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Outdated Colorblind Friendly Interface 1.2.4

Changes interface assets to be more colorblind accessible, while remaining visually appealing.

  1. Sykes
    This resource pack changes a variety of interface assets to be more colorblind friendly. My brothers and I are all colorblind (dichromacy, protanopia), and during our time in Starbound we discovered a few inconveniences that made the game a little frustrating or confusing at time.

    This pack sets out to fix that, for us and for any other colorblindness.

    These are the changes this pack makes:
    • Cursor is rainbow (see notes below)
    • Green stim packs are forest instead of lime
    • Health bars are blue
    • Party compass is bright green
    • Basic damage numbers are cyan
    Here are the reasons why I made those changes:

    I've included 6 total cursor colors, and one extra. Red (default), blue, green, yellow, cyan, and magenta are all available to use in this pack. It's entirely up to specific colorblindness and personal preference. I included a 7th cursor, a rainbow one, that is extraordinarily high contrast and visible to every colorblindness, across every surface. This is my personal favorite, and I think the most valuable part of this whole package. The rainbow cursor is set by default, but you are free to change it.

    Red health bars are usually alright, but the empty health bar was too close in contrast to the red, enough so that I could not tell how much health I had without having to focus harder than I needed. I tried changing the back of the health bar to something darker, like black, and it just didn't look as good as this.

    The lime green stim packs are shockingly close to the yellow stim packs with almost every red-green colorblindness. I actually didn't realize there was a difference until I tried to stack them, and they wouldn't stack. This was a rather simple change, but it's very hard to balance green between yellow and red. Ultimately, if the vial were cyan or pink, it would be 100% colorblind friendly, but this should work for now.

    The small, red lines set against a dark gray background was impossible to see quickly, with our colorblindness. You had to look fairly close, and focus hard to tell which direction it was pointing in. It was anything but convenient. I changed it to a bright green, which is far more obvious and contrasts against the dark gray quite well.

    The damage numbers were red and black, which is always a bad combination for colorblindness. Changed it to red's opposite, cyan, to be overall more visible, and much easier to see against surfaces, light or dark.

    Basically anything red against something dark, and anything lime green against yellow (or vice versa) will be a problem to any red-green colorblindness.

    Thank you for the community and developer support in helping with colorblind accessibility in Starbound, and if you have ANY suggestions or complaints, PM me here on the forums or ping me in IRC (Sykes19) and I will respond ASAP.


    1. 211820_screenshots_2013-12-12_00002.jpg

Recent Reviews

  1. Windcaller
    Version: 1.2.4
    Thank you for this mod. I do not have colorblindness, but I do have a friend whom I play Starbound with that does. Perhaps this will help him?
  2. CrimsonGiraffe
    Version: 1.2.4
    Thank you! <3 I was always having trouble with the green and yellow stims especially
  3. Lusfella
    Version: 1.2.4
    Thank you.
  4. acidchalk
    Version: 1.2.4
    Wow... (dichromacy, protanopia), this is insane but you just gave a name to a problem i've had my whole life lol. I had no idea it was a thing until just recently... damn you puzzle fighter!!!
  5. jfe2
    Version: 1.2.3
    This mod is amazing! I'm colorblind and this mod is pretty much essential for me to play the game without losing track of my cursor every two seconds. If you are still updating this I would like to suggest changing the color of the little plus signs that appear when you get healed as they are hard to see against most backdrops. Thanks for making this!
  6. Grageon
    Version: 1.2.2
    This is exactly what I needed. I finally created a forum account just to say thank you for making this mod.
    1. Sykes
      Author's Response
      I'm really glad it helped! If you're colorblind, and ever find anything in the game that's frustrating, please contact me!
  7. anitakai
    Version: 1.2.2
    Very nice!