Modding Help Pregnancy Events

Discussion in 'Mods' started by KungfuSarah, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. KungfuSarah

    KungfuSarah Void-Bound Voyager

    Okay so I've set my mind to adding an event for when you and your spouse realize you're gonna have a baby, and actually having the baby in the hospital (for adoption, maybe getting confirmation from the agency and then getting the baby from Harvey after giving it a check up or something). I'm frustrated with how the whole having a kid thing was so poorly handled in the game. Just one problem is, I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to do this! I can't find any 'pregnancy' conditions to add to the events, I've found the 'honey you're pregnant' dialogue in the StringsFromCSFiles but I still don't know what triggers it. I also saw this:
    and ??? idk, maybe that has something to do with it?? Listen, I've seen a lot of people try this and give up but damn it I'm stubborn and it would be so cute to have your spouse's family in the hospital and all... Basically I'm just asking PLS HELP! IM AT A LOSS! I DONT MOD GOOD!

    Edit: Just fyi I've got all the event stuff on lock, I just want it to happen when you're actually having a baby! That's the part I just can't seem to figure out...
      Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
      .Lavender. and HopeWasHere like this.
    • .Lavender.

      .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

      I'm no expert, but I get the feeling this may have to be done with a SMAPI mod. I think it's too limited for XNB modding.
      I know someone did a very Harvest Moon-esque "go to the doctor to find out" event and had a video of it with Penny. But IDK how they did it.
      Here's the video of it:
      • KungfuSarah

        KungfuSarah Void-Bound Voyager

        I've looked into smapi and... I tried, I'm still trying, but I have to be honest that's way above my modding skills. I also saw this mod, but I think they just made the Penny events and also couldn't figure out how to implement them and gave up on it... I realize I have to have something to show for this, so here are some pregnant bachelorettes sprites I made. I'm hoping there's a 'hey they're pregnant!' condition or smth that can be recognized by the game, kinda like the Longevity mod changes sprites when it's raining, the npc's are inside/outside etc. I'm currently trying to figure out how to make the female farmer look pregnant, maybe I'll just add a 'pregnancy shirt' that looks like you have a belly that you can wear or smth. Also working on the events. If someone can pleeeeaaase help me to figure out how the pregnancy and having kids stuff works in this game, that'd be much appreciated! Maybe if I get really ambitious we can add some events with the kids growing up and stuff. Wouldn't that be neat.

        Please help

          Attached Files:

          Swedishderp likes this.
        • KungfuSarah

          KungfuSarah Void-Bound Voyager

          Attached Files:

          • ugh.jpg
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          Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
          .Lavender. likes this.
        • .Lavender.

          .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

          Yeah, the stuff in the image is just the dialogue from your spouse.
          But that code is what you want!

          I'm new to SMAPI modding too, but looks like it'd have to be. :(
          There is a SMAPI template pack that got recently uploaded. IDK if that would help?
            KungfuSarah likes this.
          • KungfuSarah

            KungfuSarah Void-Bound Voyager

            Ohhh boy I don't know what I'm doing with this but I've already set my mind to it! I'm gonna look into that, thanks! Also if anyone reads this and understands what is going on in that link I've uploaded pls help me... pls... pls help X3X3
            I'll be over here reading tutorials

            Edit: Valley/Events/QuestionEvent.cs
            FOUND ANOTHER THING LOOK AT ME this is when your spouse asks to have a baby.

            I have... so many questions, if there is someone who wants to help with this, feel free to hit me up
              Last edited: Jun 15, 2018
            • .Lavender.

              .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

              I reaaallly wish I could help you with this. But my only experience with modding the hardcoded stuff like this, was a custom NPC like a year ago.
              Looking at the code, you may be able to just code the event in there? Since it looks like- and I know it does in game, - just a black screen with a text box. If that's the case, you may be interested in checking out the code for Ashley.

              She's the NPC I mentioned, and I know she has an event of this format in her code.
                KungfuSarah likes this.
              • KungfuSarah

                KungfuSarah Void-Bound Voyager

                You are helping a lot thank you so much! I feel like I might be able to do this :)
                • Moragaine

                  Moragaine Existential Complex

                  The Stardew Valley discord has a modding channel - perhaps you could ask for advise in there, too.
                    .Lavender. and KungfuSarah like this.
                  • .Lavender.

