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Outdated The Multiversal Mothership - CHRISTMAS UPDATE!! -Angry Koala - Hidalgo MODs 1.2

Huge all-in-one ship. Everything you need to make your ship your home.

  1. Emil576
    Version: 1.2
    Good work very good work love this mod thanks for making this mod!
    Keep up the good work!
  2. Hacky
    Version: 1.2
    Looks very interesting, but no download without registering on another site. The side which provides the download also seems to be very commercial and I don't wanna register on potential spam sites.
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      So you dropped two stars because it's hosted on Nexus?
      The site is not hosted by me and I'm not getting anything for their ads, so if you don't want to download it from there, simply don't download it. I already said I have problems when updating the resource link to this site, it is very buggy and unstable. So I choose Nexus because I think it's a much better modding platform. Also, you clearly say you rated my mod without even playing it, which is not cool. If you really want it and can't download it from nexus, just ask to me inbox and I can host to another site for you.
  3. Albin Xavier
    Albin Xavier
    Version: 1.2
    This is a wonderful ship that gives me plenty of space to build everything. In fact, I have too much space!
    1. Punisherbr
  4. Renadeus
    Version: 1.2
    You've done a great job making this ship! Could you maybe add a mirror download link if the nexusmod site is down? Or if people don't want to make an account on that site?
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the feedback! Once the mod section of this site is completely working again, I'll provide an alternate download link. For now, I can't update the resouce link at all. Nexus seems to do the job pretty fine, and it's pretty rare to be down.
  5. jos98000
    Version: 1.2
    cool ;-) super merci bonne fete a tous
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Thanks! (I guess!) haha
  6. JellyBlade
    Version: 1.2
    It's huge, and it looks wonderful, lots of pretty things and pretty sights to see. It's a big too big to be honest, but I fixed that.
    Would totally recommend Brybry's Waypoint Mod to use within the ship.
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Thank you very much for your feedback! In a near future I plan on splitting some rooms to fix the emptiness feeling.
  7. soraia
    Version: 1.2
    The author must have put a lot of work in this mod, it's just amazing. Loved the last christmas update.
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Indeed. I'm working at this mod for about 10 days now... I restarted building from scratch so many times I can't even remember. If only I had more artistic skills, this wouldn't have taken so long. Thank you very much for your feedback.
  8. xxSilver_Wolfxx
    Version: 1.0.1
    UMMMM where is the starmap..... I'm trapped
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Please keep this place for reviews only, you could comment that on the forum post.
      All the initial ship objects are there, and I also made them all removable so you can place wherever you please. If you want to see and travel on the starmap you can do it by fueling the ship, then sitting on the chair and navigating through the interface.
      This mod doesn't interfere on interface or anything related to that. Thank you.
  9. GlitchRocks
    Version: 1.0.1
    This is a pretty cool ship. I can build everything I need inside it while looking awesome at the same time. My favorite ship mod so far.
    1. Punisherbr
      Author's Response
      Thanks for the feedback!