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Outdated Revision: Combat 0.1.0 Enraged Koala

Combat Overhaul Module for Revision

  1. Budyjoe
    Version: 0.1.0 Enraged Koala
    Is a good mod. However ships. My suggestion is add ships that might run into a raider vessiel during warp. So the comfy ship you never felt excited in, is now fun. Beam to theirs or yours! They can do the same! And crews that you can just equip like other players with vanity, in use aromas, and guns.
  2. Scruffigans
    Version: 0.1.0 Enraged Koala
    This mod is absolutely essential. I can never go back to vanilla combat.
    1. Unit_Alpha
      Author's Response
      We like to think this too! Great minds, eh?
  3. neiroka
    Version: 0.1.0 Enraged Koala
    жду рукопашного боя!
    1. Unit_Alpha
      Author's Response
      Спасибо за ваш энтузиазм! (:
  4. Maxiplayer
    Version: 0.1.0 Enraged Koala
    Good idea! Seem it gonna be hard, but keep going! Don't give up!
    1. Unit_Alpha
      Author's Response
      Thank you! We've got huge plans for the future and don't plan on stopping any time soon.