by fueling the ship, then sitting on the chair and navigating through the interface.
      This mod doesn't interfere on interface or anything related to that. Thank you.
  10. GlitchRocks
    Version: 1.0.1
    This is a pretty cool ship. I can build everything I need inside it while looking awesome at the same time. My favorite ship mod so far.
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the feedback!