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Outdated Vanity Blueprints 2.1

230+ vanity blueprints to be found, crafted, and sold.

  1. MiraiMai

    MiraiMai Void-Bound Voyager

    At the moment, it conflicts with any other mod that changes the same treasurepools as it, as it does not use the __merge feature yet.
  2. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  3. Lordanar1337

    Lordanar1337 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, thanks for the really fast reply. I will try the MM, I hope that can merge them together. Both Mods are absolutely amazing and would love to use them together!
    Sethh likes this.
  4. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The mod manager seemed to work :)

    Not sure how the droprates will be affected though.
  5. Lordanar1337

    Lordanar1337 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There is an Error with your Mod. It says it is not correctly packaged or something. Also everytime I install anything with the Mod Manager it takes years, it is not reacting at all.
    Yes, I deleted all the Mods from the game and put them back into Zip files. I also used the right path, hmm!

    Edit: Alright. It created a Patch that makes both works together. Im sorry! Everything works fine. Thank you very much!
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
    Sethh likes this.
  6. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    You should remove the line "objectType" : "interactable", from your vanityblock.object and yarnspinner.object. It's generating a warning since Enraged.
  7. Rashen

    Rashen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I have a the medical potion mod, I will note I have not dove into it yet but I have dove into 90% of my other 86 mods though, I have not noticed any of the "monster essences" either I am currently in Delta sector.
  8. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Since this is low priority it will be fixed by the time next patch comes out

    My mod seems to be taking priority over medical potions.

    What i can do is.... Upload the patch file that was given to me by the Mod Manager.. If you would like.

    Lordanar1337 likes this.
  9. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Im still getting strange errors with rocketeerhead..... Its completely gone from the files.. I am so confused.

    I have to be missing something.

    It doesnt seem to be game breaking at least.... Just a random error on load.
  10. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Uninstalled Medical Potions. Now i get this error:
    [monsteressence_t0, 1, {}]'. ItemException: No such item 'monsteressence_t0'

    It seems to be retaining some things on load from mods..Hmm.
  11. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    Got the same kind of thing when uninstalling Vanity Blueprints. Crashed on a vanity coins not found.
    Doh, these coins are everywhere on each world I landed.
  12. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah happened to me also. :/
    I think it only crashes once to unload them. Not too sure.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
  13. Chobin

    Chobin Phantasmal Quasar

    Downloaded the mod today, and I've got to say that I'm thrilled to finally have the opportunity to make my character look nice. Finding a vanity item was hard enough, let alone finding something that went with the rest of your gear. Not to mention certain pieces looking weird if they aren't together, like the leg piece for the lab outfit having the lower half of the chest piece just floating off your legs.

    A few things, though. One of the items you can craft has armor rating and health bonuses attached to it. There are possibly others, but I haven't come across them yet. The piece I found, the Soldier's Chestpiece, has 45 defense rating, 100 bonus to health, and 23 warmth to be crafted for 100 vanity coins. Not sure if it has stats on purpose, it was overlooked, or an actual armor piece was added in instead of a vanity item, since the Snow Infantry equipment can also be made with vanity coins and still has its bonuses. Also not sure how much work it would be to have vanity copies (without the ratings normal armors would have) of regular gear so that you can have the look without giving away high end gear for relatively little.

    I really like that you can create blocks with the vanity coins, too! It would make building your base/dream house/village so much easier. But, question. Should you really be able to make Matter Blocks for just 2 vanity coins apiece? That stuff can be used to make some really good armor, the Makeshift Armor, that's accessible as early as second tier.

    As I said before, I love that you can now craft these vanities, but the fact that they're incredibly common in chests is a curse and a blessing. Adding over 200 items to the random loot table makes it very difficult to find things like techs, and while you can often find back item recipes, back items themselves are near impossible to find. I've been across a dozen different planets on my new character so far and by now I've usually found one or two copies of Pulse Jump and Energy Dash and maybe have a Rum Barrel or a Hiker's Backpack. Haven't found a one, yet. I've also encountered much fewer ore and bars, which is troubling for me because I prefer topside exploration and finding my materials in chests over mining. I realize there's probably not a lot you can do about this, but it's a little bit irritating and figured I may as well put it out there.

    On the subject of back items, the Crystal Backpack's icon is a little messed up. Instead of showing the item, it's showing four of the item in a line at greatly reduced size. I'm not sure if this is an error in the mod or in Starbound itself. I think I remember seeing something like this a month or two back, before I had any mods whatsoever, so it may not be your mod.

    Lastly, on the subject of vanity coins themselves, while it says in the mod description that they're scattered all across the universe just like regular pixels, the only reason that I even know that they're in the game now is that I happened to come across a chest containing 9 of them once early on. Since then I have accrued over five thousand in pixels. Still only have the 9 vanity coins. Can enemies drop vanity coins? Can they come out of the little pill looking containers you usually get 6 pixels out of? Or are they confined entirely to chests? If that's the case, I ask that they be distributed through the above means, if at all possible, as having to compete with over two hundred items to be found in a chest makes the chances of getting any rather slim.

