Modding Help Replacing the BGM

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by ADecentNameForMe, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. ADecentNameForMe

    ADecentNameForMe Space Spelunker

    Now, I'll keep this concise and to the point.

    I have absolutely no idea what im doing and I need help

    I need to figure out how I can change the Background music (NOT THE INSTRUMENT MUSIC) and I know its possible because i've seen it done before

    I just need to know where to start or if you can just tell me how in a detailed reply that would be amazing.

  2. Sparklink

    Sparklink Ketchup Robot

    This should point you in the right direction

    "musicTrack" : {
    "day" : {
    "tracks" : [ "/music/forsaken-grotto.ogg", "/music/lava-exploration1.ogg", "/music/drosera.ogg", "/music/crystal-exploration1.ogg", "/music/inviolate-loop.ogg", "/music/body-electric-loop.ogg", "/music/europa.ogg", "/music/haiku.ogg","/music/mira.ogg","/music/ultramarine.ogg", "/music/desert-exploration1.ogg" ]
    "night" : {
    "tracks" : [ "/music/arctic-constellation1.ogg", "/music/arctic-constellation2.ogg", "/music/mira.ogg", "/music/crystal-exploration1.ogg", "/music/tranquility-base.ogg", "/music/accretion-disc.ogg","/music/lava-exploration2.ogg", "/music/nomads.ogg", "/music/ultramarine.ogg", "/music/forsaken-grotto.ogg", "/music/desert-exploration2.ogg" ]

    This determines what plays at day and what plays at night on the mutated alien planets.
  3. Melendroach

    Melendroach Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If you are really a beginner at modding, then you should start by unpacking the files. Here's how if you don't know:

    Go to any text editor, then find your starbound folder (should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound), then go to win32 folder and copy the path, adding \asset_unpacker.exe at the end. Then go back to assets folder and copy its path, adding /packed.pak. Finally, create a folder in your deskop and copy its path as well. It should look like this:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\asset_unpacker.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\assets\packed.pak" "your folder path"
    Now start CMD, copy and paste all this and hit enter. After some time you should have all assets unpacked in your folder!

    Now you can do some modding. I suppose you don't want your mod to be public, which makes things a lot easier. So what you do is copy the path of desired music and replace it with any of the paths in files, shown by Sparklink.
    He explained everything very well, but you said you don't know what you're doing, so I wanted to clear things up a bit.
  4. ADecentNameForMe

    ADecentNameForMe Space Spelunker

    Thank you people so much :D
    Im really new to modding lol
  5. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

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