What happened to my crop?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KartSimo, Apr 20, 2018.

  1. KartSimo

    KartSimo Space Hobo

    I am currently on year 1, summer day 2
    I am playing on a Nintendo Switch

    On the first day of summer I planted 9 melon seeds, watered them, and ended the day. When I woke up, one of the crops turned into a purple dot. Is this a glitch, or an event in the game? Is my melon gone forever?

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    • Clovis_Sangrail

      Clovis_Sangrail Subatomic Cosmonaut

      Give it another day. It may have not germinated. You may have missed it with the watering can. Sometimes seeds just do not sprout immediately. If it doesn't grow by tomorrow, plow it under and plant another one.
      • BentFX

        BentFX Cosmic Narwhal

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