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RELEASED Neki 0.99.2

Playful, pesky and borderline obnoxious.

  1. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

    Thank you. Unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish and don't know anybody who could help :(
    If somebody was be willing to make an official translation, I would be very happy too ♥
    Rodmes likes this.
  2. Alexfrito

    Alexfrito Void-Bound Voyager

    ooh I understand, no problem, I wanted to know if there is a possibility that I can help you with that, if you don't have a problem, I speak Spanish and English, I would like to help you if there is no problem .
  3. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  4. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  5. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  6. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  7. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  8. Pukitaki

    Pukitaki Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So I just have a quick question... are there any plans for T6 weapons? Or to make the T5 claws upgradeable?
  9. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

    There are, and I'm already working on something ^-^
    It'll take a little while because I really want to make it worthwhile...
  10. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  11. Pukitaki

    Pukitaki Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So I just had a thought as I'm sitting here on a caturday watching cat videos on YouTube while working on my own little mod and it came to me, "Heehee, Neki needs Murder Mittens..." And as I remembered you saying you were working on something for higher-level claws I just thought I'd toss it at you like a ball of yarn to see if you wanted to play with it.
  12. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  13. SilvanaDamikola

    SilvanaDamikola Intergalactic Tourist

    I like your mod very much. There is so much "quirkiness" and fun, but also some very serious background. I'm also very impressed how active you maintain your mod. Thank you very much for all the work.
    I have one issue/question though. While the character I play starts with normal clothing I selected during character generation, all Neki tenants are basically completely naked. Now I'm not exactly prude and I'm not put off by some pixel nakedness. But since all other tenants - including the Felins from the other cat oriented mod, I play them both - are clothed, it is a bit of an immersion breaker. It just stands out like a sore thumb.
    So is it some kind of an error I'm encountering or is this "works as designed". If it's the latter, could you do something about it, sometimes in the future, please? Perhaps an option like the one with the sitting pose? Their clothes are so sweet.
    Thanks again for the mod. Despite this small issue it's a lot of fun.
  14. SilvanaDamikola

    SilvanaDamikola Intergalactic Tourist

    I also just discovered that I seem to be unable to finish one of the "Protect <Neki Char> from <Villains Group> while killing them" quests.
    It doesn't matter whether I kill the baddies first or visit their spawn point first. Basically, from the three hints in the quest description, the one regarding the spawn point gets accepted, regardles of order, as soon as one gets to the spawn point. But the second one never gets updated in my case even if I kill them all and wait for very long and thus the quest never ends. I tried it several times and with different spawn points + villain groups. It just didn't work. What do I miss?
  15. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  16. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

    Thank you so much! ♥

    The way I envisioned the Neki originally, was a species that should be averse to wearing anything that limits their mobility or sensitivity (i.e. clothing or armor), so it is by design. I only added the clothes much later due to popular demand and because I enjoy making them ^-^
    Regardless, the Neki themselves would NOT want to wear anything, just like a normal real-life felidae wouldn't unless forced to, and the tenants follow that logic. I'll consider doing something about it for the next update, but I can't make any promises.

    I'm not sure how you ended up with Neki NPCs to escort on quests, because I don't remember adding those... There are only two Neki NPC types in the game, and they should only give quests, but never follow you along on them.
    I have a feeling that what you're describing is caused by another mod, could you please test it without other mods installed?

    It would also be a lot quicker and easier to help you if you could hop on Discord and share more details about the issue ^-^
  17. SilvanaDamikola

    SilvanaDamikola Intergalactic Tourist

    All right, I can live with this. Thank you for considering this.

    Meanwhile I found another mod called "drx_fix_npc_protect_quest.pak" which seems to address exactly this issue, completely unrelated to your mod. So I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with yours. For some reason I just discovered this kind of quest for the first time while playing Neki and wrongly thought it was connected. I also have the other cat mod (felin) installed in-parallel and probably mistook the Felins for Nekis. Althogh Nekis' ears are MUCH bigger :p
    Sorry for the confusion.
  18. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  19. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

  20. HyperJuni

    HyperJuni Big Damn Hero

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