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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Kreg

    Kreg Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The money being raised is going to be used to hire new devs to work on the content, so the development time wont be longer :)
    Zeon likes this.
  2. IllusiveEnergy

    IllusiveEnergy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I would agree on these pets IF they are pre-order only pets. :)
    Naupz likes this.
  3. Chumchou

    Chumchou Aquatic Astronaut

    I think that the vanity starter pets should be a goal but a low-ish goal( Like 50k-100l). I also think that the starter pets should be random, that way no one gets the same pet as someone else.
    diaspao likes this.
  4. xpboy7

    xpboy7 Space Spelunker

    It Would Be Fuck* Awesome!
    Moreover, I'de recommend adding an "minion-like" system which you get in a high level and would replace/ add to the minipet.
    those minions can look like mini-bosses/ fictional creature! i think it will look real nice.
  5. Yoshinom

    Yoshinom Master Chief

    Commander Donut likes this.
  6. Tetrisash

    Tetrisash Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    All for pets! <3 Definitely clicked 'yay.'
  7. AustinoFicino

    AustinoFicino Big Damn Hero

    Assimilated Biomes

    A classic scifi trope is the "hive race". The hive seeks only one goal: to spread itself across the entire galaxy. It accomplishes this through infection and assimilation of all beings in its way. The Buggers in Ender's Game, Borg in Star Trek, Zerg in Starcraft, Xenomorphs in the Alien franchise are all examples of this trope. A certain game whose name escapes me incorporated this idea in the form of "Corruption Biomes".

    I would love to see the introduction of this idea as a stretch goal: infected creatures, npcs, biomes, and planets, all assimilated into some mega-organisms viral contagion. It would be up to the player to cleanse the blight, fight the infected, or nuke the whole site from orbit (it's the only way to be sure).
  8. Kuipo

    Kuipo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If the issue is "a big enough reward, but it can't push back the release date." Simply set the stretch goal to be something that will be the first major patch after the game is released. That way you:

    1. Don't need to delay the release of the game.
    2. Can deliver something you and the players are truly happy with.
    3. Have a roadmap for content past when the game ships. (Which I'm sure you already have, but this may solidify some of it more or reprioritize it somewhat.)
    4. Have content the devs can move to after their work in the 1.0 product is done. (I.E. if the code is 100% for 1.0 and you're waiting on more artwork, the coders can move to the stretch goal content)

    I see this as a compromise that's the best of both worlds. I think most of us feel like we're getting extra content at this point, and that's excellent. But I don't think most of us "expect" anything. I'd like to think we're happy with what we have and look forward to anything else that you might add or not.

    For what it's worth, I voted yes for pets. I love little guys like that. I would like them to be optional though and actually it might be more fun if they weren't starter pets and you had to earn|find|catch|raise them.
    JoshF, ErekoseDM and Bananenkern like this.
  9. Captain Malcolm

    Captain Malcolm Big Damn Hero

    I'm ok with starter pets but they should be optional and they should level with you character, maybe have a skill tree for them.
  10. Nickster3

    Nickster3 Orbital Explorer

    That would be quite awesome!
  11. BlindForger

    BlindForger Void-Bound Voyager

    I disagree, a new race is just a new skin with no game play changes and so are fossil trophies that you hang up. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love both features, but to say that they add to the functionality of a game is just silly.
  12. Ingwaz

    Ingwaz Big Damn Hero

    I realize that. I was offering my opinion on what would make it a more well rounded goal. I think 50k$ would be a good price, particularly if they did have some functionality, such as what I suggested earlier where you can give them some items to take back and sell while you continue exploring (like what happened in torchlight).
  13. icepick37

    icepick37 Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm just going to put this out there: Wilson.
  14. ArgusTangentti

    ArgusTangentti Orbital Explorer

    Just gonna leave this here:

    I think the pet system would be kind of nice addition, but... hopefully it doesn't delay the basic release a lot.
  15. Rekalty

    Rekalty Friend of the Night

    Heck, give me 35 penguins to crash at my base and I'm sold! :D But yeah, could also be neat as a optional collecable, though 35 is a bit low for Starbound... How about Randomly Generated Pets too? :D Wanna catch them all? Good Luck!
  16. Curse Starwind

    Curse Starwind Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I voted yes, but at the same time, i think there should have been other options to vote for. If the majority voted against this, then what else would have been proposed? That's what i want to know.
    tone00hi likes this.
  17. shadowcrazy

    shadowcrazy Phantasmal Quasar

    you know what I'd like as a stretch goal?

    full customization of your character.

    literally grab any race and have tons of new parts for them AND the best would be the ability to use EVERY color in the RGB color scale to color any part you want in any way.

    a way for each character created to be unique and special.

    this would be a worthy stretch goal in my eyes.
  18. Lizzie the Turtle

    Lizzie the Turtle Space Hobo

    Look at it this way:
    -A pet can't have a functionality because it's clear from this thread that not everyone wants them, and having increased ability just because you have a pet is really stupid. What about the people who don't want them?
    -If it has no functionality, what's the point? It's definitely not worth another 250K.
    -Monster breeding is far more useful, and it's a later game mechanic. It wouldn't be forced on anyone and you could play the game just as well without ever having to do it. It'd just be something really cool and deep to add to the game.
    -Monster breeding could very easily be used to make pets, and pets such as dogs and cats at that.
    Overall, I think pets are a really bad idea.
    Pillars and IrradiatedFish like this.
  19. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Taken from the original post right here in this thread.
    It stands to reason that anything much more elaborate than 'pets' could very possibly end up causing a delay in the game. The idea(s) need to be simple enough as to not cause delays while being worthwhile enough to implement.
    Kreg likes this.
  20. IReallyHateYouPeople

    IReallyHateYouPeople Pangalactic Porcupine

    that's not the real guy
    Demc87 and Tobilee like this.
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