Character/NPC Uh. . .Hi, Undocumented NPC Type, How Are You?

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by Coricus, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. Coricus

    Coricus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    OK, I'm new both to these forums and this game, so I have NO IDEA where to put this, but I took photo evidence, so. . .I'll put it here and you guys move it where it needs to be if it needs moving and help me gather enough info to put it on the wiki or something.



    Whoever these guys are, I haven't seen any discussion about them skimming here or the wiki, they are native to Midnight planets and thus added as of Glad Giraffe, they are non-hostile (I haven't tried shooting them yet, but I don't really want to), and talking to them nets a ". . ." response, which is the same response I get from Frog NPCs. They have the same particle effect as the Midnight biome Shadow Cape I'm wearing in that picture, and at least one of them tried to mimic being my shadow.

    Trying to use the only non-Chest native architecture I can find in an attempt to get a tenant just yields what I think the wiki called a Friendly Cultist, with no visible way to summon them. They usually appear singularly on non-enclosed Shadow structures, although one time I found a pair.

    . . .Anyone have any idea what I'm looking at? I have a strong desire to learn more about these guys. Hopefully this isn't some kind of closely guarded spoiler I've broken the taboo of, because they're just wandering around out there in the cold. . .silently. . .
    Faeryheart likes this.
  2. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

  3. Coricus

    Coricus Subatomic Cosmonaut


    Well I'm not the first person to bring this up, at least, but I look forward to when the wiki page goes past a stub and gets cross-linked with the NPC Race list and the Midnight Biome page, as well as whenever they get NPC status implemented.

    It explains how I couldn't find anything, though. The info on the sites I skimmed is fairly scant even in what you linked. I can't wait to see what the devs do with this. I hope they're friendly in lore!
  4. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Well thats basically all we know. They exist.
    Coricus likes this.
  5. MetalArrow

    MetalArrow Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So Starbound has its own Herobrine now?
  6. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    No. Not even close.
    The Squid likes this.
  7. Coricus

    Coricus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It looks a whole lot closer to an Enderman than Herobrine.

    I doubt they'll be very similar to either one, though.

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