Ive been putting treasure chests full of awesome and expensive items in my gaming communities Character Saves. Want in on it? Im happy to place a treasure chest in YOUR game! You will receive only one hint when I email your save back to you. Happy Hunting! comment if youre interested! So far Ive placed 17 chests in peoples games! NOTE: Someone told me they were afraid of greifing, FEAR NOT! Im a pretty awesome person and will not do that but if you are afraid however, simply make a copy of your save and tuck it away, so if I do anything you dont like you can always revert back and no harm done.
Hmm. Well I dont think it matters. The chests I hide are in vanilla locations. If your save is modded it shouldnt mess up anything on my end. Ill just set your chest in regular location. What kind of mods are ya talkin about?
If youre worried about that Ill hide the chest outside of your farm which is what i usually do anyway to avoid mod conflict
Ok. I just didn't want to break anything but I can save a backup anyway. However I'm not at home until next weekend so I'll have to wait to send over the file.
Please elaborate! We email a copy of the save file to you, and then... what? What's the approximate 'lost time' when we get the save back? (As in, how much game time does it take for you to set this up? Do we lose a day or two, or are you simply editing the save files directly without needing to run anything?) By 'awesome and expensive', are you talking about rare things that might not otherwise be player-available (Such as unimplemented weapons, etc.) that can only be gained via item spawners? Or simply a treasure chest of diamonds and pricey baubles? This sounds like it might be fun, but, I'd like to hear more about it!
Awesome question! What Ill do is Ill get your save and put cool items in a hidden chest such as rare artifacts, actual treasure chests and maybe a few things to help around your farm along with some nice rare gems and such just to give you some stowaway money. Ill even throw in some higher level tools weapons or armor if i see the character has none, then I hide the chest somewhere outside of your farm and give you one hint within the email that will contain your new save file. You will only lose ONE day. Thats just me putting the chest in and sleeping so it saves. Then I put the new save in a compressed file and email it back to you. =) I came up with this idea when me and my friends started feeling a little blah about our games and it was quite a lot of fun lol
Veeeerrry interesting. I'm winding down my current save towards the middle of Winter, 2nd year, and I have no real need of any 'stowaway money' (half a million in the bank, and my own cache of gems and precious ores hidden in the farm cave, my favorite weapon/rings/boots combo already in place, and my tools all up to gold-standard), but I may be starting a new save in a couple of weeks and I find the idea fun.
Here is an example of a treasure chest I made for a friend in my group, I tailored it to his particular gameplay since we had discussed his farm quite a lot. Mind you this will not be what every chest looks like as i tend to mix it up. But just for examples sake here ya go.
Awwwwww wee lamb. Mines not much better. I actually resorted to a gofundme to get a new one. Mines a HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook from like...i dunno 2011 maybe
No wonder you can use it for Stardew. I need to COMPLETELY update... and by that I mean get a new one. But it's cool. Going to build a new one. Pre-built pisses me off. xD
I run mine on a laptop just fine. Get 60fps but the temps are the problems at times -.- Although I want a PC with 1050ti or 1060 so I can stream creative (crochet) on Twitch. This will happen when I get a job or I'll blow all the money on a vacation to see the misses haha. How do you get said items though? CJB Item Spawner? Since I noticed in the example picture most were iridium quality items. I'm tempted to do this just for the fun factor of trying to find the chest. I don't need money, one of my saves has around 800 million gold because of farm wide crop ideas using the item spawner.
Lol yes its an item spawner, even if you dont need the money its still super fun to look for the chest
Yea it was really nice when it was new but now its overcrowded and has LOTS of problems, its for sure time for an upgrade.