                    .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

                    Hello, me again!
                    The above files strangely inspired me, lol. I'm too easily overwhelmed by SMAPI, and I'm just not at an area in my life where I can relearn programming, so I'm trying to make a CP version of the mod.
                    Basically, the drawback is that you'll have to close the game to edit the config file each time you want a change (not to mention that you can do weird stuff like return your baby to the womb, but hey your game, I won't judge!)

                    But so far so good!
                    I've already basically done pregnancy, using the above link as ref and with the Seasonal Outfits maternity sprites. I've also managed to make a custom child NPC! This means you'll be able to actually talk to them and give them gifts lol
                    I can post pics if wanted. For now, I'm using Jas' as a placeholder so my test save farmer and Leah ended up giving birth to a clone of her haha.

                    Events - 0%
                    Sprites - 100%
                    Dialogue - 60%

                    Events - 0%
                    Dialogue - 80%

                    Sprites - 100%
                    Dialogue - 0%
                    Events - ? (IDK if I wanna make any baby events outside of the birth one?)

                    Events - 0%
                    Dialogue - 0%
                    Coding - 50% (put them in the game - going to give them a very basic schedule to wander around the kids' room)

                    Events - 0%
                    Sprites - 0%
                    Dialogue - 0%
                    Coding - 0%
                    • .Lavender.

                      .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Screen Shot 2019-04-01 at 3.21.06 PM.png

                      Some work in progress pics. I can't get the baby to move so they sit here facing the wall without a schedule.

                      Screen Shot 2019-04-01 at 3.25.31 PM.png
                      You can interact with them though!

                      A work in progress, obviously haha.
                      Need to fix the sprite sheet for the infant, oops.
                      Screen Shot 2019-04-01 at 3.25.42 PM.png
                      • Eilonwy74

                        Eilonwy74 Void-Bound Voyager

                        So I'm a mod user, not a modder, but what about a simple cut scene showing either the adoption at a courthouse or the morning after the baby is born in a hospital or at Harvey's clinic? Because with what you guys are talking about it only effects sprites of the NPCs, not the Farmer. And my farmers are always female. Maybe establish a cut scene of the Farmer telling their spouse they are expecting or the adoption is approved and then a second cut scene of the adoption or day after the birth? I'd love a mod that added to the Farmer's story with cut scenes. I also love the idea of interacting with the children!
                        • theaterlover124

                          theaterlover124 Void-Bound Voyager

                          This sounds so cool! I can't wait till you post a full version Lavender!
                          • alexyerena

                            alexyerena Space Hobo

                            your mod sounds great!! <3
                            • blahblahbalhbalh

                              blahblahbalhbalh Void-Bound Voyager

                              not sure if you'll see this since it's been a minute since this thread has been touched but is this still in progress Lavender? if so would love to see it in the future. :)
                              • .Lavender.

                                .Lavender. Pangalactic Porcupine

                                Here to post an update.

                                THE BAD NEWS FIRST.
                                I... accidentally lost all my progress on this a while back. Gone. :I
                                (along with some other WIP mods I had)

                                NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS!
                                Content Patcher has a new feature that'll respond to tokens for when a character is pregnant. Also, there's a SMAPI mod that was released (I forgot the name of it) that makes kids actual NPCs. I'm planning to look at both of these, so hopefully if so, I'll be able to remake this mod faster, easier, and better than before. And who knows, I may actually get it done hehe.
                                • blahblahbalhbalh

                                  blahblahbalhbalh Void-Bound Voyager

                                  aw man sorry to hear that but im glad ur not giving up :) good luck

                                  also i think this is the mod ur talking about just in case anyone else is interested (child to NPC)

                                  OOH also also idk if these will be any help but i would definitely appreciate compatibility if possible (idk if CP mods clash with other mods)

                         (family choices expanded)

                         (not far from the tree)
                                    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
                                    Swedishderp likes this.
                                  • onepersonwhojustwantsamod

                                    onepersonwhojustwantsamod Void-Bound Voyager

                                    any progress on this mod? (if you stopped working on it, sorry, i just found this)
                                    • KungfuSarah

                                      KungfuSarah Void-Bound Voyager

                                      wow! ive been away for a while but im still here, still suck at modding too lol but if you need any help/support please lemme know! i would love to help you out if you still wanna do this
                                      • blahblahbalhbalh

                                        blahblahbalhbalh Void-Bound Voyager

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