Tool SMAPI: Stardew Modding API

Discussion in 'Mods' started by ClxS, Mar 6, 2016.

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  1. Khaosius

    Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal

    Hey guys, maybe someone can help me. I downloaded all these mods today, and as far as I know I installed them all per their instructions page. I'm not a programmer, and I had 0 luck tracking down the source of the loop error.

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    • SpringsSong

      SpringsSong Cosmic Narwhal

      You're using an outdated version of the SMAPI Sprinkler mod, delete it from the mods folder (either in the Steam/steamapps/common/Stardew Valley/Mods folder or the %appdata%/roaming/StardewValley/Mods path) and replace it with the one attached to this post.
        Entoarox likes this.
      • Khaosius

        Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal

        Nailed it. Thank you for taking time out of your day to help me play a more enjoyable game. You're awesome. <3
        • Khaosius

          Khaosius Cosmic Narwhal

          Round two. Why's it broke? How do I fix the key? Is it talking about a keyboard bind?

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          • simdebster

            simdebster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            I just received a Windows message stating "Stardew Modding API (SMAPI) is not responding." My game froze and I had no choice but to choose Close the program. My farmer was visiting the crystal ball lady at the Fall Fair and was on the second message. When I tried to click to continue, the freezing of the game happened. I have the error log as well as my game zipped up, but I do not know how to upload anything. Sorry.

            I see that some add-on in my browser is blanking out the button for uploading files. It is not allowing me to upload a zip file, so I will just attach the errorlog.

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              Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
            • erisiah

              erisiah Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              FYI the steam_appid.txt and use.txt files are not included in the in the github Stable Releases page. I had to pull them from a previous version to get Steam to track my game hours properly.
              • Entoarox

                Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                Update your mods, I see at least 2 outdated ones in the list.
                • simdebster

                  simdebster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                  Which two? I thought that I did have them all updated.
                  • Entoarox

                    Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                    EntoFramework and AdvancedLocationLoader are both heavily outdated, the framework is so outdated even that ALL crashes because it is THAT old.
                    • simdebster

                      simdebster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      Thanks for telling me. I guess I need to start checking daily for updates. The framework that I have, I only downloaded 10 days ago and ALL was on the 19th which is only 1 week ago. Going to download the latest right now. Thanks again.
                      • Entoarox

                        Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                        Then you are downloading the wrong versions of both somehow, because they are really outdated...
                        • simdebster

                          simdebster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          As far as I can recall, I got the links from the Happy Farmer's v1.11 Working MOD List page.

                          Continuing with this problem, I updated the mods and it still freezes and is closed by Windows when I get to the second dialog with the crystal ball lady at the Fall Fair. I started removing mods one at a time and testing until I remembered that I had the unmodded Stardew game file folder zipped up. I renamed the modded game folder and then unzipped the unmodded game and fired that up. The problem still exists, just the error message file is different in the ErrorLogs folder (saved game file name and added numbers). At this point, I do not know whether it is my saved game that is the problem or whether there is a problem with the Stardew Valley 1.11 code. I have no other saved game file to test this with.
                          • randomAnon123

                            randomAnon123 Orbital Explorer

                            While we sort of solved the problem by just using the xnb mod, I'm still weirded out by the errors k9warriorchi got while using my Flo NPC mod.
                            The errorlog is below.
                            She has already removed Siv's Spouse Rooms mod (which hasn't been updated) and updated all the other mods as well as SMAPI. The errors happen regardless of the savefile. She has also tried with a clean install of Stardew Valley, but as soon as my mod is installed, both the Get Dressed mod and the NPC Map Locations mod stop working (the dresser doesn't appear, the C key loses its functionality and the game crashes whenever the map is brought up).

                            We've confirmed that the first error (the "An item with the same key has already been added." one) was caused by her using first the xnb version of the mod (which replaces files) and then updating to the SMAPI version.

                            I've tried testing my mod with the same combo of mods, all up to date, and on different savefiles. Each and everyone of the mods, as well as mine, worked perfectly fine, even on different savefiles.

                            As I've already said, we've sort of solved the problem with her just using the xnb mod, but I'd really like to know exactly why these errors appear.
                            Any help would be appreciated.

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                            • Entoarox

                              Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                              I am taking a look at it for you, will edit this post once I have a answer for you, either a solution or knowledge that I have no clue either. :p

                              • In your loadContent, for the GotGuts event you arent checking if its already there, most likely the person having the issue didn't uninstall the xnb version properly so the event already exists when you try to create it.
                              • You are manually overriding the serializer, this makes your mod incompatible with EntoFramework and the FarmHand API, I would suggest using EntoFramework's serializer functionality as that is FarmHand compatible, and makes your mod compatible with other mods that change the Serializer.
                                randomAnon123 likes this.
                              • anonymouseling

                                anonymouseling Big Damn Hero

                                Hey, I was just wondering if there's a fix for this bug that I seem to be getting where if I hover over something in my toolbar, it clips behind it. I've included a png that shows it, but I'm about 99% sure that it's a bug with SMAPI itself. I've had this for a long while, not wanting to sort through all my Mods to figure out which one was causing it, but after multiple crashes caused by a mod (completely unrelated to SMAPI don't worry), I realised it was to do with SMAPI itself. So I came here to ask if I'm the only one who gets it? It seems to work correctly when I zoom out at least once, but I can't play like that as it conflicts with more UI changes that don't work when I zoom out once.[​IMG]
                                • Ofmanynames

                                  Ofmanynames Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                • Nishtra

                                  Nishtra Big Damn Hero

                                  Can somebody explain to me how SMAPI events "OnNewDay" and "DayOfMonthChanged" are triggered? And why "OnNewDay" is triggered twice?
                                  • KekleFish;3

                                    KekleFish;3 Void-Bound Voyager

                                    Hi, I'm having trouble getting the API to even work with mine. It will pop the window of Stardew Valley up, but then goes off the second it comes up...I have the Cheat Menu and the Item Spawner and it loads them in no problem but the window just shuts off...I'm new to this in the first place so please could someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong...?
                                    • Pathoschild

                                      Pathoschild Tiy's Beard

                                      See the SMAPI guide for an explanation of each event. The OnNewDay event is confusingly named, because it's deliberately raised twice: once after the game starts transitioning to a new day, and again after it finishes.
                                        Nishtra likes this.
                                      • Entoarox

                                        Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                                        All events, except certain graphics events are triggered when the property they are observing changes, so for OnNewDay it is fired each time the `Game1.newDay` property (boolean) changes
                                        With DayOfMonthChanged it fires each time the `Game1.dayOfMonth` (int) property changes.

                                        A lot of time related events will randomly fire once during game-load due to the observer mechanic that makes SMAPI function.
                                          Nishtra likes this.
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