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Outdated Revision: Combat 0.1.0 Enraged Koala

Combat Overhaul Module for Revision

  1. Unit_Alpha
    Revision: Combat is combat overhaul mod designed with playability, enjoyment, and intuitive gameplay in mind. It aims to be the best of the best and do things other mod's wouldn't, couldn't or shouldn't. While we aim high, we hope to provide you with a unique and memorable experience.

    Revision: Combat is a small part of a multi segmented modpack called Revision. Revision is divided up into several small and heavily focused parts so users like you can pick and choose parts that suit your unique experience. Should you wish to only have the advanced combat mechanics this module offers, you can choose to only install this mod(plus any necessary dependencies) or you can even choose not to install this at all!

    So what does this mod currently offer? See below for a checklist of features:

    • Directional Melee
      • Melee weapons now can aim in any direction. Fixed position melee weapons no longer exist with this mod installed
    • Reduced 'Swish' Time
      • Melee weapons have had their 'swish,' the usually blue path left by your weapon of choice reduced. They now exist for only a fraction of a second. Time your next strike carefully!
    • Reduced Spear Use Time
      • Spears now can be used quicker then before, bringing them in line with other Revision weapons. This has been done on whim as we felt spears were severely lacking when compared to other weapons within the same tier.
    • Rebalanced All Melee Damage
      • All weapons have had their various damages revamped and configured for your personal use. This includes rate of use, damage, effects, 'swish', and knockback.
    • New Melee Weapons
      • Several new weapons have been included. Find or build them, they are yours to use.
    • New Melee Effects
      • New effects such as Air Swish or Ember have been added. Find yourself a favorite or make one on your own!
    • Reduced Energy Consumption For Ranged
      • Firefighting now can last much longer. Avoid getting cocky though, they get this bonus too.
    • Inclusion Of Physical Ammunition
      • Where energy fails, physical bullets, rockets, and grenades fill in. Some guns may use physical ammunition instead of energy. Some might even use both!
    • New Ammo Types
      • We decided that it wasn't just enough to include actual ammunition, we went and added several new certifiably explosive types! And for those who rather do things with less of a bang, we added several conventional munitions as well.
    • Rebalanced All Ranged Damage
      • If we stopped before now, we'd end up as poor excuse of a modder. All ranged weapons have had all stats revamped.
    • New Ranged Weapons
      • Wanted a flamethrower rocket launcher? Well so did we. Several new weapons have been added for your enjoyment.
    • Craftable Racial Ranged Weapons
      • We thought that everyone owning guns but the player was a bit strange. So now you can own your very own gun, crafted straight from Tier 1 and on.
    • End Goal: Racial Combat Techs
      • Our ultimate goal is to include advanced melee combat that closely resembles AAA fighting games like Mortal Kombat and StreetFighter. With this each race will have an unlockable 'tech' that allows them to go hand to hand against the deadliest of monsters and put them where they belong. And it doesn't stop there, combat is fluid and incorporates your HotKeys(L and R in the hotbar) so you can truly lay waste as you quickly flood lead, bombs, and slashes between punches and grapples. What's more is each race will have its own separate version of the tech with advantages and disadvantages of each. Play around and see.
    Key: Green items are done. Yellow items are in current development. Red items are in the conceptual phase and do not yet exist in any form of code. Early versions of this module are likely to have very little features complete.

    Install directions:

    1. Create a backup of your saves
    2. Download Revision: Combat.7z
    3. Download any dependencies listed below.
      1. None yet!
    4. Unpack Revision_Combat.7z using your preferred .zip packer.
    5. Unpack any dependencies as well.
    6. Move Revision_Combat folder and all dependencies to your starbound/mods directory
    7. Play starbound(or install other compatible mods first)
    Developer notes: This is an early release and doesn't require any dependencies. This will change in the future as other parts of Revision take shape.

    It is entirely possible that you may lose items when installing this mod(they will be converted into PGIs(perfectly generic items.) This is irreversible. If you do not backup we can not be held responsible for your folly. If you do lose some of your items we fully encourage you to use item spawning mods to replace the lost goods.

    This mod does not change existing weapons(other then some minor projectile/swoosh based stats.) If you want to fully experience everything this mod has to offer, such as directional melee or weapon rebalance you will need to craft new weapons. As with before, we encourage the use of item spawning mods to replace your items so the loss of your favorite weapon doesn't come at a lethal blow to your play.

    You have been warned.

    We as the Revision Team under the account of Unit_Alpha grant all parties access to our resources and assets for any purpose both in commercial and private venues on the following conditions:
    You must contact us about use of materials. - This is to simply allow us to know where our materials are in case that we are presented troubleshooting or in an extreme and unlikely case, legal issues.
    Any conditions applied by chuckle fish or their subsidiaries, associates, or affiliates automatically in effect from the date it is public ally announced. These must be followed.

    Failing to follow these guidelines will result in a great level of annoyance towards you, your associates, and your mothers. We may even go so far as practicing dark magic so as to lay a curse on your entire family for generations to come. As before,

    You have been warned.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Reviews

  1. Budyjoe
    Version: 0.1.0 Enraged Koala
    Is a good mod. However ships. My suggestion is add ships that might run into a raider vessiel during warp. So the comfy ship you never felt excited in, is now fun. Beam to theirs or yours! They can do the same! And crews that you can just equip like other players with vanity, in use aromas, and guns.
  2. Scruffigans
    Version: 0.1.0 Enraged Koala
    This mod is absolutely essential. I can never go back to vanilla combat.
    1. Unit_Alpha
      Author's Response
      We like to think this too! Great minds, eh?
  3. neiroka
    Version: 0.1.0 Enraged Koala
    жду рукопашного боя!
    1. Unit_Alpha
      Author's Response
      Спасибо за ваш энтузиазм! (:
  4. Maxiplayer
    Version: 0.1.0 Enraged Koala
    Good idea! Seem it gonna be hard, but keep going! Don't give up!
    1. Unit_Alpha
      Author's Response
      Thank you! We've got huge plans for the future and don't plan on stopping any time soon.