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Outdated Samus Aran Collection 1.1

A rapidly growing collection of items from the Metroid series

  1. Dielji
    Currently included in this mod are reproductions of Samus Aran's Varia and Gravity suits, modeled after Metroid Prime's designs. They have fairly modest stats and build costs, something players should be able to craft early in the game for a good leg up; I'll be adjusting them as I make more armor variants and get a bit further in the game myself. ARM-CANNON UPDATE: A modder by the name of Quacksol, as well as one other, are building items and resources with me to put together something awesome; in the meantime, as a teaser of things to come, Quacksol has released an arm cannon designed to work nicely with my armor, located here: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/varia-suit-arm-cannon.1550/


    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Updates

  1. Furiously Updated!

Recent Reviews

  1. Pit1500
    Version: 1.1
  2. Hanself
    Version: 1.1
    I just started playing Starbound and I gotta say this is the first mod I installed and I enjoy every second of it!! Great job.
  3. Rhokk222
    Version: 1.0
    update this please!
    1. Dielji
      Author's Response
      Working on it! It turned out not to be as simple as changing the version number, and some stuff came up that kept me away... but soon!
  4. stardust7671
    Version: 1.0
    Mod amazing cant wait for mor variants and hopefully some weapons
  5. Pohany
    Version: 1.0