Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KayVeeRiot, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. KayVeeRiot

    KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

    If you remember me, last year I was putting chests of random treasure in peoples saves, well Im back this week to do it again! If you are interested at all leave a comment. A lot of people had fun scavenge huntung fir their treasure. I put all kinds of things in the chest but also take suggestions such as hard to get items and decorative items you cant get in game. Let me know if you want one!
      LoriiKnits likes this.
    • Lilliput

      Lilliput Supernova

      I can vouch for this lady; best treasure hunting since Long John Silver's day. Get'em while they're hot.
      • SunStunBros

        SunStunBros Aquatic Astronaut

        How sketch is this I wonder.. :unsure:

        But if it's legit that could be interesting. How?
        • Lilliput

          Lilliput Supernova

          It's legit. She gave out a few nice treasure chests last Summer. This thread here has some of the details:

          You risk nothing so long as you make a backup copy of your save. If you don't like the results, just restore your backup. Easy as that.
          • KayVeeRiot

            KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

            Yup! Always keep a backup. And Ive never damaged a single save. It was quite thrilling Im glad you kept the original post Lilli =)
            • KayVeeRiot

              KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

              also if you arent sure how to access your save files, type %AppData% in windows and hit enter, find stardew valley, and copy the entire character file into a zip to email. then send that ENTIRE SAVE zipped to and let me know here so i can check it =)
              • ChaosAzeroth

                ChaosAzeroth Existential Complex

                This is legit and fun!
                • Stryder87

                  Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

                  I keep meaning to do this, but I can never seem to find a time these days where I can live without my save game for more than a couple days! haha
                  Now that I'm back to work, I need my 'therapy' farm more than ever in the evenings... :avalihug:
                  • KayVeeRiot

                    KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

                    usually i get the save back within an hour
                    • KayVeeRiot

                      KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

                      And im gonna have a lot more free time now that im single again. (The bf didnt have wifi)
                      • KayVeeRiot

                        KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

                        i miss doing these i hope someone wants one
                        • Roskii Heiral

                          Roskii Heiral Heliosphere

                          Kinda wish i was still playing, would give this a shot =3
                          • Saraneth

                            Saraneth Big Damn Hero

                            I'll give it a go. :) Email sent.
                            • KayVeeRiot

                              KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

                              Awesome! Ill get on it now
                              • KayVeeRiot

                                KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

                                Done and sent, make sure you post a pic of the treasure!
                                  Saraneth likes this.
                                • Stryder87

                                  Stryder87 Giant Laser Beams

                                  Just sent my save!
                                  Wasn't sure if you just needed just the file with the farmer name or the SaveGameInfo file as well, but I put them both in the zip.

                                  I look forward to the hunt when I get home from work tomorrow!!
                                  • Honor Shipping

                                    Honor Shipping Big Damn Hero

                                    I might whenever CA gets around to putting out the update thingy. I've pretty much exhausted SV of everything but headcanons and I'm not a very creative person so there's not much to be head there.

                                    It looks fun, I just have zero motivation to play (or do) much of anything right now, so maybe when I get inevitably dragged back to SV I'll have a go.

                                    But I'd have to like play the game nonstop to make a decent looking farm since my farm is like a mess until the very end. I get very self-conscious of my farms when just showing pictures, so just handing it over is like a whole other level.

                                    Although I'd have questions, like:

                                    How does this whole "personalized" thing work for someone who's almost completely detached from their little pixel-person? I don't really put much thought into my farmer (in this case), so if you ask what they're like I really couldn't tell you. I'd be like "A farmer. They farm... things... Probably."

                                    Would mods that decrease the insane amounts of yellow in the game affect this at all? I'd assume no, but they do affect the map...

                                    I'll probably have more questions when it's morning over here, but it's, y'know, not morning, so I'm a bit burned out in terms of brain power.
                                    • Saraneth

                                      Saraneth Big Damn Hero

                                      My experience:

                                      The hint was not so much a hint as GPS coordinates. I think I would have preferred no hint at all or upon request.

                                      Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 10.01.57 PM.png

                                      This horde of treasure is adorable... <3

                                      Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 10.02.45 PM.png

                                      I'm particularly fond of the red v. blue items (i c wut u did thar ;) ) and adding the video games. The tea set is super apropos for this particular character.
                                      LOL, "weeds".

                                      I lost a day on the new file and it took me a minute to reorganize my inventory; everything was in a different place on my bar. I ran into an immediate issue when I checked my greenhouse and found I couldn't pick my crops. I was forced to use my scythe... I don't even use the scythe-harvesting mod. o_O The files are also a different file type, and I'm no longer able to edit them myself. :( I suspect the file types change on different platforms (??). I'm using a Mac at the moment.

                                      This was definitely a cute idea, and I can certainly tell from the other thread that folks have really had fun with this. As for myself, I'm going to keep my old copy AND this new one. I'll rename one or the other and let them diverge. :) (And if I see any other strangeness, I'll report back.) I'm an altoholic, so more saves doesn't bother me a bit!

                                      Thank you, KayVeeRiot!
                                      • KayVeeRiot

                                        KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

                                        Ohhh Im on a pc. I wonder if that changed the file types for that Im very sorry. but Im glad you liked the chest! And I was afraid you wouldnt find the chest without the hint cause i could barely see it. Glad you liked the stuff though!
                                        • KayVeeRiot

                                          KayVeeRiot Big Damn Hero

                                          I only place the chests in vanilla locations so that no mods affect the treasure locations. And usually i just put cool money making items and stuff you cant normally collect or place.

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