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Outdated Moar Music 2.0-Spirited Giraffe

100 More biome tracks to listen to as you explore.

  1. QuickFix & Update

    Added background music to ship. (thanks to Insomnacious and heliostorm for helping me figure all that out.)
    Added 7 new songs to the underground layers.
    Fixed game crashing typo in code with PachelbelsGanon as PachebelsGanon.

    (you know... you go to biome after biome, tele down, smack something with a sword, tele up. tele down, smack somethin, tele up, rinse&repeat 100+ times. No bug's... so you publish. Start it all back up, tele down, game crashes... I found your bug! *I know that feel bro*)
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