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Outdated No-Flash FTL Mod 1.3

This mod removes the flashes during FTL jumping

  1. EriktheRed
    This mod removes flashes from the FTL jump screen, both in the background and the navigation window, in order to help people with epilepsy. It also minimizes the amount of time spent in the lightspeed/FTL section of warping, to cut down on the bright stars that dash across the screen.

    Extract it to your /mods directory as normal!

    Here's another mod that does more or less the same thing, if this one gives you trouble! http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/no-ftl-flash.499/

Recent Reviews

  1. Klokinator
    Version: 1.3
    Thank you so much for this! Maybe some screenshots or a video would be nice!
  2. Mendo
    Version: 1.3
    A lot more relaxing on the eyes!