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Cheeze's Weapon Pack v2.6.0.1 Vaporizer fixes

A weapon pack made by Cheezemaniac, it contains a variety of weapons.

  1. Three new mega weapons, minor balancing

    In this version I've made three new mega upgraded weapons craftable at the megacorp anvil.
    ‣ The Mega Heavy Bouncer, crafted by 6 Raritanium bolts and the heavy bouncer, it now leaves another small bouncer explosive after the regular one. Torgue's satisfaction guaranteed.
    ‣ The Mega Mini-Nuke, crafted by 5 Raritanium bolts and the Mini-Nuke, this explosion is pretty hot and capable of burning enemies if they are tough enough to survive it's explosive power. It's an explosive update.
    ‣ The Mega Blitz Cannon, crafted by 6 Raritanium bolts and the Blitz Cannon, it has increased range and more pellets, it's pretty capable of handing anything heading for your way.
    • Raw explosive damage of the bouncer splitting explosion of the Bouncer and Heavy Bouncer has been decreased, especially since contact makes it explode now. The explosives from the normal bouncer explode 0.5 seconds faster now.
    • Minor fixes
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