Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. imasurvivor

    imasurvivor Space Hobo

    A house i made for my friend.
    starbound_opengl 2015-02-17 14-44-29-10.jpg
  2. EarlGrey

    EarlGrey Big Damn Hero

    That looks noble!
  3. Darth_Biomech

    Darth_Biomech Void-Bound Voyager

    This thing needs an attic)
  4. DinaDe

    DinaDe Void-Bound Voyager

    I built this. And I don't like it, I am not sure why. Thinking of building on an ocean planet. starbound_house.jpg
  5. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Nice, and i see you are using Frackin' universe too, hehe. I really need to get some snapshots together for my lab/house atm.
  6. DinaDe

    DinaDe Void-Bound Voyager

    Frackin Universe, Bees!, and Starbound Crew. I am on the fence about the crew one, but Frackin Universe is great. The Bees! are ridiculously addicting. I built a giant apiary garden with different kinds of soil just for the different bees. :geek:
  7. ShueDonham

    ShueDonham Title Not Found

    ok so this is a joint effort between my two characters to put up a proper building
    its pretty dull rn so im probably gonna spruce it up further in the future with w/ever i think will make a good background block
    the pool is kinda redundant bc its on an ocean planet but eh whatever
  8. Engezerstorung

    Engezerstorung Aquatic Astronaut

    not really a house, but i've just finished the concept of an underwater airlock and i'm a little proud of it, so i wanted to share it o/


    so, basically
    A is the "air state"
    B is the filling state
    C is the full state
    D is the draining state
    E is the complete lock state
    F is the mess of the wires :rofl:

    now i'm gonna try to describe what happen during the filling and draining:
    filling: first the inner door close, the white light turn OFF, the red ones ON, the hatch open and start to fill with water, once filled, the hatch close and the outer door open
    draining: the outer door close, the drains start working and drain water, once fully drain, the redlight OFF and white ON, then the inner door open

    the wiring design is a mess because i have implemented some functionality :
    first i've already talked of the hatch who dont stay open once the room is filled
    you see buttons on each sides, they respectively drain or fill, depending of the side
    the cycles cant be interrupted, and the switch come back to its position if you activate it during a cycle
    and my last implementation was the little switch you see in the room at the top left who close both doors (the airlock can still be filled/drained, but the doors stay close)

    ps: well, its also dumb-click-proof
    pps: well, for the non interruption cycle i feel like i could use less gates/interruptor, but i need to try more things
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2015
  9. Sirrobert

    Sirrobert Big Damn Hero

    Work in progress, but this hall is finished
    It's going to be an underwater house in Avian Temple style. I love the idea off an underwater Avian
    You arive by jumping on the skyrail at the surface, which deposits right where my character is standing.
    To the left is an airlock, fully automatic with logic gates worked away in the ground. The sitting area below offers a great view off the ocean floor during the day.
    I have dug up entire Ocean surfaces for the sandstone, and will probably destroy many more before I'm done.
    The chest and workbench will obviously be removed once it's done, and more imediatly, moved to the next hall once I start that. I'm not sure yet what to build next though
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2015
  10. ShueDonham

    ShueDonham Title Not Found

    ok made some improvements to my house from post 1397
    had to wall off the pool bc goddamned birds kept comin in
  11. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    Finally got around to getting some snapshots of my house.

    First is the upper portion of my house, second is the main lab with part of the underground farm, and third is the break area and restrooms.

    Attached Files:

    Khuur and The Squid like this.
  12. DinaDe

    DinaDe Void-Bound Voyager

    Nice! Love the silk plantation and you kitchen is awesome. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1424615754][/DOUBLEPOST]

    That is some serious wiring. O_O
  13. Arti78

    Arti78 Space Kumquat

    My kitchen even has a chef, and the lab has a scientist, hehe.
  14. Ssstan

    Ssstan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Here are my two last Hylotl themed builds: a monastery and an underwater base (still under construction)

    Untitled.png Underwater base.jpg
  15. teilnehmer

    teilnehmer Existential Complex

    Nice! What are the roof tiles of the monastery that go up a little? Are these in the vanilla game or are they from the Hylotl mod?
  16. Ssstan

    Ssstan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm afraid they were from Rise of the Hylotl, which I think hasn't been updated to Upbeat Giraffe yet
  17. Sirrobert

    Sirrobert Big Damn Hero

    Gatta say, it looks a little odd to have entire trees grow out of a single row of dirt. Cool house though
  18. teilnehmer

    teilnehmer Existential Complex

    Yeah, I was afraid that would be so. I'm hoping that the Hylotl assets will be enabled in one of the next updates. From what I heard, there's a lot in the game already, it's just never used. I'm sure there will also be decoration blocks, just like, say, the Florans have their plant platforms.
  19. Krytikal

    Krytikal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The home and laboratory complex of one Cornelius Gibbon, and his colleague and close friend Dr. Xenon Bloom (any "Rick and Morty" fans?). Mr. Gibbon is, as you know, a famed scientist. He once gave the Apex rebellion a competitive edge against Big Ape. Dr. Bloom, an archaeologist and self proclaimed adventurer, is quite famous of his own merit; though he remains somewhat of an enigma, even to himself.
    Time, it seems, has escaped them both, and eternity is knocking at Mr. Gibbon's door. Though Dr. Bloom is immune to the cruel ravages of age, he sees the effects on his dear friend of 50 years. Though Cornelius has a good many years in him, their exploits and misadventures together have come to an end. The building of this lab is a triumphant, proud testament to their long partnership. One can still find Mr. Gibbon doddering about, experimenting; likely back to drawing board, trying to create banana bread that stays moist. An apex to the end.
    Bloom, who doesn't need to eat or sleep (a perfect room mate!), has turned his room into a bunkhouse, to house his new interns.

    This is unfinished but I'm a bit burnt out after a week of building and material collecting. The 2 large rooms are planned to be the armoury/prison and the vault. Still deciding which will be on top or bottom.

    skybridge.png livingquartersandelevatorshaft.png observatorysunrise.png sunsetfullbase.png
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2015
  20. Albussystems

    Albussystems Pangalactic Porcupine

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