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Outdated Moar Music 2.0-Spirited Giraffe

100 More biome tracks to listen to as you explore.

  1. Revision

    1.2 - Revision - All songs were adjusted to their own biomes and time of day.

    Changed ship background music from Future Crystalline Luminosity to Sunrise. (this song is more subtle as to not interfere with your atmosphere) *Note, it's still technically read as a sound effect. I'm hoping to work around this.
    Changed Title music from The Sound of the Galaxy to Before Everything Happened. (same as above, more subtle)
    Removed some tracks that didn't quite fit in.
    Fixed another typo in a songname.
    Added some new songs to make up for removal of 4.

    This will be the latest update for a little while (time to get back on SoME) If anything game breaking turns up, like another typo, contact me asap and I will update. Requests will be noted for any future updates.
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