Modding Discussion Migrating XNB mods to Content Patcher packs

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. foggywizard

    foggywizard Big Damn Hero

    I'm still testing it (have been for the past week or so, haven't married anyone yet, but so far everyone I've tested is at least dateable now), so make sure to tell me about any bugs, so I can see if I even *can* do anything about some of them. The characters *do not* have Spouse Rooms, since that can't be done without a SMAPI mod.

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      Last edited: Oct 22, 2018
    • agilebee

      agilebee Void-Bound Voyager

      So it's working fine NOW, but there was a bug on my first startup where the mod just didn't do anything. I thought it was a mod conflict, but it wasn't. It's working fine for now and I think it'll be okay. But I do have a question. Are you planning on including different versions of the wizard or just the one that's already in there?
      • Manthacake

        Manthacake Void-Bound Voyager

      • foggywizard

        foggywizard Big Damn Hero

        Different versions of the wizard? You mean like MissCoriel's Razolyn mod? Or just different wizard sprite and portrait replacers and whatnot?
        Because the latter is you can just put the unpacked .pngs for wizard's character sprite and portrait into the specific folders to change them to whatever you want. I do plan to eventually add configuration options, so that you can choose "vanilla", the visual update, or no replacement at all (which will be useful to choose different wizard replacements), as well as possibly add in configuration options so that you don't have to have every character marriageable (if at all possible, all the work so far is just to see if everything can be brought over to CP and get it working, iron out bugs, etc.).
        If you mean like MissCoriel's Razolyn, the answer is also "yes", but it won't be a part of this mod. That wizard will be his own completely separate (but marriageable) character, used to replace the wizard, and I won't be working on him for some time, as that will be after I've finished with this mod and have at least one version out that is either configurable or doesn't include the wizard in it.
        This version is not, at current, compatible with Razolyn, but if I need to post a version that doesn't have wizard in the meantime, I can, since removal isn't as difficult as having done all this stuff.
        • agilebee

          agilebee Void-Bound Voyager

          Yes, I just meant including the vanilla version. I'm just not a fan of some of the younger sprites & portraits for some of the characters. Being able to choose which characters to be marriageable would be amazing as well! Marnie and Pam are just a bit...yikes. Also, there're a lot of bugs. But I'm 90% sure they're from the original mod, not the CP conversion. Things like the spouse room not being rendered, people getting stuck in walls, events not triggering, etc,. They're all things I experienced with the original mod, however, so it's not a Content Patcher issue.
          • paradigmnomad

            paradigmnomad Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            These are SMAPI mods and can't be done with Content Patcher. Posting here may provide better results.
              Manthacake likes this.
            • foggywizard

              foggywizard Big Damn Hero

              Here you go. I made it configurable, and in the process found an error of mine I needed to fix. I also changed a few of the events so that they can only trigger once a different event has occurred (since Penny asking for dinner over her reaction to you being with her mom is a bit weird when you haven't seen it). I'll be fixing other issues as I find them.

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              • Erossavia

                Erossavia Void-Bound Voyager

                Hi there. I've been a lurker here for quite a while now and I've been trying to learn this whole modding thing. I've been playing with some path files tonight and I got all of them to work but one and I just can't figure it out. Can someone please help this old gal out? I do not recall where this graphic came from. I found it last year and my daughter has since deleted all my bookmarks and a Google search has turned up nothing. I really want to give credit where it's due, but...if you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out. I really like this path, though, and would really like to get it working again. Could someone with more knowledge than me, please make this content patcher compatible? I will be forever in your debt. Thanks in advance ~ Eros.

                Oh and if anyone knows who made this, could you please tell me? Thanks.

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                • agilebee

                  agilebee Void-Bound Voyager

                  I've been playing around with the mod and most things seem to be working fine. Divorce, erasing memories, remarrying, all are going as they should. The only thing I noticed is that I can't enter the Wizard's room in his basement. The door there is frozen shut. I suppose the only major things are being able to romance only specific people (personally, I only want Clint and Wizard), the whole deal with the spouse rooms, and changing the Wizard's name to whatever his name is (nobody actually knows, since M. Rasmodius only tells his surname). Magnus could work nicely there. But those are more content-based than just converting to CP, so you might not be interested in doing that. But, if you are, those are some points of interest you could take a look at! Either way, thanks for your work so far.
                    Last edited: Oct 23, 2018
                  • foggywizard

                    foggywizard Big Damn Hero

                    I can look into changing that (since I want to see if I can change character names when you do a certain thing, I.E, the character tells you their name, either through dialogue, or implied as them having told you because you got married). Sandy also isn't Sandy's real name, according to her, though I don't know what would be an appropriate substitute. I was already going to look at fixing their personal bedrooms, but spouse rooms though are only doable with a SMAPI mod, so I can't do that, since I lack any amount of coding skill beyond what I'm already capable of making maps and CP mods.
                    • agilebee

                      agilebee Void-Bound Voyager

                      I saw a thread where someone seemed to have a spouse room for the wizard. From how they spoke about it, it seemed like it was FROM Siv's mod.

                      PS: Sandy is definitely a Rebecca
                      • foggywizard

                        foggywizard Big Damn Hero

                        That is from two years ago. I don't know when exactly Siv's Marriage mod broke (the SMAPI portion of it, anyway), but it's provably incompatible with the current stable version.
                        I think any further discussion of this mod should be in the Siv's Marriage mod thread here:, so that we don't end up clogging the CP requests here with talk of this, since the mod as a whole is a pretty big undertaking.
                        PS: Can change to Rebecca. Will look into it for next version.
                        • eksynn

                          eksynn Giant Laser Beams

                        • foggywizard

                          foggywizard Big Damn Hero

                          It's primarily a smapi mod. Which is why it needs an update. There's no way to mix and match the spouse rooms in CP. I'd like to see that one updated too. I could load Siv's Spouse Rooms with it with no problem if it was.
                          • staarfruit

                            staarfruit Pangalactic Porcupine

                            I'm not 100% sure but I think that path is from Shardie's overhaul post.
                            • Erossavia

                              Erossavia Void-Bound Voyager

                              Thank you! That's been driving me crazy. I hate not giving credit to people when they're stuff is in screenshots but I couldn't locate it. Off to rebookmark that page. :)
                                staarfruit likes this.
                              • Manthacake

                                Manthacake Void-Bound Voyager

                              • Erossavia

                                Erossavia Void-Bound Voyager

                                Nevermind about the white path tile. I finally got it to work! Not sure what I did differently this go around, but it works and that's all that matters. :)
                                  staarfruit likes this.
                                • KhennieMelon

                                  KhennieMelon Void-Bound Voyager

                                  Hello~! I've made CP conversions of two Shane Portrait mods. These are the first two mods I've ever converted, but I've tested them and haven't had any issues so far. So I do recommend backing up your saves first, just like with installing any other mods.

                                  The original mods can be found here: - Shane Portraits by jookjook2
                                  - Shane Portrait and Sprites by TIMMYZYS

                                  ** If the OCs of these mods would prefer I remove these, please contact me. And I'll do so as soon as I'm able to. Feel free to link these.**

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                                    Last edited: Oct 26, 2018
                                    Explorer_Timmy likes this.
                                  • flameofnight

                                    flameofnight Void-Bound Voyager

                                    I did a quick and dirty update for the new Penny Expanded by Wolvenlight. It's not preferred, since it uses Load rather than EditData, but I'm hoping to send Wolvenlight Instructions on making it with EditData. I'll also notify Wolvenlight that this is up here.

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                                      Heavy Rittles and breatemata like this.
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