Toak's Sprites

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Toakongu834, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    Gah why does life get in the way so much? Anyways, heres the Combine Mech from Half-Life for Alexblex! :p
  2. Alexblex

    Alexblex Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That looks purely amazing. Thanks
  3. Shichibukai

    Shichibukai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    What you want made: Starbound form of a swordsman? With possibly goggles on his forehead [Twohand sword on his back]
    Reference Pic (If Possible):

    I hope your up for this^^ having seen ur artwork i believe it'd look amazing.
  4. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    OKay... so I have no knowledge of Mass Effect at all... so Kye, if this sucks, forgive me TT.TT Here's Garrus!
    Steam Pirate likes this.
  5. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Going to necro this thread for good cause.

    I challenge you to draw my OC.
    Have these reference images.
    Rose thorn Angry Muffin.png Rosethorn shredder transparent.png
    Cutie mark is a sniper rifle cross hair.

    Thanks in advance Toakongu!
    Angry Muffin likes this.
  6. User: Shark
    What you want made: Wayward Vagabond (MS Paint Adventures)
    Reference Pic (If Possible): Link
  7. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    What I want made: a. Business man
    Reference pic:

  8. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    User: centor111
    What I want: a centaur
    Reference pic: none
  9. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I made an idea thread for a playable race of jellyfish aliens (pics after the jump). I would really appreciate a little Starbound-style sprite for the OP, credits shall be given and such.
    Specifics: feet shouldn't touch ground, as they float. Head/brain should be oversized (compared to other races). Doesn't have to be animated.
    Thanks in advance! :whoop:
  10. Liquid-Tamborine22

    Liquid-Tamborine22 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Some nice work you have ^^.
    Here's a request: a pixelated version of Sam Fisher in one his Splinter Cell uniforms (Whichever one you want, the civilian one comes to my mind but I leave it up to you) , and reading off of a fat ipad. I'd add text to it to give it a little comedy.

    Here's a few pages for Fisher's different uniforms if you'd like some references:
  11. bobothebadassbaboon

    bobothebadassbaboon Void-Bound Voyager

    If your not to busy could I please have a baboon Sprite with yellow\gold armour

    BTW do you like my current avatar its boo bees get it boobies tee hee hee View attachment 55842
  12. Pengoalas

    Pengoalas Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Request Format: Avatar
    User: Pengoalas
    What you want made: A pengoala (penguin mixed with koala)
    Reference Pic (If Possible): My current avatar
  13. Demon Productions

    Demon Productions Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I love the artwork, so I am gonna give my request if I can.
    User: Demon Games
    What you want made: Deathblade holding Fenrir (from Kingdom Hearts II) with eyes similar to that of a Skullgirl (I understand you are working on others, so I will be patient).
    Reference Pic (If Possible): 2014-07-21_00001.jpg
  14. lenden

    lenden Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    User: lenden
    What you want made: Starbound sprites of a human woman and child. Woman is chubby with dark brown hair. Child is female, about 2yrs old, red hair, and NOT chubby. I'd adore having these two together or separate.
    Reference Pic: 10447746_10154185449895858_3871148129410393444_n.jpg 8202_10153708129960858_1050355508_n.jpg IMG_20140609_115344.jpg IMG_20140831_185728.jpg
    Outfit Ideas: Marlene Dietrich6.jpg d0aed4ddc268bdf83568e926484bb495.jpg kids vest2.jpg images.jpg
    Feel free to come up with your own or simplify one of these.

    Thank you if you decide to take my request!
    Let me know if you'd like to make this a trade. I don't do sprites, but I can draw~ :)

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