Race The Medusans

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Reynbowz, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Since I've been getting way too much of this, let's push this out of the way first:

    I could have come up with something that conforms with the rest of the current races, but I'd rather not repeat old patterns because I personally find that boring. This race is very different from the established norms and that's the point.
    In fact, Tiy himself said "I want people to go as crazy as they can with the suggestions, it is up to the devs to decide if they will use something or not." (citation)

    Anyways, on to the suggestion now. :p


    • hyperintellectual • aquatic • squishy •

    Medusans and their home planet have existed for much longer than Earth, giving them thousands of years to advance neurologically. Over this time, their brains have grown so large, along with their immense intelligence, that they communicate exclusively through telepathy. With their advanced psychic powers, they manipulate their environment in mysterious ways. As such, they see little use in most technologies, turning instead to the power of their advanced intellects. What technologies they have developed deal chiefly with further augmenting their mental processes and assimilating new knowledge.
    ^ Awesome Starbound-style sprites courtesy of Zain ^
    (note many eyes)

    Due to their intellectual advancement, the Medusan race has developed a strong superiority complex. Medusans are xenophobic towards "lower lifeforms", seeing them as unworthy of interaction. It is rare that a colony may deem another race "worthy" of contact. In the odd chance that this occurs, Medusans are most likely to ask first about spiritual, philosophical and artistic endeavours. Other than the acquisition of technical knowledge, these are subjects that Medusans are fascinated by.
    possible Medusan clothing... conceptually WIP
    Medusans have developed a variety of fashions with brightly-coloured jewels that serve to amplify their mental capabilities. They take great pride in these creations, though they have also been known to appreciate the aesthetic developments of other cultures, fitting into them snugly with their malleably gelatinous frames.

    Medusans are technically smaller-bodied than humans, although their floating results in their heads being level with humans, as though they were the same height.*
    Though they prefer their indigenous aquatic environment, they have been seen floating telekinetically about on land.
    Always having lacked a binary male/female dichotomy, Medusans were never fraught with the nuisance of biological sex. Indeed, they see gender as frivolous and irrelevant. Their primary reproduction consists of the mutual exchange of genetic materials between intellectually accomplished individuals. Offspring are raised in vast polyp reefs to be cultivated when ready to begin the next stage of life.

    Note the lighted floor, underwater location, circular bookcase with potted coral, and abstract painting (the Medusan's favourite genre).

    Underwater empires in domed structures, maybe something like this. Whereas our Earthly housing structures are chiefly boxlike, theirs centres around spheres and circles.​


    A rad rendition by my awesome friend Xuu: [​IMG]
    ( original post here )
    A spiffy sprite, courtesy of pigrocket: [​IMG]

    I could have come up with something that conforms with the rest of the current races, but I'd rather not repeat old patterns because I personally find that boring. This race is very different from the established norms and that's the point.
    In fact, Tiy himself said "I want people to go as crazy as they can with the suggestions, it is up to the devs to decide if they will use something or not." (citation)​
    In biology, Medusa is the term for a jelly's adult stage (the free-swimming, bell-shaped thing we commonly call "jellyfish").
    Also, the subphylum comprising jellies is called Medusozoa.
    I chose the name specifically to match the naming conventions of other races, such as Avians and Florans.
    The floating and water-breathing is flavour-based and doesn't have to affect game mechanics. I envision the floating as being purely cosmetic; i.e. fall damage still happens, etc. The water-breathing can be an armor-based ability like with Hylotls or a constant like with the Novakids. It could go either way.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
    lenden, Roda, Cruxifer and 12 others like this.
  2. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    So basicly this guy?


    That whould actuly be pretty awesome.
  3. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It was actually inspired by the Jellyfish Sisters from Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga. [​IMG]
    yoppyx and Blackleaf like this.
  4. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Just FIY there is a reply button :p
    Reynbowz likes this.
  5. yoppyx

    yoppyx Existential Complex

    That is one of my favorite rpgs. Way better than the sequels
    Vincey likes this.
  6. XailentGames

    XailentGames Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i like this idea
  7. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Got a friend of mine to draw a Medusan. It's a very different way of looking at them and that's what I find cool about it. Check it out :p
  8. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex

    how tall is it compared to a human? same size?
  9. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Technically smaller, but the head is at the same level due to the floating. I'll edit that in.
  10. Nerva

    Nerva Parsec Taste Tester

    This idea is unique and interesting, but I can't see them being a playable race.

    All playable races have three major mechanics:
    1. All 'racial abilities' are handled via gear. Gear for any race must be usable by other races. A race that cannot use gear won't work (so the idea of the Medusans having "such immense psychic powers that they do not use gear" won't work.)
    2. All races are bipedal and groundbound. Medusans floating would be entirely cosmetic - they would still jump the same height as other races and fall at the same speed, as well as taking fall damage at the same rate as other races if such is implemented.
    3. All races suffer the same physical limitations. Despite being aquatic, Hylotl can drown as easily as a human. Glitch can die of heat or cold as easily as any other species. Avians, despite being Avians, take fall damage at the same rate as any other species. Medusans could not be made truly aquatic outside of their gear, and one has to rationalize a reason by which they could drown if immersed over their head in water.
    Now if you can resolve these three problems, I could see them having some potential as a playable species. Otherwise, they'd have to be NPC-only.
  11. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    YES! :sparta:
    I mean, erhem, that is quite the exsquisete idea there my freind. I support these, Medusans! :proper:
  12. Redheat

    Redheat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've seen enough hen--

    Kinda reminds me of tentacruel from pokemon.
  13. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They can and do use gear.


    [​IMG] It doesn't make sense that Hylotls, having gills, can drown. But they do.
    The same can apply to any race.
    Flavour =/= mechanics.

    I will at least try and make this stuff more obvious in the OP.
  14. yugimon

    yugimon Space Spelunker

    I wonder how they taste?
  15. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So pigrocket just made a rad sprite for the idea. It's even animated~
    It's been added to the Contributions section. Hurray!
    Zain Hallows likes this.
  16. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex

    this is so amazing!

    Question! will you be making this a mod? or is it just a suggestion? because I love this race!
  17. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I actually don't know the first thing about modding. :rofl:
    If this gets a lot of support, I would be totally stoked to see it implimented either officially or unofficially. You never know ;O
  18. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex

    well I ask because, if you don't want to, I could :O!
  19. Reynbowz

    Reynbowz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I shall message you right now! O:
  20. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex



    OG size
    Reynbowz and blind sniper like this.

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