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Outdated Block Crafting Table Upbeat Giraffe V2

A crafting table for various blocks.

  1. chillcoldcoolaid
    A simple mod that adds a crafting table for crafting the various blocks you would find in dungeons and some blocks that cannot be found through normal gameplay. The Block Crafting Table is crafted using the default crafting screen.

    I tried to make the recipes for the blocks as reasonable as possible while making sense. If you don't like anything about the recipes you can always edit the recipe files in BlockCraftingTable\recipes\blockcraftingtable using a text editor.

    The lovely new sprite was made by Duck77 http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?members/duck77.96702/
    Nemeis, Pohany and Inny like this.

Recent Updates

  1. Block Crafting Table V2

Recent Reviews

  1. Muffintrain
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe V2
    This is what I've been looking for. Having to scrounge entire systems for just a couple dozen blocks just wouldn't make sense if you practically have every resource you need to make them.
    You're a hero!
  2. alepiusaja
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe V2
    OMG such a perfect mod!!!!!!!!!
  3. sosmic
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe V.1
    awesome !!!
    exactly what i needed to finish my ship =)
  4. Toyi85
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe V.1
    Does as it says, excellent!
  5. luxaster
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe V.1
    Good! I think the only thing I would change is with the avian blocks. In my game I removed the gold requirement, but I think that if you kept the gold requirement the output should be upped a little more? I don't know, honestly those should be in avian replicators anyhow.
  6. x567
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe V.1
    This is very good