Tool SMAPI: Stardew Modding API

Discussion in 'Mods' started by ClxS, Mar 6, 2016.

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  1. Ladysarajane

    Ladysarajane Existential Complex

    Does the game finally load or not? Sometimes it takes it a few seconds, before the video loads. If not, any error logs? Did you upgrade SMAPI to 40.1.2? On the github page it says it is 40.1.1, but if you look at the download section he upgraded the version to 40.1.2 late last evening. It does fix some visual glitches that were occurring.
    • Locomotor79

      Locomotor79 Void-Bound Voyager

      i can see the inside off the housse for les then a second and then the screen stays pitch black and i have bin whatching the shell window and it keeps on giving me red tekst and keeps going down in the shell window
      and that's after loading a save game and new char start and stays black afterthat
      whitout the smapi game works fine
      i think smapi doesnt work becausse the new maps and on the main map its the same
        Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
      • Entoarox

        Entoarox Oxygen Tank

        post your log, without it there is no way to solve your issue.
        • buddy4life

          buddy4life Void-Bound Voyager

          This isn't an issue, per se, but when I run the game in SMAPI, even without any mods, the machines (like kegs, mayonnaise maker, etc) pulse twice as fast as normal. Also, the snowing animation speeds up really fast and changes direction when I'm moving. Does this happen to anyone else?

          Edit: this didn't happen until 1.1 and it doesn't happen while running the game in Steam. The extra fast movement everywhere on my screen just kind of gives me a headache.

          Edit2: Nevermind! I missed the last minor update. Sorry!
            Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
          • Locomotor79

            Locomotor79 Void-Bound Voyager

            where is the log for smapi then
            becausse the game doesnt crash it keeps on running so i am not getting loggs for that

            Black screen SDV smapi.jpg

            is this good then i made screen shot off what Smapi does after i loaded a game or even make a new game from scrap
              Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
            • Borodin

              Borodin Oxygen Tank

              What mods are you running? Names and version numbers.
              • ClxS

                ClxS Pangalactic Porcupine

                I'm fairly sure you have a mod which is not compatible with 1.1. (causing them to throw an error in the draw event, causing that spammy error. It is definitely one which involves drawing it's own UI/stuff)
                It might be worth adding them one by one and seeing which causes it, or checking against the working mods forum post.
                • Locomotor79

                  Locomotor79 Void-Bound Voyager

                  only cjbok's stuff and bigger greenhouse and sprinklers-mod and for the fruittreesso you can see what trees you can use that's it.
                  but i am gonna remove all mods and then see iff it still happends

                  sprinklers-mod makes the screen black and cjbok cheatmenu crashes the game

                  is CJbok around he needs 2 update his stuff

                  i Messaged him trough nexus i hope his response whill be quick
                  appearently i am not the only 1 whit problems over his mods
                    Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
                  • ClxS

                    ClxS Pangalactic Porcupine

                  • Locomotor79

                    Locomotor79 Void-Bound Voyager

                  • emoninjagrl

                    emoninjagrl Void-Bound Voyager

                    So I'm having the same issue with loading my saves not loading and completely crashing the game. The only mods i have are the newest Get dressed and npclocations. Also I did check and made sure i am using the correct version of smapi. I keep trying to get a screenshot of the debug menu or whatever its called but it keeps closing before I can get a shot of it :unsure: I'm no good at this. please please someone help me :cry:
                      Last edited: Oct 5, 2016
                    • Entoarox

                      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                    • emoninjagrl

                      emoninjagrl Void-Bound Voyager

                      Welp Apparently deleting the trainer mod that was included fixed everything *throws hands in the air* I'm so done. *shakes head and huddles in the corner* And you now I know how to find the error log thank you. I'm a noob thank you for putting up with me.
                      • Destany89

                        Destany89 Cosmic Narwhal

                        can i use smapi to make a bigger green house in the 1.1 update?
                        • Collish424

                          Collish424 Void-Bound Voyager

                          so I'm having a problem with two of the mods I've been using for the game, CJB Cheats menu and CJB Item Spawner. The game works perfectly fine until I push the keys to open either of the menus ( "P" for the cheat menu, "I" for the item spawner) and the game crashes. I had updated SMAPI and SDV before I opened the game today to play and ran into this problem.

                          Hopefully the file attached is the right one and the information given helps. I'm not in any real hurry to get it all fixed, I was just wondering if there is a way to fix it or if I should delete the mods and go with some new ones.

                            Attached Files:

                          • Entoarox

                            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                            You dont even need SMAPI for it, just replace the greenhouse map xnb if that is your wish, I do recommend installing EntoFramework though, as this removes the height limitation on greenhouses (Due to the entry point having to by default be in a fixed position)
                            • Entoarox

                              Entoarox Oxygen Tank

                              Are you using the patched versions available in the home for abandoned mods? Because the official last releases by CJB will not work in 1.1.
                              • Alaswing

                                Alaswing Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                                I do appreciate what you are doing bro :)

                                EDIT: any way to update the Save anywhere mod? :D
                                • awfulx3

                                  awfulx3 Orbital Explorer

                                  First of all, sorry for my bad English, I'm from Germany.
                                  My Game doesnt run with the new Update of SMAPI. I delete all the old mods, copy the new SMAPI, but my game doesnt run ..
                                  Can someone help me pls?
                                  • Borodin

                                    Borodin Oxygen Tank

                                    What version of SMAPI are you using?
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