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Outdated Bow of Epirus 2.3.4 (v. Enraged Koala)

Wield the power of the gods!

  1. Complete Drop Pool Redux

    EDIT: There is something wrong with the uploaded file, working on a hotfix now.
    Version 2.0.1 is working now, Version 2.0 will forever be broken.

    I realized today (shortly after some feedback, woohoo!) that the treasure pool / drop pool chance for the blueprints was completely wacked out, and made the mod highly incompatible with nearly every mod that incorporates a new item into the game, as well as interfere with current game mechanics possibly.

    The biggest problem was probably caused by me merging the drops with pools of almost every creature that can be killed, and then setting the entire pool to levels 5 - 10, potentially causing some serious problems drop wise for players not in those levels.

    To solve this, I (instead of modifying and merging already existing treasurepool files) created treasure pools JUST for the content introduced with this mod, and then adding that drop pool to most creatures.

    Some changes to how the blueprint is dropped: Minibosses have a significant higher chance of dropping a blueprint, at least 5x more common (may tweak later on) than normal creatures. The blueprints should theoretically only drop now in Sector X (Levels 5 - 10), but this part is still up in the air, I wish there was some documentation for modding... You still have a very good chance (at least 10x more common than a miniboss drop) at finding one or both of the blueprints for sale at a Wizard Merchant.

    Hopefully now things will be smoother in general; this was a pretty big update, hopefully achieving quite a few goals in the process of getting to this point, so this is officially Bow of Epirus, Version 2.0.

    Please leave feedback to improve the mod, I really appreciate all of it so far!
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