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Outdated FPS-Booster v3 Pre-Release of V3 Upbeat Giraffe


  1. FPSBooster V1.1 Furious Koala!

    Bert John
    • Delete Previous Version From Starbound/mods
    • Extract This File To Starbound/mods
    • Done! Enjoy!
    What's Changed:
    NOTHING! Just updated the file format to .pak format, so it's a quicker load!

    Note: For everyone who has modified my game files to fit custom biome's etc, your GOING TO haft to either:
    -Unpack my mod, and repack it with the modifications
    -Or make a whole new mod with the modifications
    -OR just send me a message of the mod[with link] and ill add it to this mod for you.
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