REQUEST Required to eat mod?

Discussion in 'Mods' started by cera12sim, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. cera12sim

    cera12sim Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I wanna use my kitchen for more than just energy and I feel like i dont use enough energy in a day to justify 2 meals a day
      pencilstab likes this.
    • FenixR

      FenixR Cosmic Narwhal

      A mod that doesn't recover stamina when you sleep should do the trick.
      • eternal_wait

        eternal_wait Scruffy Nerf-Herder

        I have had success in keeping eating relevant by configuring regen stamina mod ( zoryn's mod )
        to actually decrease the stamina.
        • Destany89

          Destany89 Cosmic Narwhal

          There's a save cheat thing somewhere where you can edit your energy so you could lessen your stamina and therefore need more food :)
          • dem0z

            dem0z Star Wrangler

            i swear i thought you said "I wanna use my kitten for more than just energy" i was so confused lol.
            but that's a really great idea and i would like to see that.
            • Jokerine

              Jokerine Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              I requested something like this before, too. Hope this happens! :)

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