    Though according the Inny above, they were all over their planets. Maybe I'm just having flat out poor luck.

    All that said, great mod and thank you for creating it. Four out of five.
  14. Inny

    Inny Cosmic Narwhal

    Unless you have a mod that overwrites the drops (like Rise of the Hylotls), vanity coins should drop randomly from monsters.
  15. Chobin

    Chobin Phantasmal Quasar

    This vanity mod should be the only one I have that effects monster drops. If the vanity coins have dropped from any monsters it's possible I may have not picked them up. When I'm playing in single player I occasionally ignore monster drops since I have such horrible framerate it takes a good three or four seconds for a monster to finish its dying animation and drop whatever it had. I'd spent all my time since I had downloaded the mod in single player so that I could actually get these recipes and items, though, so over the span of a dozen planets and over 5000 pixels from monster drops and chests the odds of looting these coins from something should be in my favor. Again, though, it could just be bad luck on my part.
  16. sewens

    sewens Void-Bound Voyager

    The latest update's making issues with .pak mods. I dont know if this mod is having them but i had crashes with better merchants.
  17. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Will go into more detail with @Chobin later.

    As for .paks yes the latest update did break my mod. A fix should be here very soon.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
  18. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

  19. Sethh

    Sethh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ahhh yes. I should fix this. I may make some regular gear into vanity gear.

    You have a good point here.
    Should i remove them? Or... Should i make the price a little higher and what would be a fair price in your opinion.

    I had worried this would become a problem. I am almost completely lost when it comes to balancing these drop rates. I put them at what i think is 27% droprate so ill attempt to make it 15%.

    I believe this is an issue with the base game. Ill fix it nonetheless.

    I would love it if you could give me a few more details on this.
    What sector?
    What else were you finding in chests? (Vanity Coins are kind of rare in chests i think.)

    Vanity Coins come from enemies and chests only. I may add them to the small capsules if needed.
    Its VERY strange that you are not getting high amounts of vanity coins. The higher you go in sectors the more vanity coins you should be amassing but there may be one sector missing them entirely :/
  20. Chobin

    Chobin Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm afraid I can't really help here, since I've barely managed to find any vanity coins, myself. I have no idea how common they're supposed to be and how quickly they'd rack up, so can't comment on prices of things at the moment.

    Could you do something similar to here, if you plan on making vanity armors? Have a copy of matter block that can be made that can't be used for armor? Probably have a note in the description saying that it's solely a vanity item, or change the name a bit so that it doesn't frustrate people trying to use the real matter blocks, maybe add an eye icon to the corner of the vanity item's normal icon so you can quickly tell it's not the real deal. I have no idea how this will effect people coming onto servers that don't have the mod with the vanity matter blocks already placed on their ship or something, however. I think they just disappear? It's what happened to my Tabula Rasa and the vanity block creator when I went onto a vanilla server.

    I don't know what the rates for vanilla chest items are, but a 27% rate would seem acceptable and possibly even a bit much if it was just for a single item or even a few. But keep in mind that that's the rate for over two hundred items, and these items serve no purpose beyond making your character look nice. Even 15% may be just a bit too much in that case, but it'll certainly ease up on the recipe flood and allow other items a chance to be obtained. I wouldn't lower it beyond 10%, though. 12 or 13% may be ideal, but it's entirely up to you.

    As I was playing around with this mod on an entirely new character, only Alpha sector so far. If this would be the reason for the lack of coins then that's completely understandable. As for what I was finding in said chests, aside from the one instance of vanity coins and an assortment of vanity recipes, I was finding a few of the normal items; I'm not sure if the loot tables were changed for every single container, though, or if it's just for chests. I didn't seem to be finding any mod implemented vanity items in things like laboratory lockers, bookcases, desks and the sort. Though for some reason when I found the long chests, the ones that are double the size of the regular ones, they contained only a single weapon. Nothing else. I'm not sure if there's a problem with the loot table or if it was mere coincidence. But then again, I'm not even sure how the loot tables work. Is there a table for each different type of chest?

    Anyway. I was finding a few of the normal items. I would occasionally find a weapon, pixels, some ore or even bars if I was lucky. I think I found some stim paks, but I can't remember if I got those from a chest or lab lockers.

    If they drop from enemies, too, though, I have no idea why I wouldn't be finding more of them. Do they only drop from the randomly generated animals, or do they drop from NPCs, as well? Like the guards in Avian tombs and other dungeons. If they only drop from the randomly generated animals, it's possible that I may have overlooked them.

    Framerate issues in single player tend to make me too impatient to stick around to pick up every drop from every random monster, but I don't always ignore them and tend to pick up pixels whenever I see them, anyway, so I should have picked up more vanity coins than I currently have.

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